Thursday, February 6th 2025

EVGA Closes Official Discussion Forum, Advises Membership Transfer to Reddit
EVGA has kept a very low profile over the past two years—according to TPU's news section, the company last introduced new power supply products around August 2023. Last July, we heard about extreme overclocker KINGPIN's transition to PNY, and the emergence of an EVGA-designed AMD X670E chipset prototype motherboard. The summer 2023 news cycle generated further rumors about EVGA's motherboard endeavors having ended. Alleged disagreements with Team Green prompted the company—as a board partner—to shutter its NVIDIA GeForce graphics card business in 2022. Late last night, the American computer hardware manufacturer made a surprising "out of the blue" announcement, via its official discussion board—as spotted by VideoCardz.
Unfortunately, EVGA's latest bulletin signals the end of community activity on its popular forum—a statement reads as follows: "responding to the feedback from our valued customers and in light of Reddit's widespread popularity, EVGA would like to encourage its community to transition to Reddit. As of this announcement, our existing forums will be read only and our team will actively engage with customers on Reddit threads moving forward. EVGA and our Moderators would like to thank all its forum members for the years of posts bringing together a great community of PC Enthusiast, and we hope to continue this community at its new home on Reddit." EVGA recommends that its members "head over" to the almost decade old TEAMEVGA subreddit. A nice welcome message greeted new arrivals: "I know a lot of you will miss the forums, but I would like to point out that many PC companies stopped using forums and switched to Reddit and/or Discord. Mods are still here to help you."
EVGA Forums, VideoCardz
Unfortunately, EVGA's latest bulletin signals the end of community activity on its popular forum—a statement reads as follows: "responding to the feedback from our valued customers and in light of Reddit's widespread popularity, EVGA would like to encourage its community to transition to Reddit. As of this announcement, our existing forums will be read only and our team will actively engage with customers on Reddit threads moving forward. EVGA and our Moderators would like to thank all its forum members for the years of posts bringing together a great community of PC Enthusiast, and we hope to continue this community at its new home on Reddit." EVGA recommends that its members "head over" to the almost decade old TEAMEVGA subreddit. A nice welcome message greeted new arrivals: "I know a lot of you will miss the forums, but I would like to point out that many PC companies stopped using forums and switched to Reddit and/or Discord. Mods are still here to help you."
56 Comments on EVGA Closes Official Discussion Forum, Advises Membership Transfer to Reddit
But you know, we know the truth. The guy wanted to retire but didnt want to let go of the baby he built, nor take an advisory role, so instead he came up with a crooked plan that resulted in his baby getting strangled in front of him. A truly Shakespearian comedy. Is there really anyone who thinks EVGA is coming back or even really doing business anymore?
Mind you, I would not really expect updates...
They are done.
For the ones that loved, all that are left are memories, for the ones that hated.. well I guess they got their wish lol
Gigabyte, after several leaks of all user data, simply deleted their official forum in 2022. But even before deletion there were no official representatives on it. There is still a UK Gigabyte forum, bit it’s mostly dead.
I think forums have just become an embarrassment of tech companies. It’s the one place that you can show as “there are issues with your product” by pointing out dozens upon dozens of threads of people seeking help. Official forums were places where it could be confirmed that the product has serial flaw - when it was flooded with people with same experience.
Tech companies don’t like that. They want their reputation squeaky clean, and they want deniability - if the users have problems, but aren’t able to gather and share their experiences, they will be convinced their problems are one off, bad luck, or even user error.
Hardware should work without crapware. Asusmainboard without asus armory crate. coolermaster keyboard without software. AOC AGON mouse without "the I can not find the software - software for windows"
Who will fix those security issues with "legacy" EVGA hardware?
The biggest issue is that the cost of developing and making a GPU has gone up exponentially over the years. It's vastly more expensive than it used to be. Also the complexity, amount of components, and cost of making the boards has gone up exponentially as well. Progress = astronomical cost and price increases. That killed profit margins. Not only that but EVGAs actual quality customer service and actual warranty meant they couldn't make money. They'd have to screw their consumers over.
There was no money in it and no point in it. You have to be an ASUS, MSI, or GIGABYTE and charge a lot more per GPU and have shit customer service and sell at those volumes to make it work now.
Rising complexity due to progress inherently destroys industries. Progress causes complexity which will always end up in vastly more expensive products for the consumer and kill off most competitors in a market place. If you demand progress you are demanding to pay crazy amounts more for the products and demanding a monopoly. Gamers wanted progress. Which means gamers want to pay shit tons more money for products and be trapped in a monopoly. They got exactly what they asked for!
There's nothing more insulting to the internet savy people, than to see a certain forum or website of value is gone offline just because it was expensive to keep it up, even just as a legacy. Johnny Guru I'm looking at you. There's more to it than just a maintenance costs. Losing (straightforward) access to a certain info could be planned. Luckily there's internet archive still around.
If you need service EVGA site has access to drivers and registering your products.
Hi everybody
That sounds encouraging. I definitely like the look and feel so far.
I have been mentioning Techpowerup at Reddit...allot of shocked people....never know where they will go.
I put
one2 of my machines on your Teamearliertoday.;)
PS...I am on a post approval delay:(
You reading my mind?
You missed one:cry:
I got my first and only perma ban about 4 months ago, no previous warnings or anything, and also for nothing in the rules, I had apparently upset a member, and that was enough to be gone, sort of thing, I later read that these perma bans which are not vetted by reddit staff can lead to an reddit wide ban under specific circumstances, most of these problems is because reddit is designed to be community moderated.
I also rarely make new posts on reddit, and stick to comment on existing ones, as I have a very high % of posts that get deleted for usually very vague reasons that are not consistently applied on the sub.
So yeah a gigabyte/evga or nvidia/AMD community on reddit would never duplicate an existing official forum. The amount of censorship alone kills the idea.
Far too many for us to waste our time on to try and list them
If you find something from a google search it can be very handy because you don't have to post. Just read and use the info.
If you actually try and comment...OH you have done it!
The problems are just beginning ..
So you are signed in... You craft a really well edited work of it only to find out it just disappeared for some reason??
Why?...just walk draft nothing saved and no idea what happened.
The main problem for, most of, the poor souls from Team EVGA, is they have to keep scrolling through the multiple replys to see new ones..Ones you never got alerts for.
I just tried to use it to redirect the, lost souls of, wonderful people.
I definitely hear you!
Mind you, I have seen way worse comments in that sub alone, without consequences.
I will be keeping my X299 micro, x99 Classifieds, 3080FTW and 3080Ti GPUs
Oh yeah, hello!