Monday, July 23rd 2007

OLPC Project Goes Into Production

The One Laptop per Child project has started production, with the first children in the developing world expected to receive their computers in October this year. While initial estimates wanted the device to cost no more than 100$ it seems that it was not possible due to a better screen selection and the existence of Wi-Fi thus the device will cost $176. Time will tell what the true impact of giving children in the developing world access to free Laptops will be.
Source: BBC
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15 Comments on OLPC Project Goes Into Production

not a suicide-bomber
HellasVagabondTime will tell what the true impact of giving children in the developing world access to free Laptops will be.
porn :roll:
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ptporn :roll:
If they were given to kids, I could see things going a bit TOO well.. but they'll probably keep every laptop under watch so nothing "exciting" will come of it..

If the kids get to take it home and use it, well... I could see some very creative hackers coming out of it. Both good and bad. :)
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True Nigerians got the first Beta batch and started watching porn...However now since it has reached mass production we may see something different...
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All I can see is more scammers from Nigeria. This is a good idea on paper only imo...
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DippyskoodlezThis is easily fixed by adding a filter.
Never stopped me before :toast:.
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Nemesis881Never stopped me before :toast:.
When I was incharge of filtering, my policy was you find your way around it, you get to access it....... for the day. :roll:
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Wow. A WHOLE classroom of kids with OLAP. I think the power for the classroom is more than the lightbulbs they cannot afford. They will bankrupt the whole village on electric-bills. :eek:
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Ah, but you forget, the OLPC's battery is charged by kids cranking a hand crank/stomping on a pedal.
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Actually, those hand cranking/pedal stomping sewing machines at least earn them a bit of cash. LOL
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Bird of Prey
Wasnt there a news story saying the OLPC in nigeria was used for porn?
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That was the first test batch...This is the OLPC reaching full production status....So this time more people will be able to do what the Nigerians did :P
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