Thursday, January 10th 2008

Valve Acquires Turtle Rock Studios

Fresh off the success of The Orange Box, the 2007 game of the year award-winning collection of new games heralded as "the best value in gaming history," Valve Corporation announced the acquisition of Turtle Rock Studios, the Orange County-based development house behind one of 2008's most anticipated games, Left 4 Dead. The merger of the two companies will extend Valve's development team and provide the company with a new studio in southern California. "We have been seeing very strong growth with Steam and Source, our content distribution and development platforms, up over 150% over the last 12 months. Given our expectations for Left 4 Dead and our long-standing relationships with members of the Turtle Rock team, this was an easy decision. It also gives us a base from which to expand our development activities in the Los Angeles area," said Gabe Newell, president of Valve. "Left 4 Dead fills a long-standing demand gamers have had for a co-op first-person action experience, and it will also help Valve's expansion into the console market," added Doug Lombardi, Valve's VP of marketing.
Source: Valve
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10 Comments on Valve Acquires Turtle Rock Studios

TBH, Counterstrike wasn't that good. If any of you played Soldier of Fortune 2's multiplayer (infiltration mode), you'd know what I'm talking about... Then CoD2 & 4 came out and left CSS in the dust. Would be awesome if Valve would steal Infinity Ward away from activision. CoD gone source & valve quality would be WOOT!
Posted on Reply
DangleTBH, Counterstrike wasn't that good. If any of you played Soldier of Fortune 2's multiplayer (infiltration mode), you'd know what I'm talking about... Then CoD2 & 4 came out and left CSS in the dust. Would be awesome if Valve would steal Infinity Ward away from activision. CoD gone source & valve quality would be WOOT!
This may be.
But you know how many people still play CS 1.6 and CS:S.
Posted on Reply
DangleTBH, Counterstrike wasn't that good. If any of you played Soldier of Fortune 2's multiplayer (infiltration mode), you'd know what I'm talking about... Then CoD2 & 4 came out and left CSS in the dust. Would be awesome if Valve would steal Infinity Ward away from activision. CoD gone source & valve quality would be WOOT!
Counter-Strike wasn't that good of a game? You have got to be kidding me... Counter Strike 1.6 was one of the greatest Team Death Match multiplayer games EVER. CSS Got left in the dirt because the entire community who played CS 1.6 for the longest time knows how much different CSS is from CS 1.6. CSS is a noob friendly game in a community of all competive players. THAT JUST DOESN'T WORK.

Anyone who says Counter-Strike wasn't that good is a fool in my book. Half-Life's mod community is what kept the Valve games going where they are today! Anyone who started playing Half-Life when it first came out knows this. When Counter-Strike was released as a free game to all of us gamers back then it had the biggest population of players on the WON network. Where do you think Fatality got his roots? What developers need to understand, is that modders can make or break a game. How do you think WC3 is still going strong with it's population?
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
DangleTBH, Counterstrike wasn't that good. If any of you played Soldier of Fortune 2's multiplayer (infiltration mode), you'd know what I'm talking about... Then CoD2 & 4 came out and left CSS in the dust. Would be awesome if Valve would steal Infinity Ward away from activision. CoD gone source & valve quality would be WOOT!
if CoD2/CoD4 went source id stop playing it all together. im not a real big fan of source. I have played CSS quite a bit with my friends but when they arent available i dont touch the game at all.
Posted on Reply
I love CS:S. And when my evil plan of infiltrating all the systems at work with enough hardware to run it I am going to host a LAN there for friends, with PC's already in place.
Posted on Reply
RavenasCounter-Strike wasn't that good of a game? You have got to be kidding me... Counter Strike 1.6 was one of the greatest Team Death Match multiplayer games EVER. CSS Got left in the dirt because the entire community who played CS 1.6 for the longest time knows how much different CSS is from CS 1.6. CSS is a noob friendly game in a community of all competive players. THAT JUST DOESN'T WORK.

