Saturday, March 15th 2008

Manhunt 2 to go on Sale in the UK

Following months of disputes between Rockstar Games and the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), the Video Appeals Committee has finally given the go-ahead for Manhunt 2 to go on sale in the UK. The BBFC originally refused to give the game an age rating, essentially preventing it from being sold within the UK, feeling it was too gory for children and 'vulnerable adults'. However, having taken the matter as far as the English High Court, Rockstar has now been given permission to sell the title with an 18 certificate.
Source: Reg Hardware
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12 Comments on Manhunt 2 to go on Sale in the UK

it was a stupid excuse for banning it in the first place, some retarded chav killed a dude...then eveyone blamed on MH cos he was playing it at the time
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I think there DOES need to be a system of banning games/videos etc. However, perhaps more clear rules should be published, so that we can all agree or disagree with them, without getting all hot under the collar about specific titles.
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Or hold the parents responsible, but that would be insanity.
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YES!!! This is great news! Now I can learn how to kill people in real life!
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SteevoOr hold the parents responsible, but that would be insanity.
No. There needs to a control/censorship system in place. Else why not develop games where you can be a Jew and get points for torturing and beheading Jehovahs Witnesse or Muslims, or play a terrorist getting points for blowing up Jews, extra points if in the Sinagogue, etc. etc. Or virtual rape of children, etc. Or "games" where you trade child snuff pr0n.

All despicable. And in my book should not be allowed to see daylight. In fact, i'd go one further, and prosecute people that even attempted to publish stuff like that.

Its extremely irresponsible to say that there is no censorship other than "hold parents responsible" required.
Posted on Reply
SteevoOr hold the parents responsible, but that would be insanity.

Im sick hearing all this stuff, its the parents responsibility not the governments.
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Well sometimes the parents just wont listen or care if its an 18 so the government has to force people to do it, morally forcing them can be justified for it benefits everyone.

Dont care cause they shouldnt buy there kids games like that.

Not just this but unreal tournament is an 18 due to its gore violence.
Posted on Reply
parenting is non-existent today. parents refuse to discipline their kids because the previous generation was over-disciplined. yes, there needs to be rating standards in place, it needs to be enforced, but it's still up to the parents. to decide what people can or cannot say, publish, or do is horrible, and is usually included in constitutions/human rights in most countries. atm in Europe, there is a guy who wants to release a movie that shows the Muslim faith as an abomination that will ruin the world. it's not hard to see that this will cause a few problems, but he has his right to free speech. I have no problem if he releases such an opinion, but he needs to make it clear that it is his opinion, and not that of anyone else's.

the point is, people need to take responsibility for the media they enjoy. I know a kid who has seen RE like once a week since it came out. he loves it, and he isn't a psycho because his parents took the time to put the movie into context, and watched it with him so he wouldn't be traumatized.
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lemonadesodaNo. There needs to a control/censorship system in place. Else why not develop games where you can be a Jew and get points for torturing and beheading Jehovahs Witnesse or Muslims, or play a terrorist getting points for blowing up Jews, extra points if in the Sinagogue, etc. etc. Or virtual rape of children, etc. Or "games" where you trade child snuff pr0n.

All despicable. And in my book should not be allowed to see daylight. In fact, i'd go one further, and prosecute people that even attempted to publish stuff like that.

Its extremely irresponsible to say that there is no censorship other than "hold parents responsible" required.
I am.

And I take full responsibility for how my son acts at two. No he is not a "terrible two" child, he uses thank you and please already, and he is not covered with bruises or locked in a closet to make him a nice child.

Now I watch Family Guy and when they poke fun of my religion I laugh as it is funny, same with the land shark on old SNL skits. No problem man. So if someone wants to make a game about beheading or marching people from my religion into a gas chamber or whatever, go for it. Your choice. :p I might even pick up a copy.

Too many people are offended by little things and get wrapped up in BS while life is passing them by, and parents are the first and last line to protect, teach, and educate their children. No two ways about it.
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bassmastaparenting is non-existent today. parents refuse to discipline their kids because the previous generation was over-disciplined. yes, there needs to be rating standards in place, it needs to be enforced, but it's still up to the parents. to decide what people can or cannot say, publish, or do is horrible, and is usually included in constitutions/human rights in most countries. atm in Europe, there is a guy who wants to release a movie that shows the Muslim faith as an abomination that will ruin the world. it's not hard to see that this will cause a few problems, but he has his right to free speech. I have no problem if he releases such an opinion, but he needs to make it clear that it is his opinion, and not that of anyone else's.

the point is, people need to take responsibility for the media they enjoy. I know a kid who has seen RE like once a week since it came out. he loves it, and he isn't a psycho because his parents took the time to put the movie into context, and watched it with him so he wouldn't be traumatized.
I think the rating system is complete bullshit. If I want a copy of a M game I just go to bi-mart and buy it from meth addicts that don't care as long as they're getting their fix at the end of the day. If that dosen't work I'll just bittorrent it.
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You're a responsible parent. But more than 50% of parents arent, even if they want to be, they dont know how or dont have the time.

As a statesman, its important to have some "hand" in creating the environment in which we grow up... it becomes our culture. Take a look at every other continent in the world (or religion). All very different. And all explainable by "culture". Let's make sure we create a culture of which we are proud.

SODA for President!
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I dont believe that taking the ratings any further than applying a recommended rating for people. Go too far with it, and the kids actually might let it affect them. Funny how countries with less constraints have less problems...
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