Friday, February 1st 2008

Mozilla Admits Security Breach, Promises Fix by February 5th
It would appear that running any of 600 add-ons in Mozilla Firefox opens up a terrible hole. When exploited, this hole allows a hacker to steal "session information, including session cookies and session history". Mozilla promises a fix by February 5th, with the release of Firefox version While Mozilla classifies this threat as a "high risk", there is some controversy in the hacker world as to how bad this threat really is. According to a hacker, via "", this isn't as big a problem as people have made it out to be. However, it is certainly more serious than "leaking a few variables", and should definitely be patched as soon as possible.
2 Comments on Mozilla Admits Security Breach, Promises Fix by February 5th
(not trying to start flame blah) just imho.