Tuesday, November 27th 2007
Blu-ray Disks Outsell HD-DVD Disks By 3-1 in Europe
The HD-format war stalemate seems to have been smashed to pieces. Thanks to the PlayStation3 shipping with a Blu-ray drive, several million gamers have a Blu-ray player already attached to their HDTV, and are not bothered to buy an HD-DVD player. Now that several million gamers have a Blu-ray player, they're buying Blu-ray movies to watch. Of 1,369,863 HD movies sold last month, a relatively paltry 369,863 of them were HD-DVD. What's more, if Blu-ray sales figures included actual Blu-ray games sold, then there would have been more than 21 million Blu-ray disks sold. The main movie that attributed to such successful Blu-ray sales was the extremely awesome movie "300", which was a very graphic portrayal of the battle of Thermopylae.
Reg Hardware
56 Comments on Blu-ray Disks Outsell HD-DVD Disks By 3-1 in Europe
What bias are you talking about? I said I favored 300, not either one of the formats. I can find five independent movie reviews in the next ten minutes that agree with me that 300 is an extremely awesome movie. If it really bothers you that much, I'll change it to "the extremely successful movie 300." However, little unrelated things like that keep the news section interesting, in my opinion, and separate TPU from the other sites that only throw in PRs and "company X sues company Y" type garbage :).
As for the "it's not like the difference between VHS and DVD" argument, that's not a valid comparison. Back then we were considering the difference it made moving from analogue to digital storage, now we are talking about higher resolutions and bitrates, as well as improved encoding technology.
Furthermore, how would know?
Lastly, it may be true. Every time you buy a Blu-Ray player you get 5-15 free (I've seen offers of anywhere from 5 to 15 free) Blu-Ray movies, plus whatever other Blu-Ray movies you buy before you get the "free" movies in the mail. The new 40gb PS3 comes with a free Blu-Ray movie itself. It becomes very easy to believe this may be true. What's more, I have 6 Blu-Ray movies right now and I don't even have a damn HDTV (I just bought my PS3 Friday, so there's a 6 attachment rate). If I had a HDTV I would probably have 12 ;)
My advice to you, don't just assume something is false just because YOU can't BELIEVE that this could be happening.
And also just so you know it says that there is an attach rate of 12 GAMES per PS3 in the articles link which we can all agree is false It isnt even refferring to movies
As far as games that totally concerns this, if PS3 games sell well that means Blu-ray has to live so it doesn't matter if it loses in movies, there will always be Blu-ray media out.
I would absolutely say the picture quality difference is comparable to the difference between VHS and DVD.
[quote-Davidelmo]Seriously, no-one in the UK cares at all. For the vast majority of people, watching a DVD is just fine on their ~40 inch TV. The difference between DVD and HD=DVD/BluRay just isn't huge enough to warrant spending £600 on a BluRay player.
I think neither format will "win." Both will continue to lag behind ordinary DVD sales until they are both cheap enough to co-exist.[/quote]
Where in the world are you getting your prices from. You are aware that the PS3 is a blu-ray player arn't you and it can be bought for £300 (or less if you look around).
The difference in picture quality between a DVD movie and the same movie on Blu-ray is easily apparent. I fail to see how you couldn't see the difference between the two especially if they were playing next to one another.
Whether its worth the money is subjective.
(I can't edit my own posts so if a mod could kindly change the - to a = that would be great.
-HD has sold 750,000 stand alone players
-BR has sold between 400,000-500,000 stand alone players
-2+ mill PS3 are not dedicated players and people are not buying them to play BR movies
-HD sold at a much lower price then BR is gaining momentum.
1./ Lets keep interesting tech NEWS in NEWS
2./ Lets keep marketing spin OUT of NEWS. If you want to post it, put it in General Nonesense
3./ NEWS posters have a responsibility to make a judgement on 1. and 2. when posting
4./ MODERATORS are loved and respected. That love and respect is lost if they dont do 3.
5./ We dont want unloved unrespected MODS, so, PLEASE, do 3.
So no more new tech hardware release info in NEWS?
They all have marketing spin.