Sunday, July 13th 2008

R700 Supports 4-way Crossfire X?

Yes, you read that right. You can use upto four HD4870 X2 accelerators in tandem for an 8-GPU, 9.6 TFLOP, 8 GB graphics crunching monster. You need a 4-slot motherboard though. There are 4-slot solutions available on the AMD 790FX platform, for Intel though X48 did support 4 slots and images of prototype X48 boards with 4 slots did surface months back, there isn't such a board out yet. You do have the Skulltrail platform and upcoming X58 Bloomfield-supportive boards do promise to come in 4 slot flavours.

In a press-conference, Raja Koduri, worldwide CTO (Products Group), AMD talked to Indian website TechTree, among minor revelations such as "Fusion in 2009", here's a shocker:

"AMD has already built a computer that has four 4870X2s in it. So it has eight GPUs; drivers will not be supporting eight GPUs at this point of time."

-Implies that AMD is fully geared up to go head on against GT200b whenever it comes up. It's all a matter of them releasing a supportive driver. Again, unreliable sources point towards the possibility that also in the pipeline could be a R700+ which could be based on 'Super-RV770XT' processors. If you thought you're witnessing the peak of the GPU battle for supremacy, hold on, you're only getting appetised.
Source: TechTree
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89 Comments on R700 Supports 4-way Crossfire X?

Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Those are some long boards.
Posted on Reply
MegastyGah, now I'm going to have to use both of my 1000watters in one machine :cry:
Start pulling that much electricity out of one socket and it can trip the circuit breaker.

Most US houses have a 20Amp 120VAC trip. I read an article several months ago about the upper limit for most PSU's will be about 1800W for US households. (if the PSU's are more efficient, they can go to higher ratings)
Posted on Reply
you should all be worried instead iof celebrating.....whhy?
well think about it, the manufacturer are really going to suffer from this kind of war between Nvidai and Ati. The 3rd party producers cant be in a good situation right now. And why should the consumer care ....well look at the whole nvidia and their mobile GPUs fiasco. When manufacturers suffer in this way they start to cut corners.which means that shoddy products end up in the market. I would not be surprised if warranty periods are reduced all of a sudden. We are all not rich folks , I need to spend my hard earned cash to but a new GPU and I expect to get my money's worth. If however this GT280 dies out after 1 year..then I cant even sell it.
Posted on Reply
WaldoinscStart pulling that much electricity out of one socket and it can trip the circuit breaker.

Most US houses have a 20Amp 120VAC trip. I read an article several months ago about the upper limit for most PSU's will be about 1800W for US households. (if the PSU's are more efficient, they can go to higher ratings)
most breakers are 15 amp for plugs and lighting and can service more than one room
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
I agree with above poster(mlutag). Im just going to buy a single nvidia card and shrug this off. This is really exciting for people who benchmark tho. And people who can go skiing in aspen and then still have money left over to go to Disney land and pay all there bills at the same time. Which is probably alot of you guys tho. But i dont need the best, i just want to get a one 8800 or 9800 and play my games on high.
Posted on Reply
I'm not current on the specs... I had a conversation with a home builder a couple of months ago about this (the increasing power req't of high end PC's & limits of house circuits). He indicated that many builders put in 20A circuit brkrs. Don't know if the building codes have changed or not.
Posted on Reply
PolarmanWow! this is pretty insane. Now you can hook up your PC to your central heating and heat up the whole house for winter! :D
^ Thats even more value added to the cards.
They can do gaming, crunch numbers, and keep it nice and warm for the night too. :laugh:
Posted on Reply
to bad 95% of games wont uses all 8GPU's and drivers Support will be bad, plus most games are only 32bit so they wont even touch most of the memory
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
Live OR Dieto bad 95% of games wont uses all 8GPU's and drivers Support will be bad, plus most games are only 32bit so they wont even touch most of the memory
Games needn't. It's the cards that will render frames taking turns directed by the driver.
Posted on Reply
Live OR Dieto bad 95% of games wont uses all 8GPU's and drivers Support will be bad, plus most games are only 32bit so they wont even touch most of the memory
I imagine that's the reason why drivers supporting 8 GPUs don't exist yet.
Posted on Reply
WaldoinscI'm not current on the specs... I had a conversation with a home builder a couple of months ago about this (the increasing power req't of high end PC's & limits of house circuits). He indicated that many builders put in 20A circuit brkrs. Don't know if the building codes have changed or not.
Most houses in the US built before 1997 are 15 amp (about 95%) :eek: Only houses built within the last 10 yrs are 20 amp - & even those houses have to warranted by the owner for a 20 amp breaker. The house I just bought in 95' had a 15 amper that I had to have upgraded about 5 yrs ago. I have 13 computer users :wtf:

