Monday, April 14th 2008

New Folding@home GPU Client Available

Until now, the only graphics cards supported by the Folding@home GPU client were ATI's Radeon 16xx, 18xx and 19xx series cards. However, a new beta version is now available from here which will allow owners of HD 2xxx and 3xxx cards to contribute some of their graphics processing power to the project. The Folding@home project is run by Stanford University and simulates protein folding in the hope of finding cures for diseases including Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease and many Cancers. Even if you do not own a supported graphics card, you can still download the standard CPU client and contribute your idle processing power - all you need is an internet connection. To find out more, why not take a look at techPowerUp!'s Folding@home team?
Source: Folding@home Support Forum
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31 Comments on New Folding@home GPU Client Available

One core per client per GPU core. I am using one of my cores and my HD3870 @ 860 core 1206 Mem and finished 3 1/2 units last night. Would ahve done more but Perfect Disk perfectly fucked up my filesystem and I had to do a repair and much else. Kept getting Unmountable_boot_volume errors, it would load windows and as soon as the control was handed over to windows drivers it took a dump on me. But anyway, I still had my slipstream disk from my last install handy, so a hour later and I was going.
Posted on Reply
ATI was supported on the X1K series due to lazy ass workarounds in the 7K and 8K series from Nvidia to gain better performance. 24bit instead of true 32bit precision. Plus they were unwilling to work with anyone on driver interfacing or anything else. Plus it is the Stream Processors that are programmable that make this project go for ATI.
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NamesDontMatterI think the environmental aspect of this is quite interesting. For human health were killing the earth, kind of ironic. The powers got to come from somewhere. I guess I'm one of those idiots who still turns off my computer when I'm not using it. :eek:
You mean you quit using your comp? Sound like a noob, to me :D
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SteevoOne core per client per GPU core. I am using one of my cores and my HD3870 @ 860 core 1206 Mem and finished 3 1/2 units last night. Would ahve done more but Perfect Disk perfectly fucked up my filesystem and I had to do a repair and much else. Kept getting Unmountable_boot_volume errors, it would load windows and as soon as the control was handed over to windows drivers it took a dump on me. But anyway, I still had my slipstream disk from my last install handy, so a hour later and I was going.
It corrupted your boot sector (or windows did b/c windows likes to do that). All that is needed is to run Partition Table Doctor. It will repair the boot and partitions. It's a 15 sec job.
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Still no Nvidia support? :banghead:
What makes ATi so much better at GPU folding than Nvidia that they don't make an Nvidia client?
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TheGuruStudIt corrupted your boot sector (or windows did b/c windows likes to do that). All that is needed is to run Partition Table Doctor. It will repair the boot and partitions. It's a 15 sec job.
No. The file system was Fubar, I had and still have a custom boot sector. All my files and data were OK, but the journals and other pointers were not updated by PD correctly and caused corruption.
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