Monday, December 17th 2007

Crysis and Unreal Tournament 3 Sales 'Tank'

Some of the most anticipated titles of the year, Unreal Tournament 3 and Crysis, have failed to sell very well. In contrast to the overly hyped Halo 3, which boosted actual Xbox 360 sales, Crysis and Unreal Tournament 3 sales were, in short, abysmal. Since last month, neither game has managed to sell even 100,000 units. To be precise, EA sold 86,633 copies of Crysis, and Epic Games sold 33,995 copies of UT3. The Inquirer claims that Crysis, despite having a beautiful graphics engine that will have benchmarkers twiddling their thumbs for years, failed to impress anyone without a very expensive gaming machine. And Unreal Tournament, despite being absolutely breathtaking, had gameplay that was uncannily similar to the previous two versions of Unreal Tournament. Hopefully, as systems get better and gamers get more money to spend on games, these sales figures will increase.
Source: The Inquirer
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83 Comments on Crysis and Unreal Tournament 3 Sales 'Tank'

Retired Super Moderator
Personally I am uber geeked that EA took this one right in the backside. They had to have spent tons on promoting Crysis and developing and the like. Just makes me sooooo happy to see them fall flat on their faces after all the crap they pushed up to this point failing , and the lack of respect they showed their customers when issues occured.

Personally I almost think not only is it due to the hardware requirements , but it may have a lot to do with previously unsatisfied customers!
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Editor & Senior Moderator
DaMultaI would of bought it if crossfire worked....
It does, if you perform the Korean trick.
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UT3: Awesome Game
Crysis: Awesome Game
Halo 3: Less than average in my book.

My 2 cents. :cool:
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Editor & Senior Moderator
DaMulta, just don't have a multi-GPU setup why not buy it anyway?
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DarkMatterThat's not true. Except UT3 maybe, there isn't any game better optimized than Crysis. But Crysis is aiming a step higher, it's a new gen. It's graphics are a lot better than COD4 for example. COD4 does look fantastic, but you need a fast machine to run it well too. Crysis environments are massive compared to COD4 and have a lot more details. Shader and lighting quality it's like night and day too. You can't compare them in the level of the graphics they are offering, so you can't say it's not well optimized. You can say that they aimed too high though, which could be true, but that is something only time will tell.
I've got 2 GB of ram, Vista, 2900XT, and a Q6600. When playing the game there was always ~600MB of free space in my RAM. It rarely ever sent a single core to 75% use. It's like the entire game was trying to run using only my video card. Seems to me like it's not optimized.
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Knows what makes you tick
No wonder the UT3 servers are bare, I can usually find maybe 3 or 4 CTF servers. It's really sad too since UT3 is a really nice game.
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My stars went supernova
btarunrDaMulta, just don't have a multi-GPU setup why not buy it anyway?
What do you mean that i don't have a multi gpu setup?

I have 2 2900xt 1GB cards.....with a quad.

I will wait for a patch/driver(Painless driver)before I buy the game.
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You would think that the cheaper hardware prices of the 3000 series and 8800GT series would help sales of the newest games.

I would agree that people are prob. worried about having crappy game play on the newest games that deserve/are worthy of a decent video card, like CoD4, Crysis, imo.

Well there is always The Orange Box. It will run on a DX8 system. That is a great choice :toast: for people without tomorrows hardware in their rigs. I bet sales on it are crushing the other titles.
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DangleI've got 2 GB of ram, Vista, 2900XT, and a Q6600. When playing the game there was always ~600MB of free space in my RAM. It rarely ever sent a single core to 75% use. It's like the entire game was trying to run using only my video card. Seems to me like it's not optimized.
Your CPU or the ram can't do the job of the GPU, they do their own job (AI, physics). The fact that both have free space confirms the game is well optimized (as it is doing his job with much less resources): the game is bottlenecked in the GPU because its graphics are so f****g good. It runs above 20fps on medium (textures, objects and shaders on high) on my computer, and it looks better than anything else at these settings, so yeah, this is what I call a good optimized game.

