Tuesday, February 5th 2008

Battlefield Heroes - The First Step

Ben Cousins, the Senior Producer of Battlefield Heroes, shared some slides, ideas and info on DICE's free 4 play animated Battlefield title. The game will be based on the Battlefield 2142 engine with "the crazy unrealistic feel of Battlefield 1942 and Codename Eagle". More details:
  • Graphics and machine specs are cut down
  • Simplified Gameplay
  • Matchmaking Service
  • AutoPatching
  • Easier Introduction into Gameplay
  • More RPG Elements Introduced
Source: Battlefield Heroes
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12 Comments on Battlefield Heroes - The First Step

What!??!?! This is Dice and their shatty attempt at a Team Fortress 2 clone!!! BTW, any BF2142 player can attest to how many lame bugs and glitches there were in this game that were never fixed... FU Dice and FU EA.
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DangleWhat!??!?! This is Dice and their shatty attempt at a Team Fortress 2 clone!!! BTW, any BF2142 player can attest to how many lame bugs and glitches there were in this game that were never fixed... FU Dice and FU EA.
Yeah but the RPG part of it sounds nice, its going to be free too :D
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bah, i gotta side with dangle. fix whats allready out.
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tkpenaltyYeah but the RPG part of it sounds nice, its going to be free too :D
No doubt including the ads EA seems to love.

If it's done well, it will probably be a hit. But they don't exactly have a great record on fixes, and a game with less content and depth will need to be more reliable to get the same kind of following BF2 still has.
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lol... Ben Cousins
(nm austrialian joke)
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Yeah tk im sure it will be great but we ozzy wont be able to get it US Europe exclusive :mad::(
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which systems are they for? PS2...PS2....PS2....PS2??? :confused:
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EA/Dice have never been good at fixing the bugs in their games. They really just don't care.
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hacker111which systems are they for? PS2...PS2....PS2....PS2??? :confused:

pc and will be a free dl for US and Europeans :cry:
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God, i do hope they make this game client sided this time.
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