Friday, January 20th 2023

PSA: Intel I226-V 2.5GbE on Raptor Lake Motherboards Has a Connection Drop Issue: No Fix Available

The Intel Ethernet i226-V onboard 2.5 GbE controller appears to have a design flaw that causes the Ethernet connection to drop at random times for a few seconds. The I226-V is the latest version of Intel's cost-effective 2.5 Gbps Ethernet networking chips meant for PC motherboards with chipsets that have integrated MACs (i.e. Intel chipsets). It succeeds the I225-V, which was Intel's first consumer 2.5 GbE PHY. The I225-V was plagued by various issues that caused it to be unstable at 2.5 Gbps (but could be worked around by forcing 1 GbE mode). Many premium Intel 700-series chipset Socket LGA1700 motherboards integrate the new I226-V, which is the I225's successor, as their default onboard 2.5 GbE controller. Some enthusiast-segment motherboards have a second Ethernet controller that's either of a different brand (such as Realtek or Marvell), or a different kind of wired Ethernet (such as 10 GbE).

Since mid-December, users of Intel 700-series chipset motherboards (which debut the I226-V), have been reporting random connections drops to Intel's Support Community, Microsoft, ASUS and Reddit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. These drops are momentary, last a few seconds, and you'll mostly not notice it; however for applications that need an uninterrupted connection (such as online gaming, video conferencing, VPN, Remote Desktop etc.), such a link drop will be noticeable. You can check if you are affected by opening Windows Event Viewer, navigate to "Windows Logs," "System" and search for "e2fnexpress," in particular Event 27 "Intel Ethernet Controller I226-V, Network link is disconnected." and Event 32 "Intel Ethernet Controller I226-V. Network link has been established at 1 Gbps full duplex." We've experienced the issue in our labs. We tried updating to the latest 27.8 drivers from Intel, and used the latest motherboard BIOS, at 1 Gbps speed, but the issue couldn't be fixed reliably. In the end, we just switched over to the motherboard's second network interface, which is not an Intel NIC, and the issue went away. Another option could be to buy a cheap PCI-Express network card or use the board's integrated Wi-Fi. Still, such issues aren't acceptable, especially not from a world-leading manufacturer like Intel, who once was reputed for the quality of its networking equipment. Intel and its motherboard partners need to get on top of this issue.

Update Mar 1st: Intel has issued a Windows workaround and patch for these issues. Let us know if this fixes it for you.

Update Mar 4th: User @lovingbenji reports that on his system this new driver version does not fix the disconnect issue.
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208 Comments on PSA: Intel I226-V 2.5GbE on Raptor Lake Motherboards Has a Connection Drop Issue: No Fix Available

Interesting. I wonder if the Marvell 10gb adapter has the same issue. I've been dealing with this issue on my z690 formula for a year now and support cannot figure it out.
Posted on Reply
ChaitanyaAnd those engineers in future are going to paid from taxpayers money of a country that believes in free market "capitalism"
As an American that's how I feel about most tax breaks, especially tax breaks for rich consumers to buy luxury items like high end electric vehicles. It's also time to bring back the US' 1950s-60s effective corporate tax rates (40-50%). There's too much zero-effort unearned profit going on. It's not capitalism and it's not free market when we deeply depend on non-free labor and non-free markets. It also devalues labor and props up non-free regimes while ensuring we continue to further and futher support those regimes. It started with politicians making grand claims about how capitalism would start a popular uprising in China, but 50 years later and it's irrelevant. In the real world we managed to turn China into a rising superpower instead. A superpower run by authoritarianism and oligarchy. At home and abroad we are creating the very thing the US was founded to end: aristocracy and power given by generational unearned wealth and influence.

Then there's the real estate and zero-effort patent aspects as well, but I won't get started on that.
Posted on Reply
axiumoneInteresting. I wonder if the Marvell 10gb adapter has the same issue
I turned off the I226-V, turned on the Marvell 10G, moved the Ethernet cable and zero issues since
Posted on Reply
BleomycinHad this exact problem on a fresh install of WIn11 22H2 and the latest drivers from Asus for my Z790 ProArt. Connected to a cisco SG300 switch.

Here is what solved it for me.:

I manually set the speed/duplex settings instead of auto. Downgraded the driver version to the 27.8 release directly from intels website ( in device manager) then set "Idle power down restriction" to "Disabled" and unchecked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power". The problem has vanished and what was dropping every ~10 mins before has been stable for 2 days through multiple sleep/resumes and reboots. No idea which of those changes made a difference but figured I'd try to post some useful information that worked for me for anyone else that might stumble upon this.
I love when people think they solve something or have a fix. What you just did is something that plenty of people have done including myself but the issues will always come back. I've gone through two motherboards and both of them will eventually not recognize ethernet when booting up or have drops. It may take two or three days to show up after you think you fixed something but it will come back. Last night in the middle of downloading I basically just started getting network issues on every single web page even though it looked like the ethernet was actually working. I just had to disable it and use Wi-Fi. I am beyond pissed off at all the time I have wasted troubleshooting and replacing motherboards and reinstalling Windows and trying so-called fixes. I mean how in the hell does Intel screw up something so simple as I have never ever had this issue in the 25 years of fooling with computers.
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R-T-BMy god. Why?
No clue?

