Friday, December 21st 2007
Hitachi GST: 1.5 is Coming
The banner for the Hitachi Press Event RSVP proclaims "1.5 is coming." Below is a screen shot taken. Knowing that it is hard disk related, we can now quickly assume that 1.5TB storage solutions from Hitachi GST will be on display at the Consumer Electronics Association (CES) show next year. The CES 2008 will take place in Las Vegas - January 7-10, 2008.
Real World Labs
6 Comments on Hitachi GST: 1.5 is Coming
this may be just me... but isnt it entirely possible that when they say 1.5 is coming.. they mean 1.5".. instead of 2.5" or 3.5"? smaller hard drive? not bigger?
just my thoughts