Sunday, September 16th 2007

HIS Unveils ATI Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512MB PCIe
Rumors of Radeon HD 2900 Pro have been going around for a while. Beta drivers also revealed the existence of the card. Now Hightech Information System (HIS) surprisingly started offering ATI Radeon HD 2900 Pro based video card. The HIS HD 2900 Pro 512MB GDDR3 VIVO PCIe (PN: H290PR512DVN-R) unveils that HD 2900 Pro will feature the same 320 stream processing R600 GPU and 512-bit memory interface used in all ATI HD 2900 XT graphics cards. The only difference between the two cards will be the clock speeds, 600MHz/1600MHz core/memory for HD 2900 Pro (reference HD 2900 XT clocks: 740MHz/825MHz core/memory). HIS also recommends a price of $249 for the 512MB GDDR3 version of HIS HD 2900 Pro. Link to HIS HD 2900 Pro product page.
53 Comments on HIS Unveils ATI Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512MB PCIe
This is where our knowledge of hardware pays off. All the noobs will still buy the 2900 XT, not realizing that the 2900 Pro is the same card which just needs a simple overclock. It's like ATI is saying "You can call our bluff? Here, take the XT for 250$".
Looks like the same case as with the X1900 XT and XTX.
If they really do convert it $ to £ properly, and add VAT, it'll still only cost about £150 in the UK, which is a nice price point, as compared above.
If the lower speeds can still pump out performance close to the XT 512MB, but keep temperatures down, this will be one sweet deal.
Is worst or better than the hd2900xt ?
Which is the nearest in performance?
256 Bit Interface!!!
Hmmm, If it is 512bit, I might pick one of these up, and Bios mod it to XT for a Crossfire Setup.
EDIT: Nix that, how much you wanna bet it only has one PCIe power connector.
Nix that nix that, my plan may still be on either way. lol
But if you succeed, be sure to post some pics.
EDIT: just saw that hd2900gt picture, that's were the "broken" ones go.
Pre-xmas market sounds tempting for a new GPU, a lot to choose from and great prices.
Yeah, I hate the mark-up that manufacturers place for items sold in the EU. Customs charges are nowhere near as high as they claim, and with VAT, the price for the 2900Pro should be about £150, if they don't jack it up.
Yeah, Nvidia will definately be waiting for ATi's move, and will likely lower the price across the board, to put some serious pressure on ATi, who's already in an uphill struggle.
This definitely looks promising for the budget minded gamer (like myself). Either way I am going to wait it out like always. Although, these look realistically priced IMO. May have to make a switch to ATi.
I wonder how they(ATi) will stack up against the new nVidia gpu.
"Note: For optimal performance, and for ATI Overdrive, Overclock,
and CrossFire™ configurations, use one 2×3-pin and one 2×4-pin
PCIe™ power connectors on a 750 watt or better power supply."