Monday, June 9th 2008

Apple Announces new iPhone Model - the iPhone 3G

We all knew it would happen. Apple just made it official. The new 3G enabled iPhone will hit stores on July 11. The 8GB version will come in a black finish and cost a mere $199, while the 16GB variant will set you back $299 US Dollars. The latter can also be bought in white. Check out the Apple Online Store website for further details. Some notable additions are A-GPS, tri-band 3G support and longer battery life.
Source: Apple Store
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50 Comments on Apple Announces new iPhone Model - the iPhone 3G

nflesher87oh everyone and their mother is going to have one now that theirs a $200 variant...
Yes, my mother really likes them. I think we'll try to get a package deal.;)
Posted on Reply
Lolz...I've known this info for some time now...working for AT&T has its benefits! I would have released it but I love my job :laugh:
Posted on Reply
My stars went supernova
The only thing that sucks is the damn 5gig cap. I would like to use it as my main source of internet and dl all sorts of crap.......
Posted on Reply
vexenI heard metal cost $100 per pound. Is this an attempt to troll?

Anyway, i am stuck with an iPod touch, when i could have had an iPhone with a better battery for a lower price :(

Sorry, but "metal" doesnt cost $100 per pound!

Steel is about $1000 per tonne, which is 1000kg, or 2200 lb. That means steel is about $0.50 per lb.

Copper is about $8000 per tonne, or $4 per lb.

Aluminium is about $3000 per tonne, or $1.50 per lb.


= a move to plastic is not about cost of materials, but about manufacturing costs. Getting a 100% perfect metal clamshell and polishing it is an expensive process. Injection mould platic is a cheap process.

+ there may have been too many broken phones from drops. Goodness knows how many times my Nokia has hit the floor (and survived). The classic iPhone, if dropped on typical street, is dead. The plastic case can be designed to have a better survival on impact rate.
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
Crash I got a Samsung Sync a707 as well and I love it. In september, I think I may go the Samsung Blackjack 2 unless something better comes along ( I really dont want the iphone) Or, if they are cheaper, LGs version of the iphone (or is it Samsung) that is a hell of a lot faster with everything and 3g support. My Wife and I have been with AT&T for 6 years, when they were AT&T then went to Cingular and now back again. gotta say they are tops. Im in the boonies here and I still get damn good reception.
Posted on Reply
probly just cheaper to make the new ones. with it being plastic and etc.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
That's a really good price, but I won't get one until they give me an additional memory slot of some sort.
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUCrash I got a Samsung Sync a707 as well and I love it. In september, I think I may go the Samsung Blackjack 2 unless something better comes along ( I really dont want the iphone) Or, if they are cheaper, LGs version of the iphone (or is it Samsung) that is a hell of a lot faster with everything and 3g support. My Wife and I have been with AT&T for 6 years, when they were AT&T then went to Cingular and now back again. gotta say they are tops. Im in the boonies here and I still get damn good reception.
The phone really is great. I have about a gig of music on there curtosy of an SD card and I listen to it at work when i have to bring in stray grocery carts for an hour. :)

Its my first ever cell phone and I got it around release. I didnt even know about it then. I just saw it, liked it, got it. :)

Even if I didnt like the phone, I would just take out my SIM card and sell the iPhone and get something else. Then again, they have that 30day return policy. :)

Edit: So wait. Does the 8GB $199 phone come in metal or plastic? Are the current iPhones metal?
Posted on Reply
For anyone wondering, the back is actually now plastic. I would love to have the plastic version, seems like it would cut down on the weight.

Additionally, they were show casing 3G on the iPhone at the WWDC and it's 4 seconds slower than WIFI on the iPhone. For 200$! :eek:
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nflesher87oh everyone and their mother is going to have one now that theirs a $200 variant...
Just like me...

As long as I don't see 11 year old children running around with Iphones then I'm fine.
Posted on Reply
It cost at least $70 a month to have both data and voice for that phone!!!
Posted on Reply
I pay 60 now for 450 minutes (which I never use fully) and I have well over 3000 rollover minutes. Technically, it would be 40 a month but I pay an additional 20 for unlimited text and what not.
Posted on Reply
15th Warlock
Nice, I already gave my first gen 8GB iphone to my wife a week ago, $299 for the 16GB version sounds really awesome! certainly gonna get me one before the end of the week ;)

The trick is now, how to justify to my wife getting both the MGS4 PS3 bundle next thursday, and the new iphone in the same week, I don't think she's gonna be happy about it :p
Posted on Reply
15th Warlock
CrAsHnBuRnXpStarts July 11th.
I thought it was gonna be available immediately, that's what all rumors said, as first gen Iphones are gone from apple stores, oh well, one month wait isn't that bad, and I guess the wife wont be that upset anymore :p
Posted on Reply
What's also very exciting is that the revolution of the internet is beginning:


The age where your OS is actually online instead of your HDD is coming in the not so distant future :)
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpI pay 60 now for 450 minutes (which I never use fully) and I have well over 3000 rollover minutes. Technically, it would be 40 a month but I pay an additional 20 for unlimited text and what not.
same on my part. i cant wait to get the new one.
Posted on Reply
When the price does go down, im gonna go into the AT&T store i got my phone at and ask them if I upgraded my phone to the 8GB if anything would really change. If there is anything drastic such as taking on fees and upping my bill for no reason, then i wont get it.
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Error 404
How long 'till it hits Australia??
I'd really like that phone.
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
RavenasWhat's also very exciting is that the revolution of the internet is beginning:


The age where your OS is actually online instead of your HDD is coming in the not so distant future :)
call me old fashioned but that scares me.
Posted on Reply
Those prices are much too tempting. I'm game for a few if I don't end up with a bill that has to be mailed out in a vanilla envelope :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
soon everyone will have one cause the price is good.
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