Sunday, November 11th 2007

AMD Internal Benchmarks Show HD 3850 Supremacy

Well, the charts speak for themselves really. The 3850, which should be less than $200USD when it is released later this month, completely slaughters the intended competition, which includes the HD 2600XT, and the NVIDIA GeForce 8600GTS. The 3850 also holds it's own against the HD 2900XT.

The last images show RV670 supremacy in DirectX10 rendering.
Source: VR-Zone
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92 Comments on AMD Internal Benchmarks Show HD 3850 Supremacy

Heedless Psychic
Bah, to price point. If a 3850 cant be significantly faster than a 86GTS, then its a POS. The only saving graces the 3850 may have in its favour is the new cards require more CPU power than nvidias to unlock their full power, and they may currently be clocked quite low.
Posted on Reply
The only redeeming aspects i can see from this new launch from ATI is the triple and quad card xfire possiblilites, granted this feature will probably not interest most people but depending on performance, it may be good, its a shame ATI wont compete with the GT this time round, i find it strange they feel the need to give these cards a completely different name change for similar performance to the previous tech, i suppose the 2900 did not get received very well and so ATI are trying to disassociate it from the 3xx series as much as possible, shame the performance difference is not there.
Posted on Reply
Lets get back to the real world, with those who thing the 8800GT is the new stomping ground video card....

Firstly the 8800GTS beats it in high resolutions, the 8800GTX beats it across the boards, and in some applications and games the 2900XT whoops down on the 8800GTX.

Want to know real performance.... Tell your game developers to start devolving for more than nvidia.

As for these results... I will be waiting for these cards to come out, probably end up with a 3870.
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The developers right now are developing for the winning team!
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AirbrushkidThe developers right now are developing for the paying team!
fixed for accuracy
Posted on Reply
AirbrushkidThe developers right now are developing for the winning team!
What a noobish thing to say...

Maybe you should look into the performance people are getting in design applications with a FireGL flashed 2600xt, give you a hint they are EATING up 8800GTS...

Want a piece of reality?

Ohh forget...
My 2600xt gddr4 is faster than my friends 8600GTS in dx10 games... :p
He is kinda pissed about that especially being my 2600xt was about $75 cheaper.

Or how about the fact of a few Nvidia sided games the 2900XT is FASTER than the 8800GTX...

If you want to go further...
ATI 2900XT holds the top 5 world records for 3dmark06.

I am STILL willing to buy nvidia after all these FACTS.
Posted on Reply
[I.R.A]_FBifixed for accuracy
:roll: :roll: :roll:
:toast: :toast: :toast:

You really overdid yourself there... Let the truth be known...
Posted on Reply
[I.R.A]_FBifixed for accuracy
+1, i can't agree more... just look at the bugs in some titles that are meant to be played on nvidia hardware, when you have an ATI video card.
Posted on Reply
Or how about the fact of a few Nvidia sided games the 2900XT is FASTER than the 8800GTX...
LMAO, get real, lets have some links up, the XT sucks when compared to the GT and GTX, or maybe you are blinded by the many reviews out there confirming this, the 2900 sucks with AA as will the 3xxx series, DX10 is a joke at the moment on ATI cards, all facts.

Oh look the 2900 holds a record for 3DM06, well screw games performance then, ill get it for. 06.:roll:
Posted on Reply
Dandel+1, i can't agree more... just look at the bugs in some titles that are meant to be played on nvidia hardware, when you have an ATI video card.
The ever so wonderful 8800 stutter issue in games programmed FOR that card.

PS- to those that don't know...

Programming specifically for a video card can lead to over 300% performance increase, has been known, has been proven.
Posted on Reply
panchomanthats what i thought, i thought it was suppossed to be against a 8800gt...
The numbering is pretty wonky but I think these cards, including the 3870, are actually the upgrades to the x600 series (the middle end / mainstream cards). So performance and price wise the AMD positions them to go against the 8600 cards from Nvidia.

