Tuesday, February 19th 2008

Demonoid Tracker Back Online, Site to Follow?
It has been three months since Demonoid went offline at the hands of Canadian authorities. However, for some odd reason, the Demonoid tracker is responding again. Since the frontend was hosted in America, the Subdemon forums never even went down. The tracker itself is hosted in Malaysia now, and has been online for a little more than 2 days. While pirates everywhere will likely begin using the Demonoid tracker, the site itself is still down, and there has been no word from the official Demonoid team. In regards to restarting one of the most famous Bittorrent trackers of all time, founder and admin Deimos has this to say.
Money is an issue, but the real problem at the moment is finding a suitable place to host the website. There has been no luck there. And there's some personal stuff I need to take care of that takes most of my time at the moment, and that does not help.Please check the source link for a history lesson on Demonoid.
14 Comments on Demonoid Tracker Back Online, Site to Follow?
also what cooling was used?
as a amd user myself im considering getting a black edition x2 5000 this deffo makes me want one now
"congratulations grand champion hope it was worth it!" wonder how long before the cpu dies or how much life its been cut by
at least according to demonoid IRC its stil back down.......we will see what happens, hopefully we see the noid back soon, i miss the noid!!!