Saturday, May 19th 2007

Blizzard Announces StarCraft 2

Almost ten years after the original, Blizzard officially confirmed today at the third Worldwide Invitational in Seoul, that a StarCraft sequel is in the works. Click here to watch the Starcraft 2 CGI announcement trailer, or here for the first ever posted in-game screenshots!

Visit the official Starcraft 2 website for more information.
Source: IGN
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47 Comments on Blizzard Announces StarCraft 2

JC316Correction. It is THE best ever.. Period. The second one looks to be done right too, unlike warcraft 3.
Correction: Command and conquer is the best ever.

Red alert will survive forever. ;)
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
DippyskoodlezCorrection: Command and conquer is the best ever.

Red alert will survive forever. ;)
i agree :)
Posted on Reply
Knows what makes you tick
Dark RideWhat's so wrong with Warcraft 3 ?
Ugh, I hated the game. It just didn't feel like Warcraft, I liked Armies of Exigo and the ones liek it better.

Never liked Command and Conquer, just not my kinda game. Generals was cool though....
Posted on Reply
JC316Never liked Command and Conquer, just not my kinda game. Generals was cool though....
Generals had to be the most unbalanced RTS I've ever seen. :banghead:
Posted on Reply
DippyskoodlezCorrection: Command and conquer is the best ever.

Red alert will survive forever. ;)
I never got into C & C I still feel like StarCraft is the origional RTS. It is by far one of the most balanced RTS ever made(SC).
Posted on Reply
Never played starcraft, but i liked warcraft 3 :)

Altho, Red Alert > Warcraft :D
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BenpiWhen was the last time Blizzard made a crappy game?

Still, I'd rather play Diablo3 than Starcraft2.
. . . .
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gr8 news about starcraft, one of my faves, but agree on c&c forever!
except generals, that was the genetic fuxx up of the c&c world, should never have been born, felt more like empire earth or something. . .
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Rock and Roll!!!! At least, the 2nd part of SC is here :D i'm dying to see my Fellow Templars Protoss RoXoR \o/
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Basardthis game is junk, exactly like the first one, but slightly shinier... what happened to diablo III? they just let THQ take it all away from them, newbs... and we sit here and wait forever for more starcraft... and what the heck took em so long for this? 10 years to make this junk? i saw the screenshots, looks the same as the old one... too many games like this one already
I got a few questions...
How old are you? :twitch:
Do you ever played RTS?
Name a game from 1998 with better graphics..
Did you watched the videos?
and the last one, there is a lot of games like starcraft, GOOD STUFF always get copied ;)
Posted on Reply
i'm really suprised they are bringing a "new" game out.i thought they would want to continue milking the wow/c cow for much longer.but then again it will just be add on after add on after add on for war crap i suppose.

do people realize how many millions per month they are lining these people pockets with.
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tigger69i'm really suprised they are bringing a "new" game out.i thought they would want to continue milking the wow/c cow for much longer.but then again it will just be add on after add on after add on for war crap i suppose.

do people realize how many millions per month they are lining these people pockets with.
WoW isn't as profitable as you think.

8 million users, with like 60 servers... Of which are far from "simple" xeon systems. They are infact clusters.

Factor in the game master forces, Forum moderators, Programmers, Server guys, Helpdesk guys for the Moderator guys, Managers, Project designers, and all the useless ranks above this...

Then PR/advertising, and then product testing itself.[Which after the latest expansion, I have concluded doesn't exist] ;)

However, WoW is headed pretty far downhill unless blizzard changes their plans and starts reacting to things quickly, rather than half assed and 3 months too late.
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Death Star
tigger69i'm really suprised they are bringing a "new" game out.i thought they would want to continue milking the wow/c cow for much longer.but then again it will just be add on after add on after add on for war crap i suppose.

do people realize how many millions per month they are lining these people pockets with.
They developed a good product, what's wrong with paying them for their product? Milking WoW? What is the problem? Last I checked customers have their freedom of will to pay for products they choose. If you don't see the product fit for your taste, you have the option of not spending your money on it ;)
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Fishfaced Nincompoop* Blizzard aims towards a different experience than WarCraft 3, which means: no creeps, no hero system, less emphasis on micro.
* Units attacking from higher-ground will not be revealed to the target player.
* High Templars and Psi-Storms will be in the game.
* No plans for naval combat.
Yihoaaoaa! ^_^

Zergling mass-lightning-splatter for t3h win! :respect:
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Deleted member 3
FrickYihoaaoaa! ^_^

Zergling mass-lightning-splatter for t3h win! :respect:
That's why I loved to Ultrarush when playing Zerg. As long as I didn't get rushed myself I could be pretty nasty. PSI storm does nothing against it, in fact even Goons and Zeals aren't as effective. Reavers are about the only force to fear, besides being highly outnumbered of course.
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
DanTheBanjomanThat's why I loved to Ultrarush when playing Zerg. As long as I didn't get rushed myself I could be pretty nasty. PSI storm does nothing against it, in fact even Goons and Zeals aren't as effective. Reavers are about the only force to fear, besides being highly outnumbered of course.
You have a point, but against not so HUGE numbers PSI storms could be kinda effective. The truth is, I didn't use it that much when I played, not even single.. Unless I wanted to beat the living crap out of a number of zerglings that got stuck on a ramp.

Never played much online though, so I don't know how that works there..
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Bird of Prey
Been a long time since I even played starcraft, but damn, those graphics are sexy. I cant wait.
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'ling rush, starship cluster...oh man my strat list hasnt been used in years. I truly cannot wait for this to retail and I will be running into walmart at midnight to get it. I really hope they let you queue more than 12 units per team though. 120 'lings is far to little to control.
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Archon+Corsair+Dark Templar = Zerg nightmare lol

Protoss Blood o//

I do this for Aiur!

(I love Zeratul (L))
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The more I see trailers and screenshots for this game, the more I'm starting to hate it. It's great that they're making a sequel to the sequel, but 10 years is way too long of a wait. I had hoped that the designs for the original units would remain unchanged (except the "pretty-ing up" of them), but I guess that won't be happening. Lings survivng a nuke? Nukes being way too noticable and way too fast? No thanks. Shoot, even the classic zealot sound clips are changed... call me a traditionalist but I'm really, really unhappy about what Blizzard did to Starcraft.

On a side note... I want my goons back :(
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