Thursday, May 22nd 2008

Microsoft Bashes British Gamer from Xbox Live for Registering with his Real Name

This story comes to prove what can happen if your name does not fit the standards. Last night, a British gamer was banned from the Xbox Live network, for registering with the RichardGaywood gamertag. From Microsoft's point of view nick names that violate the XBL policies are being removed immediately. You can't have a sexual term in you name. Yes, but what if the guy's last name is indeed Gaywood. His real full name is Richard Michael Gaywood. Do we have to change our real names so we can register and get permitted to access what we have paid for.
Source: Kotaku
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72 Comments on Microsoft Bashes British Gamer from Xbox Live for Registering with his Real Name

thoughtdisorderThx for that!:toast:

Ironic that the US supposedly embraces "Freedom of Speech". You can burn a flag as an expression of this right but don't you dare say something that could possibly offend someone. Well, flag burning offends me, but yet I don't whine to the press or anyone else about it. People take them damn selves way too seriously these days and they should lighten the hell up. Whatever happened to the days when we laughed at ourselves? :rolleyes:
Ya need to come to oz man were all supa casual here especially me i make chillin an art form :cool:
Posted on Reply
thoughtdisorderWhatever happened to the days when we laughed at ourselves? :rolleyes:
Sadly enough, those days were all before September 11, 2001. :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
craigwhitesidei hate political correctness...
+1 brother, +1. Political correctness = :shadedshu

Although I'm curious, has "PC-ism" spread to the UK as well?
Posted on Reply
mdm-adphSadly enough, those days were all before September 11, 2001. :shadedshu
some people never could laugh at themselves or take others laughing at them a good map of where people have trouble lauging at themselves and being laughed at.

blue tend to be far more layed back and not take themselves to seirously, red areas enlarge are full of "concervitieves"(you know like bush, social concervitives who like to spend spend spend when it comes to $ driving up national debt....) the red areas tend to take themselves to importantly and cant take a joke or laugh at their own insanity.

i live in a blue area, but i have alot of friends in both areas, invariably its the ones from red states who cant lulz at themselves and get all butt hurt when others laugh at them......blah

sorry but this is my personal experiance......this countrys gotten worse since bush took office worse and worse every day.....
Posted on Reply
the Decline of western civilization Pt ?

Its too bad that in a world of Extrem poverty, abuse of every kind, killing of children and the slow death of our planet, that it does Indeed seem as if even a Mans or Womans name is now censored. Dont We have enough bigotry in the world yet ? for ch**st sakes, I understand the need to police those that are Ignorant and feel the need to make up silly and debasing tags. Instead of spending god-knows-how-much on server access for Your favorite game, why not send some to the disabled Vets fund or some charity of worth . I guess it is true, The rich just get richer.
Posted on Reply
Thermopylae_480It isn't like some person at Microsoft went and hunted down this guy. They undoubtedly designed a program that looked for certain letter combinations and automatically disabled their account in order to prevent people from having names such as
They don't have a program that hunts down names after they've already been created. There's a filter while creating your gamertag. This person was caught after the fact because other players can report offensive gamertags. If enough people report your gamertag, you'll be forced to change it.
mdm-adphPlease, for the love of all things good and holy, stop bringing your flamewar-worthy political views here to TechPowerUp, which is supposed to be a board focused on technology.
So it's only ok to bring up politics when it's pro-liberalism/communism? I didn't see you flipping out about the first reply in this thread blaming conservatism - trust me, MS couldn't give the slightest Shart about bad words, they are in the business of making money, and if they offend a homosexual and get sued, they'll lose money - their primary interest... I was merely explaining why Microsoft is afraid of being sued. The EU commies are suing Microsoft for bundling a media player with their OS....
Posted on Reply
They don't have a program that hunts down names after they've already been created. There's a filter while creating your gamertag. This person was caught after the fact because other players can report offensive gamertags. If enough people report your gamertag, you'll be forced to change it.

