Sunday, November 11th 2007

Canadian Police Will Not Hunt Down Demonoid Users; Will Tolerate Piracy

In a stunning turnaround from the staunch anti-piracy position the CRIA has against Demonoid, the Canadian police announced that they are not going to hunt down every Demonoid user. They are also not going to target the average pirate. Instead of focusing on every college student and old lady who downloads a song or two off of a P2P network, the Canadian police are going after organized crime/piracy, as well as piracy that affects the health and safety of citizens. In an interview with Le Devoir, Noël St-Hilaire, head of copyright theft investigations of the Canadian police, discussed the new Canadian stance on piracy. He said that chasing down every single pirate is tedious, time consuming, and generally fruitless. A very simple statement of the new Canadian view of piracy:
Piracy for personal use is no longer targeted. It is too easy to copy these days and we do not know how to stop it.
Torrent Freak discovered quite a few studies that show piracy as having a beneficial effect on the economy.
Source: Torrent Freak
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46 Comments on Canadian Police Will Not Hunt Down Demonoid Users; Will Tolerate Piracy

Sold my stars!
canada ftw!!!
Posted on Reply
zekrahminatoras well as piracy that affects the health and safety of citizens.
i didnt know piracy was bad for your health :wtf:
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As if we needed more reasons to move there.. ;)
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Piracy for personal use is no longer targeted. It is too easy to copy these days and we do not know how to stop it.
Sueing 99.8% of the citizens should do the job...
Posted on Reply
I was glad to hear this. I'm so happy my country has its head on straight every once in a while.
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so does canada allow UK citezens to migrate there?
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Sold my stars!
haven't canadian citizens been protected from getitng sued for piracy since way back?
Unless you live in Canada, downloading copyrighted material via P2P may put you at risk for a lawsuit. Canadian users are currently shielded from P2P lawsuits. Canada signed the 1997 World Intellectual Property Organization Internet Treaties, but has not yet ratified them by enacting their provisions into domestic law.
from torrentportal
Posted on Reply
It's too bad the government in the US won't say the same thing to the RIAA and force them to sit down and shut up and find a way to make their business more modern.
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not a suicide-bomber
Nemesis881i didnt know piracy was bad for your health :wtf:
*pirate speaking on* you wouuld starrt speakiiing in a funnyyy waaay *pirate speaking off* :)
Posted on Reply
Sueing 99.8% of the citizens should do the job...
don't give the US gov any ideas . . . they're crazy/stoopid enough to do that
Posted on Reply
imperialreigndon't give the US gov any ideas . . . they're crazy/stoopid enough to do that
i like that point - although yes they probably will or make the Canadians do it there way anywya
Posted on Reply
Sold my stars!
imperialreigndon't give the US gov any ideas . . . they're crazy/stoopid enough to do that
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Bird of Prey
so does this mean Demonoid is back in action? If not, it doesnt really make me happy :(
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Sold my stars!
well its still down, but if gets new servers, it should work, since the site was closed down due to the company that was renting it servers was threatened.
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zekrahminatorthe Canadian police are going after organized crime/piracy
I'm down with that.
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Bird of Prey
well then, lets hope they get new servers.
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lol, really, it's impossible to stop copy of anything...
Posted on Reply
Hehe typical Canucks :)

But hey you know, if they target the piracy 'lords,' who openly flaunt their 'skillzzzz' on the web, then that would do well.

Knock off groups like Razor, FLT and Proto.

"It's too bad the government in the US won't say the same thing to the RIAA and force them to sit down and shut up and find a way to make their business more modern."

So giving into crime is 'modern?'
Posted on Reply
jurrasstoilSueing 99.8% of the citizens should do the job...
I think that would be to much of a waste of taxpayers money.. just like the prison system is.

I'll say about 30% of people who are into music elc in Canada pirate.

My guess on it being bad for your health, is hospitals that use pirated software... some hospital software costs like 20 or 40 grand.
Posted on Reply
Woah Mama!
+1 Reasons for me to get my arse over to Vancouver to live with a mate there. I think the Canadian Police may just be the only ones with reasonable intelligence.
Instead of using up resources to try find everyone who downloads something, whilst they effectively lower resources on hunting down murderers and drug dealers. They seem to know what they are doing, unlike Supertroopers may incline though.
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newconroer"It's too bad the government in the US won't say the same thing to the RIAA and force them to sit down and shut up and find a way to make their business more modern."

So giving into crime is 'modern?'
That's not really what I meant. I meant instead of them suing they need to make change their business plan to make people WANT to buy their product instead of downloading it.
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It doesnt mean demonoid is back in action, but it does mean that all of us with demonoid accounts are safe.
Posted on Reply
Good to see that there's humans that still retain some form of intelligence even after joining the government :P

Seriously, why they haven't realized this before is beyond me. It's the same way here in Norway. The police will not bother going after someone that downloads a song or a game every now and then. They want the people behind the bigger hubs/networks. Same as with drugdealers, really, if viewed narrowly. Why bother spending all the resources on catching someone that sells an ounce of hash two times a week, when you can hunt down the tosspot that brings 50 kilo over the border twice a month?

Get the source, not the smalltimers. Sadly, though, RIAA will never understand this fact, since they've got their own heads so far up their own butts to actually see the merit of the idea.
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