Friday, November 16th 2007

Mozilla Won’t Fix 80% of Firefox 3.0’s Bugs

Mozilla Corp. will fix just 20% of the bugs now in Firefox 3.0 before the final version is released next year, the open-source developer's Web site revealed Wednesday. As Mozilla pushes to post Beta 1 of Firefox 3.0 in time, it has asked developers to prioritize already-identified bugs so that the most important can be fixed. That means 80% of the approximately 700 bugs currently marked as "blockers" will not be fixed for Firefox 3. Firefox 3.0 is months behind the schedule Mozilla set about midyear, when it said the browser would reach Beta 1 in late July and move into a second beta in September, both preceding a final release by the end of the year.
Source: New York Times
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22 Comments on Mozilla Won’t Fix 80% of Firefox 3.0’s Bugs

Why would they want to release a buggy bit of software? im sure the average response to this would be that they are willing to wait another month or two to enjoy a non bugged browser
Posted on Reply
I can wait another month or too, it's not like I'm excited about a browser. :P
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ARTTWhy would they want to release a buggy bit of software? im sure the average response to this would be that they are willing to wait another month or two to enjoy a non bugged browser
Are you enjoying your current browser? Whether it be IE7 or FF2, there's still loads of bugs with both of them, it's just that many of them only affect a small percentage of users in certain configurations.
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JizzlerAre you enjoying your current browser? Whether it be IE7 or FF2, there's still loads of bugs with both of them, it's just that many of them only affect a small percentage of users in certain configurations.
i use FF2 and it lets me view my webpages without throwing a hissey fit, so yes in answere to your question yes i am. but it is just a browser as long i can view what i want i dont care which i use, just i have gotten used to FF
Posted on Reply
Releasing software that has bugs is nothing new. :roll: Gotta do what you can, with what you have. Deadlines are a b&^#%. :p
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I have been getting about 50 crashes a day now. I am going to delete firefox soon if this shit is not fixed. This is what I like to do to there tech guy in charge of the problems. :nutkick:
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Lu(kyI have been getting about 50 crashes a day now. I am going to delete firefox soon if this shit is not fixed. This is what I like to do to there tech guy in charge of the problems. :nutkick:
Sounds like you have other issues. Firefox hasn't been a crasher for a while now. If you are using a retardedly (is that a word? haha) coded website with java and shit, then, I can see it hanging, but that's not FFs fault.
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Sold my stars!
my FF never hangs...
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Yea, this isn't that big of a deal. I mean, look at Vista when it was released...
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There's a difference between releasing software with bugs, and actually knowing about the bugs before hand and refusing to fix them. Some bugs don't turn up until it's released in the real world, but actually knowing about them first? That's just pathetic.
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I like Opera. But I dont know how to make it so when I click on a link it pops up in Opera.
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Set Opera as your default browser :)
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ARTTi use FF2 and it lets me view my webpages without throwing a hissey fit, so yes in answere to your question yes i am. but it is just a browser as long i can view what i want i dont care which i use, just i have gotten used to FF
There ya go :) What I'm getting at is there's nothing different between this release and the releases of other browsers (and a load of other software as well). The hundreds of bugs in FF2 aren't affecting you, so it's perceived to be bug-free. FF3 will come out in a few months, work for 9x% of all users despite having ~80% of known bugs not fixed.
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Id use Opera if there were more extensions for it such as there is for FF.
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As I huge supporter of FF and Mozilla I'm seriously disgusted with. I refuse to use FF3 until the majority of critical bugs have been fixed. Till then, FF2 has been working for me just fine.
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Wile E
Power User
Lu(kyI have been getting about 50 crashes a day now. I am going to delete firefox soon if this shit is not fixed. This is what I like to do to there tech guy in charge of the problems. :nutkick:
I'm willing to bet it's not Firefox's fault. Bad extension or unstable OC are my guesses.
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Cold Storm
I've had so may problems with IE7. Problems that made 2000 just flat out give me BSoD. now that I have XP and Vista and FF running, nothing has happened.
look at it like this... whenever you get the flu shot, they give you a small dose of the flu in order for your body to learn to fight off it. Some people get sick because they can handle it, and others just never get sick.
So my point is that software is going to have "bugs" in it because of stuff that was missed or wasn't. They may of never found out how to get rid of it so they let us do it.
So, I think mozilla is wanting us to fix it.
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Bird of Prey
New browsers arent a heralded part of the computing community. Id rather the product be pretty bug free (lets face it, nothing is totally bug free) then be bugged to hell just so they can reach their "deadline"
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WarEagleAUNew browsers arent a heralded part of the computing community. Id rather the product be pretty bug free (lets face it, nothing is totally bug free) then be bugged to hell just so they can reach their "deadline"
Thank you! That's exactly what I think.
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