So it's only ok to bring up politics when it's pro-liberalism/communism? I didn't see you flipping out about the first reply in this thread blaming conservatism - trust me, MS couldn't give the slightest Shart about bad words, they are in the business of making money, and if they offend a homosexual and get sued, they'll lose money - their primary interest... I was merely explaining why Microsoft is afraid of being sued. The EU commies are suing Microsoft for bundling a media player with their OS....
Dangle, with all due respect there's a place and a time for your views. This thread and forum is neither. TPU stands for "Tech Powerup", not "Bullshit Ideals powerup". No offense, but dude, come on, lose the BS Sig and move it to an appropriate bleeding heart political blog. Thanks.:rolleyes:

I can give you a Hillary, Obama, or McCain linky if ya need it. (Even maybe a Lieberman linky!) Let's face it, when we step in that voting booth in November we'll be faced with two bowls of sh*t. Bottom line is, which one smells the least?

Quite simply, MS did nothing different than anyother self respecting site would have done. It's a code thing, not a personal thing. Some schmuck in the basement of MS didn't jump up and say, ha-ha-ha-ha, let's screw this guy! I mean, Gaywood, I feel sorry for all involved....
Posted on Reply
You Americans are just lucky my ex girlfriend isnt President.
Bitch she was!
Once a month it would be nuclear war in some part of the world. Anyone that opposed her, bodybagged.

I agree with ' thoughtdisorder ', i doubt MS wish to offend any of their users, and i dont think they really give a shit about any word. Like binary means jackshit to the average person, normal words mean jackshit to MS.
Posted on Reply
DangleThe only reason MS bans names with words like GAY and COON in them is because they are afraid of being sued. Liberals in this country have given lawyers and judges tooooo much power. You can sue anybody for anything here. Thanks to liberalism, censorship is quite necessary.

He was not banned from XBL, just forced to change his name for free. Not the end of the world.
Wrong. You listen or read republican propaganda too much.

Read this from the right wing "AFA" which is a huge lobby/special interest group behind the republicans:
"The American Family Association (AFA) has been a long-time promoter of "traditional moral values" in the media, particularly television. AFA built its reputation on organizing boycotts against sponsors of TV shows with "anti-Christian" messages and ideas, or against companies it claims support the so-called "homosexual agenda" or marriage equality."

More proof:
When a citizen listens to a local radio station, he should reasonably expect the content of that broadcast to be free of indecent or profane language. When the station breaks the public trust by airing content which the listener feels violates community standards, the citizen can file a complaint against the station with the FCC. In turn, the FCC will begin a formal investigation to determine if the station is subject to fines or license termination.

Dangle: read more, and quit it with the anti-liberal slander.(I changed my avatar to McCain for you yesterday. ;))
Posted on Reply
DangleThis person was caught after the fact because other players can report offensive gamertags. If enough people report your gamertag, you'll be forced to change it.
and i could report "Dangle" as bein an offencive gamer tag to me, because some people sall their cock a "Dangley" or because well i just dont like you and so your names offencive.
(not saying i dont like you,just an example)
So it's only ok to bring up politics when it's pro-liberalism/communism? I didn't see you flipping out about the first reply in this thread blaming conservatism - trust me, MS couldn't give the slightest Shart about bad words, they are in the business of making money, and if they offend a homosexual and get sued, they'll lose money - their primary interest... I was merely explaining why Microsoft is afraid of being sued. The EU commies are suing Microsoft for bundling a media player with their OS....
ms isnt gonna loose long term for bashing gays, because "concervitives" like you will give them more buisness for being "wholsome" and having "family values" or "treditional christian values" in the end they would upset a minority to make more off the majority, tho they dont want to have offencive tags because it may loose them players.

and they have every right to run their country/countrys as they see fit, in this case i happen to agree with them, IE and Media player was better when it wasnt forced on your as part of the default os install, IE8 is headed the dirrrection of being a standalone app this will also mean patching it will be easyer since patching out an IE bug wont have the possable effect of causing problems with windows explorer, I know some people like you who think that large companys should beable to do whatever they want whenever they want, but most of us dont agree, sure its capitilisim, but there are anti monopoly laws for a reasion. Did you know that the EU would have allowed ms to keep media player as part of windows if ms also offered other players or preinstaled 3rd party player options?

