Monday, July 23rd 2007
MIT Team Simplifies Programming
The group of people who were previously responsible for creating the popular LEGO Mindstorms series of programmable capable robotics kits are responsible for creating Scratch a program which makes it easier for young kids above eight years old to learn programming. Scratch is available as a free 35 MB download, and so far runs on both Windows and Mac OS X. Programming commands are very simple and are separated into categories such as Motion and Sensing and the commands can be dragged and dropped into the scripts panel.Scratch saves its finished files in its own .SB format, but users can also upload their finished products to the Scratch home page by clicking a specific button. Other users can then download and comment on these projects. There is also an option to save the finished project without uploading it to the Scratch web site, which involves downloading a Java applet from the Scratch web site.
6 Comments on MIT Team Simplifies Programming
Is it as powerful as C++? :rolleyes:
I like the visualisation of loops in the code. Neat