Not sure if the card coming out in dec/jan with the two GPUs on one card is supposed to be the 8800s competition.
Posted on Reply
crow1001LMAO, get real, lets have some links up, the XT sucks when compared to the GT and GTX, or maybe you are blinded by the many reviews out there confirming this, the 2900 sucks with AA as will the 3xxx series, DX10 is a joke at the moment on ATI cards, all facts.

Oh look the 2900 holds a record for 3DM06, well screw games performance then, ill get it for. 06.:roll:
Sorry buddy, your posts here don't hold much power... For the people that have been around and active have heard from many people...

Talk about my experiences...

In the past 3 months, I have built 9 systems with 8800's and 11 with 2900s.
I have not only read, I have personally seen and experienced.

Want to keep reading reviews, you know I actually came by one that said a 8600GTS is direct competition for a 2900XT?!?!?! Lol funny the nvidia boys there said nah the 8600gts whoops it..
Posted on Reply
on a side note...alot of ppl in these forums talk about the ps3 graphics sucks compared to the 360....if it does....umm ati makes the 360 gpu...and nvidia makes the ps3s....

anyways the 3850 was designed to go against the 8600gt...and i believe the 3870 the gts's...nvidia got wind of the 3870s and its possible clock speeds and bumped up the release of the 8800gt's....second i believe that the 38xx will be better in power efficiency and will cost less.IMHO. i believe that DAAMIT's design are better off in the long run...
Posted on Reply
also there have been numerous reports of these 8800gt's failing like xboxs, i am not biased towards ati either because i will be getting it for my c2d rig and i will be getting the 3870 for my phenom rig
Posted on Reply
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if 8800 gt prices come down some. Then if they launched a new 8600 while this is a good card...maybe Nvidia will slap together a new 8600 gts while they're working on the 8800 gts. Just a thought there, because it seems like they've been really trying to get 65 nm out there. But for now, the Dx10 stuff looks really good...too bad they didn't put the 2900 xt there, I'm just plain to lazy to look for results for the 2900 lol.
Posted on Reply
niko084Sorry buddy... lots of babbling
I don't care what my posts mean to you, i post the facts and can back them up, still no links? i rest my case, carry on with the babbling.;) Its obvious your truly in one camp here and it ain't the green one, i was with ATI and the 2900 but I'm now with the green camp because that's where the performance is at, fact, live with it.
that the 38xx will be better in power efficiency and will cost less.IMHO. i believe that DAAMIT's design are better off in the long run...
The 3870 will be priced at the same level as the 8800GT, your happy with a card that uses a few less watts than the card that gives you the better games performance? all so the 3870 will be a dual slot cooling design, compared the the GT's single slot.
Posted on Reply
I don't think the console comparison is really necessary. Although if you think about it if Nvidia is doing all the right things in graphic performance than shouldn't the PS3 be outdoing the 360 with it's ATi made hardware? It could be because of programming and the lack thereof for some PS3 games. But then doesn't that bring in the point that if a game was programmed specifically for certain hardware the performance increase would be massive. So I think ATi is doing fairly well for all this onslaught of the WIMTBP campaign that Nvidia is doing, at least if the developers actually code the game to run better on Nvidia hardware.
Posted on Reply
crow1001I don't care what my posts mean to you, i post the facts and can back them up, still no links? i rest my case, carry on with the babbling.;) Its obvious your truly in one camp here and it ain't the green one, i was with ATI and the 2900 but I'm now with the green camp because that's where the performance is at, fact, live with it.

The 3870 will be priced at the same level as the 8800GT, your happy with a card that uses a few less watts than the card that gives you the better games performance? all so the 3870 will be a dual slot cooling design, compared the the GT's single slot.
you must be a dimwit.

dual cooling on a cooler card = more OC headroom if all things remain equal ... goddamm
Posted on Reply
crow1001all so the 3870 will be a dual slot cooling design, compared the the GT's single slot.
What's wrong with a big stock cooler. Won't need a new cooler as soon if you want to overclock the card.

