Monday, May 19th 2008

ECS X48T-A Black Series Motherboard Available in Limited Quantity
Heading to the high-end motherboard offerings more and more, Elitegroup Computer Systems (ECS) has launched its latest killer motherboard. The ECS X48T-A Black Series motherboard is based on Intel's X48 Express chipset, and as such it offers full support for Intel 45nm processors, Intel XMP technology, and ATI's CrossFire technology (two PCI Express 2.0 x16 slots). The big cooling you see on the picture is ECS' Qooltech Generation 2, a fan-less design with single heatpipe and enough copper to cool efficiently hot parts such as the Intel X48 north bridge, the Intel ICH9R south bridge and the CPU PWM area. The X48T-A motherboard is available now in limited quantity, so you better hurry up. More info is available here.
26 Comments on ECS X48T-A Black Series Motherboard Available in Limited Quantity
(edit) might be somemore solid caps behind that heatsink.
Not a bad looking mobo, I don't like the black PCI slots but that's just personal preference. And is that a COM port next to the PS/2 ports? WTF?
K7VTA3 was a great OC'r so was K7VTA6 so i don't rule them out at all. My Nforce3-A Was a good 754 Oc'r got higher than my Chaintech Nforce3 250 or my MSI K8N Neo FSR ever did with my A64 3200, the MSI and Chaintech topped out at 2.5 the ECS topped it out at 2.7
Great looking board except for the SATA ports are right in the line of fire of the video card setup
Has it been pointed out, that ECS is one of the mobo mfgrs who provide full res pics of their products? I honestly think other mfgrs should do that too!
This board deserves a review.
as to morethen any other maker, i have seen STACKS of gigabyte and asus boards that where flawed as well as foxconn boards and others, and when i say stacks, i have worked at shops where we wold have a 4foot talk stack of bad boards waiting to be shiped back for rma....funny part, there was NEVER a large stack of ECS boards, mostly because i knew what boards to avoid when telling the owners what to order.
and you should try biostars tseirse/tpower boards ;)
read up on msi's flash tool they send out with their boards, it bricks more boards doing updates then you would belive!!!!!
asus never fixes/updates their audio drivers for the ADI chipsets unless you a vista user, and since most of the boards that use that chip where out b4 vista you would think they would update them specly since all it takes is them slaping a packege from analog devices up for us.
gigabytes gotten better but for a while they where giving out bios that no matter how you flashed them it had a large chance to brick the board......(i know i had to send in 20+ boards over that time period because it was cheaper then having them send a new bios chip)
dfi has issues due to default bios settings in most cases, but still, at least with ECS they work at stock most times just fine, in the case of dfi i have had them tell me "get a new psu, and new ram" dispite having high quility units of both, they wanted me to buy 200$ ram kits and 300$ psu's.............