Tuesday, November 27th 2007

Blu-ray Disks Outsell HD-DVD Disks By 3-1 in Europe
The HD-format war stalemate seems to have been smashed to pieces. Thanks to the PlayStation3 shipping with a Blu-ray drive, several million gamers have a Blu-ray player already attached to their HDTV, and are not bothered to buy an HD-DVD player. Now that several million gamers have a Blu-ray player, they're buying Blu-ray movies to watch. Of 1,369,863 HD movies sold last month, a relatively paltry 369,863 of them were HD-DVD. What's more, if Blu-ray sales figures included actual Blu-ray games sold, then there would have been more than 21 million Blu-ray disks sold. The main movie that attributed to such successful Blu-ray sales was the extremely awesome movie "300", which was a very graphic portrayal of the battle of Thermopylae.
Reg Hardware
56 Comments on Blu-ray Disks Outsell HD-DVD Disks By 3-1 in Europe
Just as much as having to decide wether to get a PC, a Xbox 360, a PS3, or a Wii (or any other gaming format) for your gaming needs.
Here let me prove it (per the article, which I think isn't 100% accurate):
97,332 HD DVD players sold in Europe, 369,863 movies were sold. That's an attach rate of 3.8
1,666,667 Blu-ray players sold in Europe, 1mill movies were sold. That's an attach rate of 0.59
What does that mean? For every HD sold they are buying at least 3 to 4 movies for it. I believe I mentioned something similar to this in another thread. For every PS3 sold 1 out of every 3.5 PS3 owners will buy buy 1 BR movie (this is not an accurate depiction of buying trend only an explanation in the gap between players and movies sold). This trend has been going on since BR entered the market and there is no sign of it changing at all. In other words 1,666,667 BR players sold (PS3), 1mill movies were sold. That leaves 666,667 movies that wasn't sold.
zekstatistics.This type of marketing spin should be punishable by torture.
Seriously, no-one in the UK cares at all. For the vast majority of people, watching a DVD is just fine on their ~40 inch TV. The difference between DVD and HD=DVD/BluRay just isn't huge enough to warrant spending £600 on a BluRay player.
I think neither format will "win." Both will continue to lag behind ordinary DVD sales until they are both cheap enough to co-exist.
As for this stupid format feud, I hope HD-DVD wins, it's the better format and will be best for the consumer over time... Anything with a Sony design arrives tarnished.:wtf:
Where is your journalistic integrity?
What ever happened to verifying sources?
How can you reprint these manipulated statistics?
Off to your room and no moonpies for a month ! :D
Not compared to the difference between VHS and DVD.
Not at "across the room" distance on a 30 to 40 inch TV either
When considering DVD vs VHS, don't forget the improved functionality. You don't have to fast forward or rewind. You can skip chapters, not wear out the tape, etc etc etc. Those were all selling points of DVD vs VHS.
Where is the super selling point of any HD format? It's basically a DVD with better quality. That difference is not worth £600. It's not even worth £200 for the cheapest HD DVD player.
Maybe when TVs larger than 40 inches become more common will the demand for HD increase.
My parents were in a shop and could barely tell the difference when standing right in front of the TV. It was a proper demonstration with two TV's right next to each other. One playing a DVD and the other playing an HD DVD.
If ANY HD format wants to win it will have to get ordinary people like my parents buying a HD DVD player. At the moment it is younger, more technological people who are slightly interested, but the majority of the market and the measure of success is based on getting HD formats into everyday homes. That is a LONG way off IMO.
on another note, ive noticed just about every retailer gives equal space to HD DVD and blu-ray.