so they could have slaped VLC in their for a media player option and gotten around the main gripe the EU and many of us have with ms's tactics.

as to IE, if ms would include opera or FF or both as OPTIONS along side IE during install, i would be stoked, hell download the latist version of IE8/opera/FF after windows is setup and install them all, not like they take up alot of space, hell could toss safari in there to, its a prety damn decent browser for something apple makes, and its downloader KILLS anything i have seen as a default browser downloader(no joke, take a look at it....)
Posted on Reply
Snake05I haven't seen anyone burn a flag inside the country, and if it did happen I'm not sure it would be taken lightly by most of us, including myself. Most flag burning is done in hatred towards the US from protests overseas.

More on topic, again, this could all be avoided if someone would have read the small print. Everyone should read all the Terms and Use Policy's on EVERYTHING they partake in....:p
i have, and it didnt offend me, butt then again i have been accused of being "to layed back" when it comes to that shit......

oh and i have burned flags, but for a reasion, out of tredition if a US flag touches the ground you MUST burn it, and my great grandfather took that and many other old time treditions very seirously, and yes he did get very offended at the protesters who burnt flag, but he also said that part of why he went to war(worldwar2) was to defend peoples rights to protest.
he was a hard core republican, never voted outside party lines, even he would be appauled by what bush and the "concervitives" have done to our rights......
Posted on Reply
HaytchYou Americans are just lucky my ex girlfriend isnt President.
Bitch she was!
Once a month it would be nuclear war in some part of the world. Anyone that opposed her, bodybagged.

I agree with ' thoughtdisorder ', i doubt MS wish to offend any of their users, and i dont think they really give a shit about any word. Like binary means jackshit to the average person, normal words mean jackshit to MS.
god/allah/buda/who the fuck ever, save us from people that PMS and that take themselves to seirously, my ex was like that as well, but i also have some gaming buddys who are guys that are like that, u would sware that 1 week a month they are having male pms attacks.......kinda fun to mess with them when they are like that tho, they endup doing stupid things in game and getting killed :P
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I think Microsoft's goal with this is to prevent offeneding people and to help protect others. if you have a tag that sounds 'gay' people will harrass.
Posted on Reply
beyond_amusiaI think Microsoft's goal with this is to prevent offeneding people and to help protect others. if you have a tag that sounds 'gay' people will harrass.
and some people feed off being harrassed, i use to use game tags that would destract people, give then an excuse to make fun of me, it destracts them from the games true point, as such can be a usefull tool in some games(if somebody is busy harrassing you they arent gonna be paying attn to the you an advantege.)
Posted on Reply
Rebo&Zootyand some people feed off being harrassed, i use to use game tags that would destract people, give then an excuse to make fun of me, it destracts them from the games true point, as such can be a usefull tool in some games(if somebody is busy harrassing you they arent gonna be paying attn to the you an advantege.)
ooh.. I never looked at it that way... :toast:
Posted on Reply
DaedalusHeliosWrong. You listen or read republican propaganda too much.

Read this from the right wing "AFA" which is a huge lobby/special interest group behind the republicans:

More proof:

Dangle: read more, and quit it with the anti-liberal slander.(I changed my avatar to McCain for you yesterday. ;))
Dude I actually kinda agree with you here. I believe that if you don't want your kids to see dirty content, it's your own responsibility, not the government's. Keep your own kids safe! Homosexuals could sue MS for being offended by a screen name like gaywood, and a social-conservative group could file an anti-trust suit for the same reason. If we didn't have soo many laws regarding political correctness - much like in Nazi Germany, Microsoft wouldn't have to ban people with offensive names. I truly believe MS's only interest is not to get sued... They didn't make the guy change his name because microsoft has strict morals.
Posted on Reply
Someone lock this thread. :toast:

People add in 2 sentences at the end of there post just to appear that they are staying on topic. This thread is going nowhere, and can be seen after the 1st page of posts.
Posted on Reply
^Useless off-topic post, ravenass.