I can easily run this 1600W monster even with all the other PCs on at the same time. However, a PC that uses that much power (8 GPUs :wtf: ) don't even qualify as overkill anymore - since 2 of those cards would be doing nothing but sucking juice :(
Posted on Reply
Live OR Dieto bad 95% of games wont uses all 8GPU's and drivers Support will be bad, plus most games are only 32bit so they wont even touch most of the memory
mite as well just buy a quadro and start making my own games :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
mlutagyou should all be worried instead iof celebrating.....whhy?
well think about it, the manufacturer are really going to suffer from this kind of war between Nvidai and Ati. The 3rd party producers cant be in a good situation right now. And why should the consumer care ....well look at the whole nvidia and their mobile GPUs fiasco. When manufacturers suffer in this way they start to cut corners.which means that shoddy products end up in the market. I would not be surprised if warranty periods are reduced all of a sudden. We are all not rich folks , I need to spend my hard earned cash to but a new GPU and I expect to get my money's worth. If however this GT280 dies out after 1 year..then I cant even sell it.
"ATI versus NVIDIA" and "AMD versus Intel" can be seen in many perspectives. I see it not as just another "Boeing versus Airbus" competition but one company trying to prevent the other from monopolizing the industry, because if either monopolizes the industry the way Microsoft has with software, we're all doomed.

Thank AMD for preventing Intel from selling you a 5.00 GHz 200W, $1000 Netburst CPU, Thank ATI for preventing NVIDIA from selling you a $350 9800 GTX or better still, $500 8800 GTX (after R680 demolished it). The day either Intel or NVIDIA monopolize the industry, the victims are going to be us, the users. Users turn losers.
Posted on Reply
One more reason to move to Vista if you want to run 8 GPUs, eh? :laugh:

TBH, I think this is ATI flexing their muscle at this point - TBH, I would be surprised if within the next few GPU generations, tha majority of their cards are dual GPU.

Sure, those of us common consumers wouldn't ever have a need for any more than maybe 4 GPUs; but for people working in certain industries that need all the rendering power they can get their hands on, being able to run 8 GPUs in cooperation would be a blessing.

I really don't think this is anything more than one of those "look what I can do!!" kinda incidents. A big fat

to the green camp.
Posted on Reply
MegastyMost houses in the US built before 1997 are 15 amp (about 95%) :eek: Only houses built within the last 10 yrs are 20 amp - & even those houses have to warranted by the owner for a 20 amp breaker. The house I just bought in 95' had a 15 amper that I had to have upgraded about 5 yrs ago. I have 13 computer users :wtf:

I can easily run this 1600W monster even with all the other PCs on at the same time. However, a PC that uses that much power (8 GPUs :wtf: ) don't even qualify as overkill anymore - since 2 of those cards would be doing nothing but sucking juice :(
Yeah, I was in the process of building/installing a server closet in my house when this came up. Now I'm relocating due to the job and want to make sure the new house can handle future req'ts..currently have 5 computers in the house.

