Tuesday, January 1st 2008
AMD to Collaborate with Commex
And now our first post for year 2008 coming from the AMD corner, a story which all AMD admirers will like. Advanced Micro Devices has reached a collaboration agreement with the Israeli Commex, a chip company founded two years ago by president and CEO Tal Horowitz together with brothers Yehuda and Zohar Zisapel who joined him as seed investors in the company. Horowitz comes from the Intel development center in Haifa, where he was involved as a senior member of the development team of the dual core processors. Now he is going to work for AMD. Under the deal, the chipset which Commex develops for multi-core processors will be distributed together with AMD's next-gen processor solutions. Commex is expected to begin continuous production in May of this year.
Globes Online
86 Comments on AMD to Collaborate with Commex
Israel = where the good shit comes from...
Israel's Intel dev designed the core architecture... and what a success it was.
[patriotic stuff]
AMD + Israeli development FTW :toast:
(we helped intel, maybe we can help amd)
[/patriotic stuff]
yes I agree the Israelis make awesome engineers. Galil anyone?
anyhow, let's see . . . AMD just partnered up with an Israeli chipset engineering/manufacturing firm; ass to the fact that AMD's RS780 has taken the upperhand in the chipset world . . . AMD has also recently licensed Crossfire X for Intel P45 chipsets . . . we've also learned of AMD hiring on a few engineers that worked on the Itanium processors . . . this year they've also hired a former IBM executive for silicone design . . . they've also recently hired on a new CTO that comes from a vast microprocessor background . . .
I tell ya - something's in the mix, and I don't think either Intel or nVidia will see it coming. AMD/ATI have been leaking a lot of "previews" of hardware that is nowhere near finished . . . a little odd, IMO - I think they're just smoke screens meant to obscure what they're really up to.
This would be an absolute great time to start investing into some AMD stock.
(of course that's ignoring licensing and etc, this isn't the s370 days)
It's all a matter of connecting the chip to the pins.. correctly..
If the Phenom did work right it would be a great price for the performance.