The thing that annoys me is that the 3850 probably won't cost as much as my 2900XT did and it looks like it will perform better in a few things. :banghead:
Posted on Reply
Lopez0101I don't think the console comparison is really necessary. Although if you think about it if Nvidia is doing all the right things in graphic performance than shouldn't the PS3 be outdoing the 360 with it's ATi made hardware? It could be because of programming and the lack thereof for some PS3 games. But then doesn't that bring in the point that if a game was programmed specifically for certain hardware the performance increase would be massive. So I think ATi is doing fairly well for all this onslaught of the WIMTBP campaign that Nvidia is doing, at least if the developers actually code the game to run better on Nvidia hardware.
my point exactly...and yes efficiency goes a long way...especially when you pay electric bills ...
anyways my ps3 360 comparison was for the fanbois of both camp...
and personally i hope the 3870s do extremely well because then that will lower the gt's prices by sick of this gouging affair by many etailers...especially newegg.
Posted on Reply
[I.R.A]_FBiyou must be a dimwit.

dual cooling on a cooler card = more OC headroom if all things remain equal ... goddamm
You sir are the dumb one.

LMAO, dual slot cooling on a card that cant even beat the previous tech and is on a smaller process than the GT, dream on if you think the overclocks on this thing is going to get you substantial increase in fps, because it sure as hell didnt on the 2900. I can see potential 3870 buyers now, " it has a dual slot cooler, hey it may suck at stock speeds but we can overclock it and gain 9fps " GT is single slot cooling, more space in the case and great performance to boot, mmm whats the better design.
Posted on Reply
AMD is screwed. Phenom not even close to matching Intel, now ATI cant take Nvidia. :shadedshu sad sad day.

The 3870 might be an alright card, if it's priced reasonably. But isn't it a dual-gpu card? The power draw will be insane.
Posted on Reply
crow1001You sir are the dumb one.

LAMO, dual slot cooling on a card that cant even beat the previous tech and is on a smaller process than the GT, dream on if you think the overclocks on this thing is going to get you substantial increase in fps, because it sure as hell didnt on the 2900. I can see potential 3870 buyers now, " it has a dual slot cooler, hey it may suck at stock speeds but we can overclock it and gain 9fps " GT is single slot cooling, more space in the case and great performance to boot, mmm whats the better design.
Hey man first off calm down. Second IRA said ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL. Now honestly, if you have a heat source that's giving out the same amount of heat etc etc which do you think is going to run better? A bigger heatsink with a bigger fan....or a smaller heatsink with a smaller fan. If you say smaller....well then I really have nothing to say to you. But on the other hand, I thought that the 38** will be on a smaller fabrication size....maybe that's the next gen. Anyways look at price point, if prices stay where they are, then this card is poised to sit in between the 8600/2600 and the 8800 gt. Given it's performance for that balance....that's really good.
Posted on Reply
Unless they shrink the die on the 3850 it'll be 90nm like the 2900XT. I can OC my 2900XT a lot more than I could my X800XT with an aftermarket dual slot cooler. The 2900 has a lot of headroom for OC'ing and I don't see any reason why the 3850 wouldn't.

Also when you're going on about links this and links that. Well why don't you get some links to some benchmarks. You'll be hard pressed to find reliable ones where the 2900XT doesn't beat the 8800GTS 640mb in the majority of tests and the 8800GTX in a few (At least a recent one, not a year old one.) If the 8800GT is so great why doesn't it beat the GTX?
Posted on Reply
It's R600 on a 55nm die shrink. Not next-gen at all, just revision 2. Think X1800>X1900, but not even close to the performance benefits. DX10.1 differences are yet to be seen, but its pretty obvious already that DX10 offers no performance benefits at the same quality settings.
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