Monday, November 19th 2007

First Halo 3 Map Pack Arrives in December
Beginning December 11, three new multiplayer maps will be available for players of Bungie's Halo 3 (X360). Titled the Heroic Map Pack, its three maps - Foundry, Rat's Nest, and Standoff - will be downloadable from the online Xbox Live Marketplace for 800 Microsoft Points ($10). Microsoft describes Standoff as "ideal for mid-sized objective and Slayer game types" due to its symmetrical layout and boulder-filled battlefield. Rat's Nest is said to be "an indoor vehicle paradise" best suited for big team battles, whereas Foundry is "the ultimate Forge map" as players can manipulate and replace every object object within it to create their own custom arena.
20 Comments on First Halo 3 Map Pack Arrives in December
i love home made pizza well a pizza could be about 12 bucks if you buy a lot of expensive meat:roll: but ya i no its a business for them but i kinda wish that it was free:) but still 10 bucks for 3 maps
Also, anyone who plays on Xbox live knows this... Kids parents buy them everything, from maps to movies to games. Parents are unknowingly getting charged for extras like this, and it is what Microsoft and its developers are counting on. Anyway, the point is, the majority of players will have the the maps before they become free. Meaning most people will be playing the new maps.
The worst part is, THE SMART PEOPLE WHO DON'T WASTE THEIR MONEY ON THE MAPS ARE THE ONES GETTING HURT. The smart people can't enjoy a game the paid 59.99$ to its full potential because they didn't pay for more maps. It's funny how Microsoft charges extra for EVERY LITTLE THING.
It's funny, you have to pay per month to play on Xbox Live and then they stick with charges for new maps...Next thing you know they're going to charge you for patches to fix the bugs in Xbox games lol...
EDIT: As far as support for Bungie developers go, I don't think you need to worry about that. Do you realize how many copies of Halo 3 have been sold, and it's not even Christmas yet...MS is literally just soaking up everything they can out of your wallets without being way too unreasonable.
But nevermind because valve is teh g0d :respect:
I rather shave with a rusty razer
Additionally, I can't really understand your grammar but are you saying CSS was just news maps? Lol, if so, you have some learning to do.
Freely available inside the game "download content".