Saturday, October 20th 2007

Electronic Arts Pushing for Single Open Platform for Games

When a gamer is shopping for the proper device to game upon, they get a huge headache. There are no less than four different choices (PC, Xbox360, PS3, Wii), and all of them have their individual set of games at different price points that perform differently. Electronic Arts is getting very tired of coding it's games four times over, and wants there to be one open platform to ease the headaches of both consumer and developer. Unfortunately for EA and gamers, console manufacturers would not get very much profit if they all just surrendered their proprietary stuff and made one big happy open-source console. Analysts predict that if game consoles do fade out in the near future, they will be replaced by terminal servers, so that users can simply plug in with a set-top box.
Source: DailyTech
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23 Comments on Electronic Arts Pushing for Single Open Platform for Games

We have one already, its called a PC!
Posted on Reply
zekrahminatorWhen a gamer is shopping for the proper device to game upon, they get a huge headache. There are no less than four different choices (PC, Xbox360, PS3, Wii), and all of them have their individual set of games at different price points that perform differently. Electronic Arts is getting very tired of coding it's games four times over, and wants there to be one open platform to ease the headaches of both consumer and developer. Unfortunately for EA and gamers, console manufacturers would not get very much profit if they all just surrendered their proprietary stuff and made one big happy open-source console. Analysts predict that if game consoles do fade out in the near future, they will be replaced by terminal servers, so that users can simply plug in with a set-top box.

Source: DailyTech
microshaft and thier xbox ambitions caused this ...
Posted on Reply
Windoze home server anyone?

Unfortunately the cost of gaming has seen increase in past years, and is going to see more of a increase.
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i copped it but i have no dvd brive, ordering from teh egg monday ..
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[I.R.A]_FBimicroshaft and thier xbox ambitions caused this ...
IMO Xbox 360 is the best console right now; unless you're a 5 year old learning how to play video games, the Wii is the best choice.

Btw, valve said porting from PC to Xbox360 takes ~1 day of work. EA's mission statement is this: "Create the most profitable products while using the lowest possible quality and effort".
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HelveticaIMO Xbox 360 is the best console right now; unless you're a 5 year old learning how to play video games, the Wii is the best choice.

Btw, valve said porting from PC to Xbox360 takes ~1 day of work. EA's mission statement is this: "Create the most profitable products while using the lowest possible quality and effort".
It probably doesnt help that they have a bunch of idiots working for them that don't know how to code stuff correctly. And that EA statement gos right with what Madden is. They simply add the bare minimum of new features to the game every year, and some years they even take out some of the older though still popular features. EA should rott in Hell. The only way anyone is gonna be able to make them listen is to not buy any games crated or published by EA. And that nearly impossible now that Crysis is about to come out along with Army of Two, and Rock Band as well so unless we really hate EA enough to boycott their games were gonna be stuck with them making crap software for sports games:shadedshu:shadedshu
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Bird of Prey
Its not just MS and the pc. PS3 and Xbox 360 and even the Wii all have different SDKs to work with. Its a complex formula taking a game from the PS3 to the 360 and vice versa. Granted, its a bit different in just some small areas, but enough to make it a hassle.
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Poor EA ,i feel for them i really do..

Not forgeting they are probably the WORLDS biggest video games publisher and make so much money its prob hard to imagine how much lol.

with that in mind i feel so sorry for the mighty monolithic entity known as EA

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my fav0rit games are some EA games all the NFS series and MostWanted is still one of my favs although DiRT is up there too
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thing is EA are churning out hundreds upon thousands of games for all genre's and consoles including major PC titles! take for instance tomb raider aniversary edition i think is avaliable on almost every console going and the PC! how much silly time in re-coding it all these times over, mean a bit of a head screw is it not?!! then the cost of hiring these people capable of doing that then producing millions of games after developing and creating the games must be phenomenal. only reason i think EA are top of the gaming market is simply because they have major titles in almost every sector in the gaming industry and creating some themselves, especially with the release of the Sims back in '99 or whenever! that game was everywhere, selling out all the time, only because it was soo original, now though it seems it's dragged on, but in the instance of the Need for Speed series i've lost track of how many games were actually released, most famously of course is the Underground series and MW also Carbon, games in their own right deserved the credit they got becuase of all the effort EA have put in to keep these series going. games as far back as my megadrive and master system games i know made by EA were some of my fave, So at the end of all this i come down to say good on EA, despite dodgy online services and dissapearing KEY business i thank them for keeping some of the best games going!! Thanks EA :toast:
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So..wait what coding four times over? Is that to tells us that they've never ported anything? Because porting is not the same as properly cod.. oh "CODING OVER." So they're whining about porting?

