Sunday, January 13th 2008
The One Laptop Per Child Project Would Welcome Intel Back
The One Laptop Per Child project feels sorry for the Intel loss, said Nicholas Negroponte, chairman of OLPC, in an interview. "It was very unfortunate what happened with Intel and I hope there's a way of rebuilding it in the future because there's no interest in OLPC pushing Intel out. It just is not in our interest. Our goal is to get this to as many children as possible," he said. He called it unfortunate that Intel made statements that OLPC asked the chip maker to stop working on the Classmate PC. "The picture that painted was one of OLPC being anti-competition, which is ridiculous. We'd like to see as many laptops out there as possible and kids have the widest choice possible," On the other hand Agnes Kwan, an Intel manager responded that Intel would be willing to talk with OLPC, but she added that the organizational break-up came about because of differences that the groups have been so far unable to resolve.
PC World
7 Comments on The One Laptop Per Child Project Would Welcome Intel Back
If we decide to provide technology charity... about time Nicholas Negroponte stepped down and was replaced by a more competant individual will less vested interest.
If he were running a PRIVATE enterprise with SHAREHOLDERS he would have been forced to fall on swords long ago.
Well that's business. If you can make it cheaper or better then why shouldn't you be allowed to win a customer? OLPC is a joke. It's all about the children...riiiight. No! don't compete against me because competing against me is to compete against all the poor children on the planet. Contrary to what you think about the project's intentions, the OLPC is designed to make money.
I guess there is a sucker born every minute.