They don't like competition??
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A Computer Guy
R-T-BNo, I am using a B3 spinning chip i225-v from an addon card with absolutely no issues.
Can you share the model?
Posted on Reply
I do not see any panic for gamer's alone, 1 GbE mode will do the trick.
About anything else, no comment.

For Intel(R) I210: Intel loaded at the driver a huge pack of special features and tools at 2013, then decides to end software support of some features, and because of that, all modern drivers they are crippled.
And so I am using the best (year 2013) driver, and not the freshest.
Posted on Reply
kiriakostI do not see any panic for gamer's alone, 1 GbE mode will do the trick.
About anything else, no comment.

For Intel(R) I210: Intel loaded at the driver a huge pack of special features and tools at 2013, then decides to end software support of some features, and because of that, all modern drivers they are crippled.
And so I am using the best (year 2013) driver, and not the freshest.
"1 GbE mode will do the trick" is BS as that does NOT work. You people change something and think you fixed it but issues always come back. I have been fooling with this crap for over a month now on two boards and none of the so called fixes permanently solves a damn thing.
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kiriakost1 GbE mode will do the trick
Does not work, I've been running in 1GbE mode all the time and still got disconnects. This might work on I225, but not I226
Posted on Reply
W1zzardDoes not work, I've been running in 1GbE mode all the time and still got disconnects. This might work on I225, but not I226
Have you tested using anything other than Windows? Whatever is going on certainly isn't a design fault with the controller like it was with the i225. That's not to say there isn't a bad batch of controllers or faulty motherboard implementation, but if it was the controller itself it would be effecting more than just RPL motherboards.
Posted on Reply
thestryker6Have you tested using anything other than Windows? Whatever is going on certainly isn't a design fault with the controller like it was with the i225. That's not to say there isn't a bad batch of controllers or faulty motherboard implementation, but if it was the controller itself it would be effecting more than just RPL motherboards.
I don't know for these particular adapters but I've had to deal with bad batches of WiFi cards from intel. And I'm talking about genuine spare parts from the likes of HP and such...
A quick swoop around the web can reveal much more horror stories. Heck, I'm yet to see an intel adapter (in the prosumer class) that has no error event reported, at least in Windows.
Posted on Reply
What the hell ?
I've just ordered Z790 Hero, and I think I have to cancel my order.
No way I'm going to shell out £650 only to troubleshoot this.
Posted on Reply
I found these events in my event viewer on an ASUS ROG STRIX Z790-E GAMING WIFI which I bought around Xmas but I've been able to track these log entries down to my boot up times, i.e. this "error" or oddity only seems to occur when I first boot the system. Maybe the network controller loses connection for a split second when Windows 11 22/H2 starts up, i.e. while the driver is loading(?).
I have the network stack disabled in UEFI/BIOS so this might also explain why the system identifies a kind of reverse connection loss on the first boot.

I work in shifts and do not have a perfectly trackable record but looking back the past few days, I can tell that these are exactly the times when I booted up the system. One night, in fact yesterday, when I worked the night shift, I left my computer running over night to download and install the HUGE DCS World flight sim (a 368GB install for me). There was no such error at all. Zero disconnects.

Obviously my memory (brain.exe) and trackable schedule only reaches back so far so I can not be 100% sure if every single one of these events was related to booting up the system but for now it sure looks like it. Hopefully much ado about nothing...
Posted on Reply
xSneakSo these nics run fine on amd boards but misbehave on intel chipsets ? :confused:
Trust me, AMD board have them; even newer AM5 boards.
dir_dAMD does not run intel nics
See above.
A Computer GuyFunny but not funny, I didn't realize Intel was have a NIC quality problems and when I was shopping for new boards I was avoiding the Realtek ones because I was under the impressions Intel NIC's were still the really known good NIC's.
I specifically looked for an AM5 board with a Realtek NIC onboard. I'm glad I did. Too bad rev 1.1 (rev 1.0 doesn't) of my board has that damn Intel NIC onboard. Idiots.
dj-electrici226 has issues?
i225 has plenty of them already. Not good. I have an i225 that has just... disappeared. Poof, its nowhere to be seen in software.
Damn man. That sucks.
R-T-Bwhat's weird is they just fixed i225 with the latest spinning (sadly almost no mobos got it onboard, but you can find it on addon cards)... finally. WTF happened now? Did they forget how they did it 5 minutes later?
Dr. DroThe i225-V is the worst piece of garbage I have ever dealt with, I'm surprised Intel decided to further develop upon it. It's just a cursed chipset. In truth, it's one of the reasons I decided to get rid of my B550-E motherboard.
Hence my thread --> Is the Intel I225-V Ethernet chip still a buggy piece of...