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PC is THE open format for games, very little or even no license fees, single development platform with a potential customer base of 100,000,000 and no release date or development restrictions, Games developers just haven't utilised the pc platform very well since the increase power available to consoles beginning with the ps1 and the adaptability that power increase brought with it.
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Helvetica"Create the most profitable products while using the lowest possible quality and effort".
Screw EA. I refuse to buy any of their crap games. Who's with me??? Lets see those basterds go out of business!
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Nemesis881Screw EA. I refuse to buy any of their crap games. Who's with me??? Lets see those basterds go out of business!
Maybe after Crysis comes out... :p.
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Retired Super Moderator
Nemesis881Screw EA. I refuse to buy any of their crap games. Who's with me??? Lets see those basterds go out of business!
here, here...totaly agree here.....SCREW THE MAN on this one.....just bought TW08 and after 3 weeks it just wont work anymore.....Talk to EA 3 times to get warranty info sent via email and they just do nothing.

It sux to be the david in the GOLIATH battle, because they, at EA just figgure there will be another ass to fill my seat at the next PC being built!

I really hope people will stop buying there poorly codded POS games ,either sendin EA to the drawing board to do a little more than rerelease the same game with a new box and year label, or putting a hurt in their wallets.

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sneekypeethere, here...totaly agree here.....SCREW THE MAN on this one.....just bought TW08 and after 3 weeks it just wont work anymore.....Talk to EA 3 times to get warranty info sent via email and they just do nothing.

It sux to be the david in the GOLIATH battle, because they, at EA just figgure there will be another ass to fill my seat at the next PC being built!

I really hope people will stop buying there poorly codded POS games ,either sendin EA to the drawing board to do a little more than rerelease the same game with a new box and year label, or putting a hurt in their wallets.

I third that motion and I encourage every gamer out there to boycott EA's games no matter how enticing they may be because once they lose money then they will make one triple A game to get everyone back and then start making crap again. We must not let this happen..

Posted on Reply
zekrahminatorWhen a gamer is shopping for the proper device to game upon, they get a huge headache. There are no less than four different choices (PC, Xbox360, PS3, Wii), and all of them have their individual set of games at different price points that perform differently. Electronic Arts is getting very tired of coding it's games four times over, and wants there to be one open platform to ease the headaches of both consumer and developer. Unfortunately for EA and gamers, console manufacturers would not get very much profit if they all just surrendered their proprietary stuff and made one big happy open-source console. Analysts predict that if game consoles do fade out in the near future, they will be replaced by terminal servers, so that users can simply plug in with a set-top box.

Source: DailyTech
I know this may sound a bit vulgar, but EA can suck a fat ass. Boo frickin' hoo they don't want to recode their games 4 times over. Then do us all a favor and get the hell out the business!
Posted on Reply
rofl, someone should email a link to this thread to them or post it in one of their support forums (if they even have fags..:nutkick:)

btw, crysis honestly doesnt look that great. The only thing i has going for it is graphics, but that won't make up for the crappy gameplay and knowing EA they will patch it 40 times and just make it worse.
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I agree. I was gonna buy crysis for the graphics, but I'm having second thoughts. I'm going to wait to see reviews first. The game looks like it's trying to copy Half-Life without making look like it's copying. Fukkit I'll get it - the weapons look awesome, but the character death animations look terrible.
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Atari is doing no better, or the shit company they had code it, Eden. But it is the same with EA, they buy smaller companies, and have them produce the games.
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SteevoAtari is doing no better, or the shit company they had code it, Eden. But it is the same with EA, they buy smaller companies, and have them produce the games.
Atari will make good games their just not always recognized like this one game that came out a couple years ago called Indigo Prophecy it was a really good game from what I hear. and sure Atari does do movie licenses and etc. for games and sure they will often be crappy like those dragonball GT, Z, etc. games licensed by Atari but thats just so they wont go out of business because in case you havent forgotten Atari is still trying to dig itself out of a financial hole its in right now. EA on the otherhand isnt in a financial hell hole so they don't have to create less innovative games to make money, they just choose to for the most part since their lazy fat asses. Great companies that take big risks on games that people thought would be great are barely still around right now like Majesco and Atari.
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Instead of boycotting EA games, just pirate them!
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It wouldn't be a problem if everybody would just use x86! It's not all the software platforms that hurt, it's piles of crap like the Cell or a stupid in-order tri-core PPC that bog the code-monkeys down...

Edit: Also, once I've bought an EA sports game (Rugby, Ice Hockey, American Football, Cricket etc...) on each platform I just download the next version. I'm not gonna pay another thirty+ pounds so I can play the same game but with slightly better graphics....
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