Wednesday, February 13th 2008

Half of All BitTorrent Downloads are Television Shows

Despite the apparent popularity of getting the latest Windows and Photoshop versions off of BitTorrent, a new pie chart based on download statistics from torrent tracker Mininova shows that people are downloading far more than just that. Out of all the .torrent downloads that happened in the past two year, caught by Mininova, roughly half of them were television shows. The rest of the downloads break into what users would expect: games, movies, software, and "other". For an intrepid analysis of what exactly all this means, please follow the source link. Otherwise, do enjoy the pie graph.
Source: TorrentFreak
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34 Comments on Half of All BitTorrent Downloads are Television Shows

EZTV ftw!!!
Posted on Reply
Why is anime so low? Thats pretty much what I use it for..
Posted on Reply
I would never use bittorrent to download copywritten content..... like tv shows....
Posted on Reply
With TVUPlayer you can actually watch TV so I find this very, very hard to believe.
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
ShadowFoldWhy is anime so low? Thats pretty much what I use it for..
well, you only count as one person, and not a million... :rolleyes:
i'm there for games and movies mostly
Posted on Reply
Sold my stars!

a torrent search engine has the above as quick links under the search bar.. the bigger/bolder ones are more popular. the french sure do a good amount of torrenting..

btw, axxo=klaxxo= some guy that posts loads and loads of sweet dvd rips
Posted on Reply
lol, n e ways i never heard of tvuplayer :P
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TV shows are coming out very often and it's not like you missed he show and can go to store and buy DVD of that episode. people are left with limited choices: download or record themselves.
Posted on Reply
Yeah then you get the ones released in other countries and we in oz cus were isolated (lol) have to wait for the dvd to be released.
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The thing is if the downloaded tv shows still contain the ads, i bet their wont be any arguing with downloading them. The ads is what pays for the show, and removing ads = stealing the show.
Posted on Reply
Apart from theyd prefer us to pay for the shows with ads.
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TripriftApart from theyd prefer us to pay for the shows with ads.
can't its as said paid for by the adds, why do you think TiVo is leagal and its leagal to make copies from a TiVo, because Adds are there.
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Freshwater Moderator
it seems like i'm not downloading enough anime to make them take notice. i shall go download some more now...
Posted on Reply
i only download movies and shows but NEVER GAMES!!!! you suppossed to buy that(movies to but that are overpayed b*st*rds)shame on you pt for downloading games:shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Why is anime so low? Thats pretty much what I use it for..
Because average teenage anime fans are probably outnumbered 10-to-1, P2P-wise, by middle-aged Seinfeld/Friends fans.
Posted on Reply
ShadowFoldWhy is anime so low? Thats pretty much what I use it for..
No one likes them ugly cartoons. :laugh:
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Resident Grammar Amender
I don't see the difference between this and recording shows digitally on my home Sky box and and then burning them to DVD or VHS.

Burning to VHS... that'd be fun.

1c3d0gNo one likes them ugly cartoons.
You are grossly miss informed my friend. :P
Posted on Reply
panchomana torrent search engine has the above as quick links under the search bar.. the bigger/bolder ones are more popular. the french sure do a good amount of torrenting..

btw, axxo=klaxxo= some guy that posts loads and loads of sweet dvd rips
you sure that aXXo = klaxxo?? Last time i was browsing, i saw several messages that said axxo =/= klaxxo :\
Unregistered not suprised...i thought anime would be bigger though...hmmm...
People are going to download as long as its available. "They always will" But the public isnt to blame it starts with the old cassete recorders. Cassete tape was the easiest to make copys of anything and many people recorded what ever they wanted piracy laws were still in place back then but they were no where near as strict. You could pretty much check any car glove box copys of vynals all on cassette because what car had a built in Record player?.Its only since we moved into the digital age the fat cats are complaining because all of a sudden there on a cash diet.And rightly so i think.They've been getting far too rich for far too long.I mean how can they charge so little for a blank disk then charge so much with somthing on it?.The cost involved in producing a digital compact disk is very very small. Its just sheer rip off.And people that arent willing to be ripped off will download.The fat cats are still getting rich despite there losses its just pure greed thats why they are crying about this stuff they have to pay the actors and singers etc etc and its hurting there nice bank balance because they didnt quite make 50 billion this year.Well poor them!!.The Ones that should be fined and stopped are basically every brand thats ever put a record button on there products and made it so easy for the public to be tempted i mean why the hell put it there? They didnt have to they could have just made this a specialist feature for specialist liecenced personel or somthing.
Posted on Reply
Nitro-MaxPeople are going to download as long as its available. "They always will" But the public isnt to blame it starts with the old cassete recorders. Cassete tape was the easiest to make copys of anything and many people recorded what ever they wanted piracy laws were still in place back then but they were no where near as strict. You could pretty much check any car glove box copys of vynals all on cassette because what car had a built in Record player?.Its only since we moved into the digital age the fat cats are complaining because all of a sudden there on a cash diet.And rightly so i think.They've been getting far too rich for far too long.I mean how can they charge so little for a blank disk then charge so much with somthing on it?.The cost involved in producing a digital compact disk is very very small. Its just sheer rip off.And people that arent willing to be ripped off will download.The fat cats are still getting rich despite there losses its just pure greed thats why they are crying about this stuff they have to pay the actors and singers etc etc and its hurting there nice bank balance because they didnt quite make 50 billion this year.Well poor them!!.The Ones that should be fined and stopped are basically every brand thats ever put a record button on there products and made it so easy for the public to be tempted i mean why the hell put it there? They didnt have to they could have just made this a specialist feature for specialist liecenced personel or somthing.
AGREED :toast: didnt they know it was only a matter of time before techology overtook them ?
Posted on Reply
Im sorry if it sounds like ive got out of the wrong side of the bed today.This stuff just makes me angry.My dad did 10 years in the army and worked 9 years in the steel industry he worked 16 very hard hours a day to earn his money and did end up breaking 2 vertebra in his back through it.And eventually retired.It sickens me to see some people earning more in a day than my dad would in a year for doing basically very little in term of "hard work".I just think there are too many over payed people out there people like david beckham for one and his ugly twiggy looking wife.
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
snuif09i only download movies and shows but NEVER GAMES!!!! you suppossed to buy that(movies to but that are overpayed b*st*rds)shame on you pt for downloading games:shadedshu
i refuse myself to pay 70€ for a game i will play for 2 or 3 weeks tops (i rarely play online)
and then let it sit on a shelf for the rest of the eternity
i preffer to rent movies :)
Posted on Reply
pti refuse myself to pay 70€ for a game i will play for 2 or 3 weeks tops (i rarely play online)
and then let it sit on a shelf for the rest of the eternity
i preffer to rent movies :)
I belive in try before you buy m8.I think its ok to download a game to try it out if you intend to buy it if its any good.Ive made the mistake myself looked at game covers thinking yes this looks good!.Then it turned out to be garbage wasted like £40.If i like something i always try to buy the originals i much prefer originals they last longer.I have a huge music cd collection thats took me many years and alot of money to collect.Although i could download what i wanted i didnt.
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Perhaps the reason why the television programs take up such a bandwidth chunk isnt becuase they are downloaded more.

I think its more likely that they are just bigger in filesize and so take up more bandwidth
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