No wonder why Intel NICs are so cheap, they're a piece of shit that Intel should be forced to recall or at least provide a free add-on card that can slot into a PCIe slot to all of their unfortunate users.

My God how far Intel has fallen.
Posted on Reply
zlobbyI don't know for these particular adapters but I've had to deal with bad batches of WiFi cards from intel. And I'm talking about genuine spare parts from the likes of HP and such...
A quick swoop around the web can reveal much more horror stories. Heck, I'm yet to see an intel adapter (in the prosumer class) that has no error event reported, at least in Windows.
reminds me of the pure garbage 802.11ZX chips intel made a few years back. The latencies on that pile of scrap silicon were the worst I'd ever seen. I'm talking 3000+ms if you tried loading more then one data steam at a time.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardI turned off the I226-V, turned on the Marvell 10G, moved the Ethernet cable and zero issues since
I have no any drop out issues with I226-V with TrueNAS Core (FreeBSD) and I225-V3 with OPNSense, which is also FreeBSD.

I also have I225-V3 card, but can't get it to work with AMD X570 chipset due to AGESA bugs. It's working with cheap Intel board, but didn't test much to say if there are any drop outs.
It's not the worst chipset I had, though. nForce 4 probably was, which was also paired with AMD CPU.
Posted on Reply
regsI have no any drop out issues with I226-V with TrueNAS Core (FreeBSD) and I225-V3 with OPNSense, which is also FreeBSD.

I also have I225-V3 card, but can't get it to work with AMD X570 chipset due to AGESA bugs. It's working with cheap Intel board, but didn't test much to say if there are any drop outs.
It's not the worst chipset I had, though. nForce 4 probably was, which was also paired with AMD CPU.
nForce were legendary indeed! :roll:

Also, for anyone interested:
Posted on Reply
trparkyNo wonder why Intel NICs are so cheap, they're a piece of shit that Intel should be forced to recall or at least provide a free add-on card that can slot into a PCIe slot to all of their unfortunate users.

My God how far Intel has fallen.
Single product success or failure, it does NOT define entire brand (good standing status) in the market.

Once upon a time.... second best INTEL networking competitor was 3COM, and its not here anymore.
What other options we have? Realtek ? They will never lead the market, they accepted it, them to be last best choice. :D
W1zzardDoes not work, I've been running in 1GbE mode all the time and still got disconnects. This might work on I225, but not I226
I226 Launch Date Q2'22, = six months after release = too soon to judge.
Use Conditions: PC/Client/Tablet

My crystal ball this telling me: issue with memory buffers handling, a better driver this setting up, better default values, it will fix it.
Posted on Reply
Stupid question but did anyone try disabling the power saving settings in the i225 and i226 NIC settings in windows to see if that fixes the issues, specifically "Ultra Low Power Mode", "System Idle Power Saver", "Link Speed Battery Saver", and "Energy Efficient Ethernet"?
Posted on Reply
Berfs1Stupid question but did anyone try disabling the power saving settings in the i225 and i226 NIC settings in windows to see if that fixes the issues, specifically "Ultra Low Power Mode", "System Idle Power Saver", "Link Speed Battery Saver", and "Energy Efficient Ethernet"?
Of course that has been tried. There is nothing that anyone can suggest that has not already been tried at this point.
Posted on Reply
robbOf course that has been tried. There is nothing that anyone can suggest that has not already been tried at this point.
Well, btarunr said they tested new drivers and new BIOS updates, but they made no mention of changing the power saving settings. That's why I'm asking the folks who have been having issues, if they specifically tried changing the power saving settings, because some of these settings do prevent the ethernet controller from disconnecting for idle power savings.
Posted on Reply
dj-electrici226 has issues?
i225 has plenty of them already. Not good. I have an i225 that has just... disappeared. Poof, its nowhere to be seen in software.
For 225:
Turn Wifi on/off in Bios as far as i can remember.
I had that bug like twice and simply playing with it (turning on/off, deinstalling anything wifi) did bring it back.

For 226:
Since there is no "installation confirmed" button, many intall the driver twice in a row which will let it disappear in the hardware manager(even after a reboot).
Simply install the driver antoher (third) time.
Posted on Reply
Carlyle2020hsTurn Wifi on/off in Bios as far as i can remember.
I had AX201 once permanently disappeared with Tremont board, after sudden loss of power. Disabling/Enabling in BIOS numerous times did not help. But CMOS reset did.
Posted on Reply
regsI had AX201 once permanently disappeared with Tremont board, after sudden loss of power. Disabling/Enabling in BIOS numerous times did not help. But CMOS reset did.
Possibly irrelevant, but the thing with the AX2x1 chips, they use CNVi, versus the AX2x0 chips which are PCIe x1. The AX2x1 chips are used in systems that have the Wifi integrated into the chipset, while the AX2x0 chips are used in systems that don't have integrated Wifi.
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Someone on Reddit claims that changing from 'Autodetect' to '2.5 Gbps Full Duplex' is a workaround.
Can anyone with the issue confirm this ?
That would be enough for me to justify buying z790 board now.
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