Thursday, October 18th 2007

AMD Manufacturing 45nm Processors
Dirk Meyer, AMD's chief technical officer, indicated during their Q3 conference call that Fab 36 is currently manufacturing 45nm processors. Meyer says AMD's first 45nm processor line-up will be server and desktop based and that they will be on track for production ramp in the first half of 2008. Basic yields are being attained right now at 45nm using existing materials.
TG Daily
16 Comments on AMD Manufacturing 45nm Processors
good old reliable inquirer strikes again
But in all honesty, it would be great to just see some enthusiastic competition between the 2 big guys. I like both companies, seeing as they provide different innovations to the table. Price-wise/power consumption/performance-wise
We as consumers win in all 3 categories if there's continuous level competition :toast:
Now if only we had 65nm Phenoms.
still too early to getting excited, just because the fabs are functional and they have preliminary yields, doesnt mean that the chips are functional and fully tested..
only time will tell.
But for the hell of it GO AMD GO! (hell knows you need it right now)
Edit: like a post from the original linked page, Im a bit worried if AMD has thrown alot into getting 45nm without considering the risks... financial risks. Intel has spent alot of time working on 45nm, and im just hoping so has AMD, but just being top secret about it, otherwise, with them just getting 65nm chips into the swing of things, they may bleed money with the uptake of the well rehersed and debugged intel 45nm's.
Really hope they do pull this one off
(also wonder if 45nm would be compatable with AM2+ boards with a bios update like intel? )
Speculation though: What would entail to run one of these chips. Mandelore, Bios update, yah think that would be all that it takes?
Also would current AM2 boards be able to run AM2+ chips?