EDIT: I remember that when Doom3 was released lots of people said the same about that game and the engine. And how much better HL2 and Source were. Time has told another story.
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
this really is unsurprising. i wonder if sales of COD4 surprised anyone. now that is a fun game!
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JC316No wonder the UT3 servers are bare, I can usually find maybe 3 or 4 CTF servers. It's really sad too since UT3 is a really nice game.
Yup every time I log on a server its has 1 or 2 punks running cheats Not real fun
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Random Murderer
The Anti-Midas
i'll tell you why they didn't sell well:
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Remember when HL2 and CS:S came out? How they had support for even DirectX 7 machines? Remember how it sold ludicrously well?
Well, crysis and UT3 look and handle like shit on anything short of a *really* good machine. my 3800x2 and 8600GTS chug playing both of them with modest settings. Gosh, i wonder why nobody buys them.
Oh, yeah, and the part that actually matters... like... good gameplay... i didn't happen to notice it, but maybe that was the lag.
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I have Crysis and i also have a 8600GT it runs great i can run on high with a/30fps and medium w/60fps its also a great game, I also have UT3 and the gameplay is the same al older but multiplayer is still a blast so the only reason the sales tanked is because a lot of people probley downloaded them.
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Maybe it's because we're all stealing it? Well, not me.. Crysis is the only game I'm going to buy.
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Random Murderer
The Anti-Midas
i think the reason ut3 did so badly is that even the pirated versions can play online, and who wants to play crysis online? not me, unless there's a TON of people in the game...
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Far Cry and Crysis were one of the few games I've actually bought in the past few years. Before that it was Supreme Commander. Though I have bought quite a few games in the past. Not much worth buying these days for full price. Personally, I wouldn't spend any money on CoD4.
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see this is what happens when developers try to push the graphical envelop without making their game able to run on an athlon xp and a 9800 pro. they tank. lol most people dont upgrade hardware enough to be able to play crysis.
Not really. An older and properly tweaked machine can run Crysis easy. All this Crysis hardware talk is just self-ego-stroking by people who just dropped $3000-$4000 or more on a brand new ultra l33t supa-dupa system just to play games like Crysis, yet they see people with $300 boxes doing that just fine. At least that's the case here on TPU forums. There are maybe two or three threads I can recall where someone with a really, REALLY, old and inadequate system was complaining about Crysis. Myself I don't play Crysis because it's pretty much Far Cry 2.0. It's graphics are hyped and overrated, much like it was the case with Far Cry. Also, who needs another FPS? Right now, bulk of games released are either FPS or generic fantasy MMORPGs. Somebody change the tune already.
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I admit it, have not read the previous comments, but want to say it anyways:

Maybe this will finally wake up some of the PC game developers/studios. Its not only the graphics that sell, you actually need a good game. For example, many have touted that the old classic RPG genre is dead and buried and there is no way a RPG can sell these days? Fortunately we have games like The Witcher which has shipped (not sold yet) over 1 million copies to stores already and still going strong.
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AddSubNot really. An older and properly tweaked machine can run Crysis easy. All this Crysis hardware talk is just self-ego-stroking by people who just dropped $3000-$4000 or more on a brand new ultra l33t supa-dupa system just to play games like Crysis, yet they see people with $300 boxes doing that just fine. At least that's the case here on TPU forums. There are maybe two or three threads I can recall where someone with a really, REALLY, old and inadequate system was complaining about Crysis. Myself I don't play Crysis because it's pretty much Far Cry 2.0. It's graphics are hyped and overrated, much like it was the case with Far Cry. Also, who needs another FPS? Right now, bulk of games released are either FPS or generic fantasy MMORPGs. Somebody change the tune already.
If you say that is all about ego and that everyone on tpu forums are egomaniacs without any real argument to back it up, then I could say yours is just resentment for not being able to play any new game at more than medium-low directx8 settings with that radeon x850xt. In fact, for the way you complain, it seems you need to believe there aren't any good games coming out right now cause you can't play them as you would like to play them.
And when you said that an older machine can run Crysis easily, you should have said "easily without any of it's technological glory", and that technology is not to be seen as if it didn't add anything to the game, on the contrary, it adds a lot. Of course a game it's not only it's technology, but it's an important part of it. for example, I loved doom3 although I think it's a terrible game, but it was technologicaly so amazing that I couldn't help loving it. It can happen the other way around too, an amazing game with terrible graphics. But the truth is technology and the other aspects of games go hand by hand, and this should not be dismissed.
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I woudnt even try to run Crysis on me laptop but ut3 might be ok on 1024 x 768 med detail :cool:
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The Exiled Airman
on UT3 Front, DUH! The game is primarily a Deathmatch sport game, if you want a storyline Play Unreal. Crysis didnt sale too well due to the demand of a System,
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Editor & Senior Moderator
I played UT3 on a neighbour's rig. gameplay wise nm difference. Just some neat SM3 graphics.
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