Anyone who says Counter-Strike wasn't that good is a fool in my book. Half-Life's mod community is what kept the Valve games going where they are today! Anyone who started playing Half-Life when it first came out knows this. When Counter-Strike was released as a free game to all of us gamers back then it had the biggest population of players on the WON network. Where do you think Fatality got his roots? What developers need to understand, is that modders can make or break a game. How do you think WC3 is still going strong with it's population?
Counter Strike was a great game, but Soldier of Fortune 2 multiplayer (Infiltration mode) did tactical, real damage, real weapons better - plus it had lean. -Then CoD2 was released. Mods are not what kept Valve alive. Valve kept valve alive. Most of the mods are junk anyway. I have been the biggest fan of Valve since release day of HL1. I have played almost every major FPS release since Wolfenstein. As far as tactical FPS, CS is not the best.

OH BTW, TF2 in my oppinion ties with CoD4 for being the best tactical FPSs ever made.

Edit: Noob-friendly FTL!
Posted on Reply
DangleCounter Strike was a great game, but Soldier of Fortune 2 multiplayer (Infiltration mode) did tactical, real damage, real weapons better - plus it had lean. -Then CoD2 was released. Mods are not what kept Valve alive. Valve kept valve alive. Most of the mods are junk anyway. I have been the biggest fan of Valve since release day of HL1. I have played almost every major FPS release since Wolfenstein. As far as tactical FPS, CS is not the best.

OH BTW, TF2 in my oppinion ties with CoD4 for being the best tactical FPSs ever made.

Edit: Noob-friendly FTL!
There is a difference between a realistic game and a competitive game. The thing that needs to be understood is that CS is a game of skill. Leaning, real damage, real weapons have nothing to do with competition. Goto and tell me if soldier of fortune is on the division list. You're going to go there, and find out its not, and then ask yourself why. Because CS 1.6 isn't a tatical FPS, it's in its own category. It's that good. It's like Starcraft. It's a professional game. That's what people hated about CSS, they took all the competition out of the game by changing the weapons (aim boxes, headshot ranges, spraying). CSS is a fun game, and I play it from time to time. But it's not 1.6.

But don't get me wrong, noob friendly games aren't bad at all. They just get old, and loose their competitive sense because you feel like you never get to a point that you get to in 1.6. I'm also not saying SOF is bad game. SOF is a great game and I still have the jewel case in its original box. Same goes for all of the COD games except COD3.


Ever want to get into the real underground world of CS 1.6 competition then go here:

Download the client.

Join the Gamesurge server in the server list.

Register here:

Sign in and join these channels:


I would also recommend getting vent and a good headset with a mic.

Posted on Reply
Dude, i'm not talking about SOF1. Sof1 was crap for multiplayer. SoF2 was EXTREMELY competitive. 90% of SoF2 Infiltration players came from CS, or have tried it and disliked it comparatively. If anything, CS1.6 is noob-friendly compared to SoF2 infiltration. The game is absolutely amazing. Most SoF2 players switched to CoD2 because it got everything right that SOF did, but with better graphics and the new look-down-the-sight aiming.

I'm not going to get back into CS beacuse the game was obsolete in 2002.
Posted on Reply
DangleDude, i'm not talking about SOF1. Sof1 was crap for multiplayer. SoF2 was EXTREMELY competitive. 90% of SoF2 Infiltration players came from CS, or have tried it and disliked it comparatively. If anything, CS1.6 is noob-friendly compared to SoF2 infiltration. The game is absolutely amazing. Most SoF2 players switched to CoD2 because it got everything right that SOF did, but with better graphics and the new look-down-the-sight aiming.

I'm not going to get back into CS beacuse the game was obsolete in 2002.
Meh, never played sof2 in any leagues, just not that competive to me. The most I ever got out of the SOF2 multiplayer was fun lan store memories, but most everyone played CS. Anyway we could talk about which one is better all day long, but the fact is 1.6 still has a strong population, SOF can't say that.

If you think CS was obsolete in 02 then I bet you think WC3 and Starcraft are obsolete.
Posted on Reply
Ravenas, you don't even know what kind of population SoF2 has. I installed the game a few months ago just for fun; there were hundreds of populated servers. It's just stupid to say that SoF2 isn't competitive enough for you when you haven't even played it. No offense, but I smell the stench of a fanboy.
Posted on Reply
Mar 6th, 2025 21:35 EST change timezone

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