Wednesday, August 22nd 2007

Henri Richard Quits AMD

Henri Richard, AMD's head of sales and marketing, officially turned in his resignation. Henri Richard will stop working for AMD on September Eighth, just two days before the fashionably late Barcelona micro-architecture launches. The Wall Street Journal claims that Richard is leaving AMD to pursue a different career path.
Source: The Inquirer
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32 Comments on Henri Richard Quits AMD

its not always about the money sometimes I guess, people actually enjoy working where they do, and will quit there current careers to try something new.
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at least he didnt stay there and run AMD ALL the way into the ground ...
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"to pursue a different career path" Bullshit. I think he left because he didn't want to stay and see his career dying
Posted on Reply
Everyone go out now and buy an AMD product!!

We can't let AMD die!
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a different career path could mean working for intel.
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Obviously he realised the company he was working for sucked and was going nowhere so he left.

Good choice.
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Hmmm wonder if this is a good thing or bad thing for AMD.
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i think it is good for AMD, many ppl never heard of AMD and that guy was the head of marketing so...
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You dont leave a company when it is worth staying....
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He actually drove AMD into the floor... if he at least did some advertising, AMD would be better off now, but no.
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It always seems to me that AMD is fading. It almost feels like Sega to me.

Intel has higher end product than AMD at the moment.

Nvidia has Higher end product than Ati at the moment.

but yet I sports AMD/Ati
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CashetiObviously he realised the company he was working for sucked and was going nowhere so he left.

Good choice.
how very lame of you...

anyone knows AMD does not suck, and going knowhere? lol... they are going plenty places, and have the goods lined up to work on
Posted on Reply
Well it needed to happen, whether the reason is that management made him leave or that he left on his own accord. I'd say it's a combination of the two. Not good for the company as it happens at a time when they are struggling however, and that sends a poor message to the market.

AMD needs new ideas and a new direction, particularly in sales and marketing (I'm assuming their R&D is good, and that we'll see strong CPU products in Q4), and hopefully his replacement will be able to provide that. We can't overlook how crucial it is to have a strong competitor to Intel and ATI; loose that and we can expect higher prices and slower development.
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
stock holders wanted him out. and look at the price of AMD's stock? it is pure shit! people at the top of that company have seen millions pissed away.

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that table is great, it shows where people buying the x2 cpu and where the new x2900 should have been released incrasing the stock
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Gone Fishing
a111087i think it is good for AMD, many ppl never heard of AMD and that guy was the head of marketing so...
Yeah but the Head of Marketing is only as good or successful as the product he has to Market, perhaps he felt that Barcelona and Phenom were going to be "dogs" and that it was time to move on, dont get me wrong, I am a bit of an AMD fanboi but successful career minded high fliers only want to be associated with success, one things for sure, he wont be moving to Ageia!
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Gone Fishing
Easy Rhinostock holders wanted him out. and look at the price of AMD's stock? it is pure shit! people at the top of that company have seen millions pissed away.

But I would have thought, if that was the case, the president and people like the heads of technology....innovation etc etc would go long before the Head of Marketing, as I said before, you can only market the products that are handed to you, if those products are below par (although I am not saying all of AMD's products are below par), thats down to the monkeys making/designing them.
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Bird of Prey
Here Here Mandelore. Seeing as how you said it nicely, I wont rant and rave about the stupid comments made. AMD is not dying, him leaving is probably a good thing, he cant market for shit and of course, AMD makes killer products. You all are boohooing because Intel got their asses handed to them and made a change and learned from it. AMD will do the same, just calm down and quit stressing.
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
the 'bottom line' is what is important. im sure that guy lost a ton of money just in his stock options over the past year! of course he wants to leave and i bet he got a lot of pressure from the stockholders, just like the rest of the executive. he is replaceable.
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
An interesteing....but harsh article, It didnt strike me that things were that bad, after reading that you could be forgiven for thinking that if Barcelona and Phenom dont compete with Intel's offerings then it could almost be "bye bye" AMD/ATi.
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~Technological Technocrat~
tigger69well rats always jump from a sinking ship,dont they :P

thats pretty harsh but true
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look at the latest post, Intel are making a new product just to "counter" barcelona, dont that make u feel they got a wee bit worried? hmmm?
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mandelorelook at the latest post, Intel are making a new product just to "counter" barcelona, dont that make u feel they got a wee bit worried? hmmm?
Worried? Don't think so. Intel alredy did a LOT of money from their Core 2 Duo/Quad processors. Their performance is simply uncatchable. Intel is just beeing smart. What did AMD managed to do by delaying to "counter" the Core 2s? They lost the market and that's a FACT. Intel is not as stupid as AMD is, so once again they are holding the market

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