I think the 8 GPU capability is an awesome development for all of us, even if everyone can't use it or afford it pushes both companies forward and allows developments to trickle down for everyone.
Posted on Reply
i think 2-x2 for most games on my 30" lcd will be more than enough for 2560x1600
well maybe not crysis:laugh:
but this 8 gpu's may get DreamWorks back
Posted on Reply
i would pay more for a signle card that would work better in games, that only had 2gb of ram,than 4x R700 that i could cook my dinner on, because the time games do run using 8GPU'S PCI-e 2.0 would be out of the ark
Posted on Reply
mlutagyou should all be worried instead iof celebrating.....whhy?
well think about it, the manufacturer are really going to suffer from this kind of war between Nvidai and Ati. The 3rd party producers cant be in a good situation right now. And why should the consumer care ....well look at the whole nvidia and their mobile GPUs fiasco. When manufacturers suffer in this way they start to cut corners.which means that shoddy products end up in the market. I would not be surprised if warranty periods are reduced all of a sudden. We are all not rich folks , I need to spend my hard earned cash to but a new GPU and I expect to get my money's worth. If however this GT280 dies out after 1 year..then I cant even sell it.
well the good thing is you won't need to sell it because it is monster fast already but I do get your point.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
Live OR Diei would pay more for a signle card that would work better in games, that only had 2gb of ram,than 4x R700 that i could cook my dinner on, because the time games do run using 8GPU'S PCI-e 2.0 would be out of the ark
Had 9800 GX2 supported 3-way SLI, I seriously doubt you would've come up with that argument.
Posted on Reply
fanboi-ism has been on the rise since of late, sour grapes green camp?
Posted on Reply
mlutagyou should all be worried instead iof celebrating.....whhy?
well think about it, the manufacturer are really going to suffer from this kind of war between Nvidai and Ati. The 3rd party producers cant be in a good situation right now. And why should the consumer care ....well look at the whole nvidia and their mobile GPUs fiasco. When manufacturers suffer in this way they start to cut corners.which means that shoddy products end up in the market. I would not be surprised if warranty periods are reduced all of a sudden. We are all not rich folks , I need to spend my hard earned cash to but a new GPU and I expect to get my money's worth. If however this GT280 dies out after 1 year..then I cant even sell it.
The manufacturers that NV & AMD contract under are only 'worried' about the respective product they put out. The most viable component by far is the GPU itself. All the other manufacturers have the greatest confidence in their products. The GPU don't have this do to the yield lvl & the way its binned. However, the main design itself is always on the shoulders of NV & AMD.

Look at the 8800GTX. When it came out, all the different derivatives of it was $800-1000 :wtf: 1 years later, you could pick it up for $400-500. 2 yrs later, you can get it on eBay for $150-200 :rolleyes: The GTX280 was $650, a month later $500. If things keep going like they are, & it will, the thing will be about $200 in 11 months or so. The best thing NV buyers can do is buy what they can, then step up when the next thing comes out. The resell value of this thing is going to be cah soon so live it up while you can ;)
Posted on Reply
All I have to say to this is ..well this :

If you need four GPUs to play your games, or hell, even do your multi-media work, you are fu**ing with one seriously demanding application.

So much so, that I would question it's coding...

"Look at the 8800GTX. When it came out, all the different derivatives of it was $800-1000 1 years later, you could pick it up for $400-500. 2 yrs later, you can get it on eBay for $150-200 The GTX280 was $650, a month later $500. If things keep going like they are, & it will, the thing will be about $200 in 11 months or so."

Which begs the question why everyone is so up in arms over it's price....
Posted on Reply
newconroerAll I have to say to this is ..well this :

If you need four GPUs to play your games, or hell, even do your multi-media work, you are fu**ing with one seriously demanding application.

So much so, that I would question it's coding...
I'm sorry . . . but the first thing to pop into my head after reading that was Crysis :roll:
Posted on Reply
fitseries3honestly..... WTF?

3 GPU's scale well but they are still having problems with 4 GPU's scaling similar to 3. you cant add 4 more and expect it to work if 4 doesnt even perform up to par.

you dont add 4 extra tires to a car and expect it to go faster.
Yea, and this guy knows better than ATI and the rest of us.
Posted on Reply
wow wtf is going on ..

"So it has eight GPUs; drivers will not be supporting eight GPUs at this point of time"

stop dreaming .. there is no promise that the driver will ever support 8 gpus. everything in the driver is engineered to support a maximum of four active gpus.

"drivers will not be supporting 4597498547 GPUs at this point of time"
omg ?! ati working on 4597498547-gpu computer?

all raja said is that they inserted 4 r700 cards into a motherboard, not that they powered it, not that it worked, not that it had been used for anything... NOTHING. you people just got so PR-owned by techtree
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