Monday, March 3rd 2008

ASUS Eee PC 900 Details Uncovered

Blog site Eee Site uncovered today details of the next generation Eee PC that will sport a larger display, more RAM, and more storage space. Here are some hints:
  • The new model will be named the Eee PC 900
  • 1GB of RAM will be standard (up from 512MB)
  • SSD storage capacities of up to 12GB will be available
  • The overall size should remain the same since the Eee PC 900 will use the same case as the current 700 series
  • The base price will jump from 299€ to 399€, not sure what that means for the US prices as computers usually
Expect official press release very soon.
Sources: Eee Site, Engadget
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15 Comments on ASUS Eee PC 900 Details Uncovered

For that price you can get a full sized decent spec Dell or alternate brand laptop, I think Asus marketing team think their product is is more prestigious than it really is, lets see how it fairs against the £100 Elonex One.
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Semi-Retired Folder
So basically, they made it Vista Capable. The biggest cost is the added storage, but with the price rising beyond that of a full sized, full speced laptop, it isn't really worth it anymore.
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Funny, that thing looks like my FIRST laptop: A Compaq Elite 4/75CX. (486DX 75Mhz, 16MB). Only thing is that the ASUS is probably a lot faster.
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Resident Grammar Amender
Hmmm.... they should have increased the screen slightly, maybe to 10". Anyroad, for those of you that have an Eee already... check this out!
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I agree about the screen size. As big as the case allows just be the minimum. Otherwise we get so little of anything on the screen... or the fonts are so small you need watchmakers spectacles to read them.
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I'm getting one. This is what a laptop should be.;)
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EGGcellent. I really hope it's based on Intel's Atom though... :respect:
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Bird of Prey
I like seeing lower priced Laptops, but for this price, you can get a bad ass laptop with either an intel centrino c2d chip or an AMD Turion X2 chip (which is awesome).
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What is the resolution? The old 800x480 on the current EEEpcs are the only thing keeping me away. If they can pull off at least 1280x800, I'm definitely in.
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Resident Grammar Amender
WarEagleAUI like seeing lower priced Laptops, but for this price, you can get a bad ass laptop with either an intel centrino c2d chip or an AMD Turion X2 chip (which is awesome).
Yeah but what an SSD? The no moving parts is what sells it for me, along with the small form factor and battery life.
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1c3d0gEGGcellent. I really hope it's based on Intel's Atom though... :respect:
This Intel shit will cost probably 399$ itself, so it is most likely Sempron. Vista capable - Not. There is no 40GB SSD to be compatible with Vista. You can't install 30GB installation OS on 12GB SSD.
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blah im buying a 139 priced laptop has 1 gig ssd and ubuntu installed..cant rmbr its name tought..hope it comes out soon :) * heres bout it

edit *

"As we surmised, storage comes in a 1Gb flash flavour. There's 128Mb of DDR-II memory, a seven-inch 800 by 480 LCD screen with stereo two-channel audio, built-in speakers, a microphone and audio Jack. Wibbling comes courtesy of a Lan/WLAN 10/100M Ethernet with WLAN 802.11g Antenna. The chip remains a bit of an enigma though. The spec sheet describes it as a LNX Code 8 Mobile Processor running at 300MHz. "
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Saakkiblah im buying a 139 priced laptop has 1 gig ssd and ubuntu installed..cant rmbr its name tought..hope it comes out soon :) "
Buy Nokia N810 instead. It is more powerful and has GPS too.
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R_1: that would truly suck then. I want Intel or nothing. And I'd still try to install Vista, vLite'd if necessary, just for fun.
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i think nokia doesnt rly offer me any movie watching experiences..i need a CHEAP machine that i can write and watch stuff as im travelling:)
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