Thursday, June 19th 2008

AMD HD 4850 launched

As of 3PM CET the NDA for the Radeon HD 4850 Series has been lifted. Since this came as a surprise to everyone our reviews are not finished yet now finished.

MSI HD 4850 | PowerColor HD 4850
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137 Comments on AMD HD 4850 launched

mullered07its leaving the 9800gtx/8800gts for dirt in most games, thats unbelievable at that price, go ATI :toast::rockout:
UK price From an unkown e-tailer too me anyway. but tekhead has it for £150 near enough.
Posted on Reply
Gam'sterUK price From an unkown e-tailer too me anyway. but tekhead has it for £150 near enough.
i think im gonna wait a month for things to die down and see if i cant pick one up for £100 :toast: that cards sweet
Posted on Reply
W1zzardgo watch some porn and come back in one hour
W1zz ill be quoting this fosho =)
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mullered07i think im gonna wait a month for things to die down and see if i cant pick one up for £100 :toast: that cards sweet
Yeah if its £130- £150 now.. plus give the 4870 to get out and about should be good for us all, this will most def win the hearts of even the most hardened Nvidia fanboi :laugh:.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
I'm very happy. Happy in fact because NVidia is lying on the floor after a stunning nutkick. Only a $199 8800GTS 512M or $220 9800GTX can help them....or if ATI screws up with the supply, until NVidia retaliates with a new product.
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btarunrI'm very happy. Happy in fact because NVidia is lying on the floor after a stunning nutkick. Only a $199 8800GTS 512M or $220 9800GTX can help them....or if ATI screws up with the supply, until NVidia retaliates with a new product.
But i would think/hope AMD/ATI have thought it through and didn't/don't underestimate supply, This is a prime opportunity for them to cash in and get on their feet.
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I think im gonna wait for better drivers before I decide if I want one or not.. Or I will wait for the 4870. So far it doesnt really seem worth it over my 8800GT right now. Thanks a ton for the review tho w1zz!
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Im mainly look at the 1024x1280/1440x900 charts because thats the res I game at.
Posted on Reply
In the review MrMilli provided, google translated, noticed this:

4850 and 9800 GTX are really close, with the nVidia card very slightly ahead.

Now, notice what happens when you increase the details @ the same resolution:

The 9800 GTX loses by nearly 14%: quite significant, IMO.

And now, in an even higher resolution:

In here, the GTX is losing by just 5.4%: a small lead for the 4850 card.

Now, notice what happens when you increase the details @ the same resolution:

The 9800 GTX loses by a whopping 41.7%: WOW doesn't quite cover it, really!

Question is: will W1zzard review back this up?
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
Just freaking awesome. Finally something from the Red camp that is as good in reviews as it is on paper. I cant really believe some of the scores. When I read GPU reviews on here, I skip over the games and go straight to 3dmark. I find myself itching to see the next game put up. Simply awesome.
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For the price this thing is a beast..
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These cards are unbelievable for the price! I think the 4850 is performing even better than i originally expected.
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The Exiled Airman
Wow i didnt Know PowerVR was behind one of the Benchmarks

Im really stoked now, UT3 runs excellent on the card.
HTCIn the review MrMilli provided, google translated, noticed this:

4850 and 9800 GTX are really close, with the nVidia card very slightly ahead.

Now, notice what happens when you increase the details @ the same resolution:

The 9800 GTX loses by nearly 14%: quite significant, IMO.

And now, in an even higher resolution:

In here, the GTX is losing by just 5.4%: a small lead for the 4850 card.

Now, notice what happens when you increase the details @ the same resolution:

The 9800 GTX loses by a whopping 41.7%: WOW doesn't quite cover it, really!

Question is: will W1zzard review back this up?
Posted on Reply
It's also noteworthy that, @ 1280x1024 8xAA 16xAF, the GTX280 is 52.6% ahead of 4850 but @1600x1200 8xAA 16xAF, that difference drops to 31.8.

Sure: GTX280 is the better card, no doubt, but the gap lowered by 20.8% and that's really significant, IMO.

I wonder what the gap would be @ 2048x1536 ...
Posted on Reply
I was going to come in here with a smug "Big win for ATI," but no -- this is a big win for the consumer. Nvidia will now HAVE to drop the prices on their cards, and everybody wins in the end!

But seriously -- did even ATI know the R700 was going to be this fast? :twitch: I hate to jinx it, but it's faster than the 9800GTX for almost a hundred bucks less in some cases...

Know what else I like about the 4850 that's been missing in a lot of other ATI cards? The fact that it's fast in ALL games, not just a select few, leaving others where it's trounced by much cheaper nVidia chips (of course that could just be the old nvidia "partner" program showing it's colors).
Posted on Reply
Omg, its ridiculous how people are cherry picking reviews to show the 4850 in a bad light.

The reviews showing the 4850 equal or better than the 9800gtx are techpowerup,, guru3d, legionhardware.

While some people are foucusing on reviews from pcper and pcgh which are showing awful results for the 4850. For pcper its mainly because they are using a heavily oced 8800gt to conclude the 4850 isnt much better. The PCGH benchmarks are completely incosonsistent with the above ones. Just look at the call of duty 4 benchmarks where the 9800gtx destroys the 4850.

NB im talking about other sites.
Posted on Reply
mdm-adphI was going to come in here with a smug "Big win for ATI," but no -- this is a big win for the consumer. Nvidia will now HAVE to drop the prices on their cards, and everybody wins in the end!

But seriously -- did even ATI know the R700 was going to be this fast? :twitch: I hate to jinx it, but it's faster than the 9800GTX for almost a hundred bucks less in some cases...

Know what else I like about the 4850 that's been missing in a lot of other ATI cards? The fact that it's fast in ALL games, not just a select few, leaving others where it's trounced by much cheaper nVidia chips (of course that could just be the old nvidia "partner" program showing it's colors).
I'm gonna have to agree, unless Nvidia drops the price of the 9800GX2 and GTX 280 to the 400 dollar mark, then they are screwed this time around

You can buy 2 4850's for almost 200 dollars less than 1 GTX 280 and get equal performance which means the 4870X2 is going to be the fastest single pcb card for a while

I wonder if 1 4870 will outperform 1 GTX260
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Semi-Retired Folder
This is the moment I've been waiting for. Finally something from ATi that can compete with nVidia price/performance. AND it not only competes, it destroys the competition. Looks like it is time to finally ditch my eVGA 780i and 9800GTX.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
It's official, the 9800 GTX (And G92 on the whole) is dethroned by a $199 card.
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The only thing that bothers me about the 4850 is the 100c (212f) that it reaches, which is stated in the conclusion... While it is within limits, its just really hot!! Otherwise all else is glorious!
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lemonadesodaResults so far (note odd result in Quake 4)

adding in wizz's crysis results should balance out the quake 4 ones.
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Senior Monkey Moderator
I must admit that I am impressed with the 4850. I did not think it would perform as well as the benches show.

Great reviews W1zz! :toast:

I think that we should all pitch in and get W1zz a 30" monitor so we can get some 2560x1600 results too. ;)
Posted on Reply
i bought a 24" tft today for exactly that reason .. BenQ G2400W .. but no 2560x1600
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