Tuesday, August 28th 2007
K10 Breaks 30,000 in 3DMark06
The Inquirer is claiming that they have some benchmark scores to disclose with AMD's K10. They say that it was running on the RD790 chipset, with two HD 2900 XT cards, and some Corsair's Dominator PC2-9136C5D. They clocked it at 3.0 GHz with the video cards clocked at 830 MHz for the GPU and 900MHz for the memory. They ended up with a score of 30,031 in 3DMark06 a new world record if true. They didn't point out what kind of cooling was used, but if it was just your standard heatsink. Expect even higher scores to be reached after their release.
The Inquirer
71 Comments on K10 Breaks 30,000 in 3DMark06
Now, that said, I personally hope that these benchmarks are true, as I'd hate to see AMD go down the drain :).
Anyways 3DMarks is not all that anyways best way is to wait till real gaming is tested so at least wait till that info is out before calling people how wrong they are when really none of us actually know. Yes they combined all cores together but really we will have to wait till the facts are there. hopfully for AMD they are on a good thing as we all be kinda up the creak without a padel without AMD BUT then again AMD goes down maybe Samsung would buy it :P...
yes the phenom will be faster than the current intels it has to its superior and next gen chip what ever that may mean
yes if you check the release table of amd you can't find a 3 ghz phenom it is the least experimental don't get my wrong they have the core but not in so high clock the first phenoms will be a 2.00ghz and a 2.2 ghz
yes it might be 4 times faster it is a fast next gen core the c2d was 2 or 3 times faster than the core d
yes it is demo it is tweak to be as fast it cant be. when you go to buy a car it has everything but later when you bough it you can see the difference between the demo and you car( or the vista demo and the reality of windows me 2)
yes if a say i am a fan boy it abolition the fanboysm be cause you now know i am a fan boy and i can' lie,is the same thing if i say i am a lier, if i am i say lies so i am not but if i am not say any lie then i do say lies and the cycle begins
IBM and AMD have enjoyed a formal technology collaboration since 2002. That business relationship has proven so mutually rewarding it was extended in 2005 and will continue well beyond 2010.
The connection between the companies? We share underlying breakthroughs in areas of chip design and manufacturing, such as transistors, chip connection, packing, and lithography, which stand to benefit both companies.
This collaboration may be just what we needed .....the big pay off.....:toast:
3DMark Score: 27039 Shamino & Kinc Mushkin OC Team live at GC 2007 ASU...
if it was true why not publish it ? cause its complete bullshit
I personally don't care if it pwns a conroe or not, but I do hope that it evens out the field a little more. I've read a lot of hype over this chip, let's just home AMD can keep all you hype-fanatics happy. I hope the K10 arcitecture is as amazing as promised, AMD needs it.
Prepare to bow, intel fanbois.
I'll be waiting for my cookie come next spring.