Wednesday, March 26th 2008

New ATI Hotfix Patches Various 3D Problems with Radeon HD Series

Owners of ATI's Radeon HD2xxx/HD3xxx series cards who are experiencing intermittent stuttering when running various 3D applications can now make use of the new Catalyst hotfix which is said to fix the problem. Available now for Windows XP (32/64-bit) and Windows Vista (32/64-bit), the 737-33033 hotfix can be downloaded here.
Source: ATI
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50 Comments on New ATI Hotfix Patches Various 3D Problems with Radeon HD Series

They havnt? What about the 1900 Series vs the 7900 series?
j3tstreamIt is kind of wierd that since x850 ati have never came back to the top again.
Something is on the works..... :respect: at least lets pray for the gpu gods to help ati rise again1!!!11
(because if u ppl think really well the only missing think is pure performance so at least for me ATI is leading ever since the first gpu)
Posted on Reply
j3tstreamI am not totally sure but I believe most of them are hd3000 series issues and alot 3850 have problems(crysis), why???
I wanted to know too... lets ask ati, I already sent some feedback to them without answer, so I hope that at least they can get it fixed on 8.4 drivers.
I love to be a pioneer but I hate the 2ndary effects of imature drivers.

That is something I have noticed.... Nvidia fixes some things really fast but not always the best way, but they do; ATI fixes everything but it takes 1to3 driver versions to fully fix it. The overall quality of ati drivers and performance is also better but I must admit that nvidia has learned somethings since the 6***series and stopped stealling quality in exchange for performance hits. Or at least they learned how to cover it. Because right now the only things I can tell that ati is in vantage are all quality enchancements, not performance.
Of course I dont give a *** about 60 to 100 fps difference when I can have 16-24AA, and tesselation on gpu. I rather have a full featured card then a beast that can run everything at max settings and no extra features.

After all of this I still feel like ATI could be alot better, dont knw why but I still feel that there is something cooking on ATI behind this whole GPU competition.

It is kind of wierd that since x850 ati have never came back to the top again.
Something is on the works..... :respect: at least lets pray for the gpu gods to help ati rise again1!!!11
(because if u ppl think really well the only missing think is pure performance so at least for me ATI is leading ever since the first gpu)
1900/1950>7800/7900/7950, so u missed a gen, it wasnt till the 8800 that ati fell behind.

as to the nvidia fix some stuff fast.

well they fix issues with the top games fast, other issues they totaly ignore because it dosnt sell cards, only reviews and benchmarks sell cards in their eyes.

some examples i have read about and then disscoved for myself.

windows x64 pro crash on anything that access hardware fetures bug, this is a KNOWN bugg and has been there with server 2003 and x64pro since they came out, nvidia hasnt bothered to fix it dispite it being a know and admited bug in their datebase, why, because they figuar if your using x64pro/server 2003 you can just reinstall as many times as it takes to get it to not crash, it took me 5 trys the 5th i found the fix on another forum, gotta slipstream an nvidia driver into the disk, then update to the current one IF it wasnt the current one after its setup and stable, nice, force me to install windows multi times to fix a problem that shouldnt ever happen!!!!!

and 2nd, one i hadnt seen but confermed myself, yv12 rendering bugg, most codecs now dissable yv12 mode on nvidia cards because it dosnt work properly, this is stupid since every other videochip maker even SiS and S3(via) have working yv12 support, and nvidia has fixed it randomly with betas or fulls over the last year and a half......but they dont care because it dosnt sell cards, all that matters to them is crysis and the like, games that are used to benchmark the card.........

again thats why i dont think we are seeing support for other cards in the latist drivers, because nvidia dosnt care to bother to test them with other cards, all they care about is selling their latist and greatist 9 seirse cards, screw anybody whos got an 8seirse, even if its a g92 8seirse just like the brand new "9" seirse......what a crock......
Posted on Reply
Too bad the beta doesn't offer support for the 1900 series :(

