Friday, October 12th 2007

Microsoft Excel 2007 Calculation Issue Fix Available
Two weeks ago, an issue involving the calculation of numbers around 65,535 and 65,536 has been found in Microsoft Excel 2007. If you try to calculate "=850*77.1" in Excel 2007, it will display an incorrect value, but if you then multiply the result by 2, you will get the correct answer. As of today, fixes for this issue in Excel 2007 and Excel Services 2007 are available for download here. Microsoft is in the process of adding this fix to Microsoft Update so that it will get automatically pushed to users running Excel 2007 or Excel Services 2007. Additionally, the fix will also be contained in the first service pack of Office 2007 when it is released. The release date has not yet been finalized.
MSDN blog
7 Comments on Microsoft Excel 2007 Calculation Issue Fix Available
The problem could be much bigger than the example shown. Is it just the "display-number" function bug, or is the bug in the variables/maths themselves? If so, ouch!
Ever try to see what the default value for the last cell in Excel is? I'll give you two guesses...
I have to chuckle every time I see that one dudes sig that has the faux dictionary entry for Windows:
win-does: A 32-bit extention and graphical interface for a 16-bit patch for an 8-bit OS from a 2 bit company that can't stand one bit of competion.
...or something along those lines, I'm quoting from memory!
Just goes to show how much effort they actually put into futhering their software. Just making the "pig" prettier!
win-does: A 32-bit extention and graphical interface based on a 16-bit patch of an 8-bit OS built for a 4-bit microprocessor coded by a 2 bit company that can't stand one bit of competion.
Correct version :toast: