Tuesday, February 19th 2008

Microsoft Showcases Red Ring of Death at Game Developers Conference
It would seem as though despite $1 billion of R&D against such an event, a Microsoft Xbox 360 failed in front of a live audience. The infamous Red Ring of Death (RRoD) popped up in the middle of a Microsoft XNA demo. Microsoft XNA, when it works, is a very powerful and easy to use tool that can be used to develop video games. If you follow the source link, you can catch a video of the prominently displayed Xbox 360. The Game Developers Conference is currently happening in San Francisco. Hopefully, Microsoft can get a new Xbox 360 to show off Microsoft XNA. Until then, Microsoft is not going to enjoy the ridicule of several thousand developers, and many times more gamers.
Reg Hardware
31 Comments on Microsoft Showcases Red Ring of Death at Game Developers Conference
And about the failure comment, I know 15 people with 360s. 12 have had failures, including myself.
As for the proprietary components on the xbox 360, I don't even want to get into that...
What WILE E said "I think it's stupid to pay to play online" Look at WOW you pay for the game and pay to play online.
Don’t worry once Sony establishes it online gaming and it popular they will start charging.
And I doubt Sony will start charging for online play. Free online play can easily be used as a marketing strategy against MS and the 360.