I'm hoping that 8.4 fixes the piss-poor Crossfire performance for 1950 series cards . . . I've had to roll back to 8.2 for the time being.
Posted on Reply
u r forgeting the gx2 that one was fastest than an x1950xt, witch means that ati never really got a vantage in performance, but only in tech.
Still I am very happy for their choice. Quality over performance:toast:
Posted on Reply
Nope no changes for me.
Posted on Reply
In Control Center these say 'Catalyst 8.4'.
Must be pre-8.4.
Posted on Reply
MrMilliIn Control Center these say 'Catalyst 8.4'.
Must be pre-8.4.
I mentioned that earlier. Put up a screenie too. No-one seemed to notice :(
Posted on Reply
must be alpha or beta drivers or even prealpha,
no change, still got gigantic breaks in some places in source games.
Posted on Reply
I'm still getting the odd atimkdag has stopped responding when im surfing the net. Never does it in games, even under full load :confused::confused::confused:
Posted on Reply
Actually i wasnt forgetting about the gx2.. I was talking about single cards and single gpus. Im pretty sure crossfired 1900's would have ate it for lunch.
j3tstreamu r forgeting the gx2 that one was fastest than an x1950xt, witch means that ati never really got a vantage in performance, but only in tech.
Still I am very happy for their choice. Quality over performance:toast:
Posted on Reply
PsychoholicActually i wasnt forgetting about the gx2.. I was talking about single cards and single gpus. Im pretty sure crossfired 1900's would have ate it for lunch.
please dont force me to say it....
you know for sure that 2 gx2 should be better thant 2 1950 :cry:
Posted on Reply
BumbRushif your using an HD card why the hell would u be using the 7.12 drivers.....thats insain.....
Have you attempted to install HD 2600 drivers for an AGP card? BAD move on ATI's part by not supporting that card :mad: At least the Omega drivers work :toast:
Posted on Reply
all i can say about the agp cards is complain dirrrectly to amd/ati, they fix it then break it, ofcorse at least they are offering agp cards that are better then the bottem of the barel chips :)
Posted on Reply
I was getting strange glitching in Supreme Commander Forged Alliance with my X1900XT, flickering trees warping fog of war, lingering effects etc...

I'll post again once I get them installed to see if it is alleviated.
Posted on Reply
j3tstreamplease dont force me to say it....
you know for sure that 2 gx2 should be better thant 2 1950 :cry:
Um, the 2 GX2's aren't, they got owned by even 2 7900GTX's.....QuadSLi just didn't work, sooo...
Posted on Reply
Urbklr911Um, the 2 GX2's aren't, they got owned by even 2 7900GTX's.....QuadSLi just didn't work, sooo...
then maybe I was wrong and only since 8000series nvidia is leading, but even so... I want ati on top again :cry: I will not stop whining until ATI (completely)kicks nvidia's ass again like we were used to.
Posted on Reply
j3tstreamthen maybe I was wrong and only since 8000series nvidia is leading, but even so... I want ati on top again :cry: I will not stop whining until ATI (completely)kicks nvidia's ass again like we were used to.
+1....ATi FTW:rockout:
Posted on Reply
Well, the question still lies:


Oops, my Capslock got stuck. :p
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Wile E
Power User
BumbRushand 2nd, one i hadnt seen but confermed myself, yv12 rendering bugg, most codecs now dissable yv12 mode on nvidia cards because it dosnt work properly
That bug doesn't exist in 169.21.
Posted on Reply
XolairWell, the question still lies:


Oops, my Capslock got stuck. :p
from what Ive heard you should uninstall all ati software even for the hotfixes. :o
Posted on Reply
j3tstreamfrom what Ive heard you should uninstall all ati software even for the hotfixes. :o
I just installed the driver (not the catalyst suite) last night over the older driver... works fine... and notice no difference (HD2900pro playing COD4)
Diddnt use the software uninstall utility atall and it diddnt seem to make a hint of difference this time round.
Posted on Reply
so i should uninstall all ati drivers and stuff before installing this fix or just install over exisiting 8.3's ? once again ati reign supreme with little or no info
Posted on Reply
Yes you shoul clear all driver vestiges before this...
Posted on Reply
Wile EThat bug doesn't exist in 169.21.
they dissabled yv12 in the 169.21's i did some tests and the driver just dosnt support it, the 174's seem to have it back, and its "ok" the quilitys not perfect tho, still better to force another mode if the movie uses yv12 by default.
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