Wednesday, February 13th 2008

Half of All BitTorrent Downloads are Television Shows
Despite the apparent popularity of getting the latest Windows and Photoshop versions off of BitTorrent, a new pie chart based on download statistics from torrent tracker Mininova shows that people are downloading far more than just that. Out of all the .torrent downloads that happened in the past two year, caught by Mininova, roughly half of them were television shows. The rest of the downloads break into what users would expect: games, movies, software, and "other". For an intrepid analysis of what exactly all this means, please follow the source link. Otherwise, do enjoy the pie graph.
34 Comments on Half of All BitTorrent Downloads are Television Shows
i'm there for games and movies mostly
a torrent search engine has the above as quick links under the search bar.. the bigger/bolder ones are more popular. the french sure do a good amount of torrenting..
btw, axxo=klaxxo= some guy that posts loads and loads of sweet dvd rips
Burning to VHS... that'd be fun.
\m/ You are grossly miss informed my friend. :P
and then let it sit on a shelf for the rest of the eternity
i preffer to rent movies :)
I think its more likely that they are just bigger in filesize and so take up more bandwidth