-Xbox Live is offensive.
-People say dirty words on Xbox Live.
Posted on Reply
I do not agree with the AFA's views. I just quoted them because you were blaming it on the "liberals" and censorship is actually a republican platform.

I think all religious groups should stay out of the media. That goes for Christians that try to uphold their "values". It also applies to Muslims that get offended around every corner and threaten to sue like they are little children whining all freakin day. The Muslims are abusing all European legal systems right now. And the backlash is the general population disliking them for it. Muslims shouldn't force their "values" on other cultures like they do in Europe. Such Nonsense is no tolerated in the US.:shadedshu

On a private level the Muslims of Europe don't cause many problems except for a few isolated incidents from time to time. Its the cultural leaders of Islam(most currently) that are so twisted they make the Catholic Church's past look like Peace Corps.:ohwell:
Posted on Reply
vtaylor67Its too bad that in a world of Extrem poverty, abuse of every kind, killing of children and the slow death of our planet, that it does Indeed seem as if even a Mans or Womans name is now censored. Dont We have enough bigotry in the world yet ? for ch**st sakes, I understand the need to police those that are Ignorant and feel the need to make up silly and debasing tags. Instead of spending god-knows-how-much on server access for Your favorite game, why not send some to the disabled Vets fund or some charity of worth . I guess it is true, The rich just get richer.
just a note, the planits not dieing, we are just making it so that people and many animals will not beable to live here, we couldnt kill the planit if we tryed, it would keep on going, even if we wiped all life off the face of it, and eventuly life would return, probbly some kinda weird evolved cockroach :P
DangleDude I actually kinda agree with you here. I believe that if you don't want your kids to see dirty content, it's your own responsibility, not the government's. Keep your own kids safe! Homosexuals could sue MS for being offended by a screen name like gaywood, and a social-conservative group could file an anti-trust suit for the same reason. If we didn't have soo many laws regarding political correctness - much like in Nazi Germany, Microsoft wouldn't have to ban people with offensive names. I truly believe MS's only interest is not to get sued... They didn't make the guy change his name because microsoft has strict morals.
u do realise that fascism is a far right, yes i said RIGHT philophisy, and thats what your talking about and what this countrys becoming since your oh so vaunted "concervitives" got countrol and used TERROIST TACTICS on ITS OWN PEOPLE, keep the people scared of what could happen, make them think they will all die if they dont let you do whatever you want, give them visions of mushroom clouds over every city if they dont vote for you and give you all the power you want......

do some research and read some history books befor you blame"librals" for shit like NAZI germany or the fascist bullshit going on in this country.
Nazism, commonly known as National Socialism,[1][2][3][4] (German: Nationalsozialismus), refers primarily to the ideology and practices of the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler; and the policies adopted by the government of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, a period also known as the Third Reich.[5][6][7][8] The official name of the party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei[9] (NSDAP) — “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”. The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. Nazism is generally considered by scholars to be a form of fascism, and while it incorporated some elements from the political left, it formed its most solid alliances on the political right.

Nazism was not a monolithic movement, but rather a (mainly German) combination of various ideologies and groups, sparked by anger at the Treaty of Versailles and what was considered to have been a Jewish/Communist conspiracy (known in the vernacular as the Dolchstoßlegende or “Stab-in-the-Back Legend”) to humiliate Germany at the end of the First World War.

Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism, ethnic nationalism, racism, collectivism,[11][12] eugenics, antisemitism, opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism,[13][14][12] anti-communism, and totalitarianism.
so stop your slander calling librals nazi's, read a damn history book not writen by some nazi douch bag or some far right wing nutter like limbah, O’Reilly, or that nutter (m)ann coulter.....
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The oddest things bring out the crazy in people.
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