Friday, July 25th 2008

Microsoft Spins Over a 'Mojave' Approach to Grow Vista User-base

Choice is a wonderful thing. Informed Choice is even better, where you choose something after knowing its inside-outs. The very opposite of informed choice is dogma, where you rigidly oppose something and stick to your beliefs. Incidentally, dogma seems to be one of the significant factors keeping users away from embracing Windows Vista OS, of what can be inferred from an experiment by Microsoft in San Fransisco, United States. A group of Windows XP users having negative impressions on Windows Vista were introduced to a "new" operating system they referred to as "Mojave". User experiences on using this operating system were noted and feedback taken. A surprising 90 percent of these users gave positive feedback on this new OS. They were later told that the new OS was nothing else but Windows Vista.

Despite Microsoft releasing numerous updates and fixes to the Vista OS making it a fairly stable, reliable OS close to expectations if not exactly on par, it seems to be mass dogma that's keeping users away from adopting this new OS. Going back to that experiment, a user is reported to have exclaimed "Oh wow", something Microsoft expected users to do with the new OS originally, as portrayed in those numerous television and print commercials going with the tag line "wow". Following the recent announcement of a huge budget allocation towards propagating Vista (covered here) for home and enterprise segments, the message being sent out is that Microsoft is not only being aggressive but also proactive.
Source: CNET
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231 Comments on Microsoft Spins Over a 'Mojave' Approach to Grow Vista User-base

[I.R.A]_FBilindsay, where are you?
i think she was, in effect, a post bot.
Posted on Reply
Well now out of those I really liked ME...It was the last of its kind and I bought it retail to frame. I have framed most of my past and current OS disk. I look at them and add the amount of cash I spent over the years. My wife reminds me as well,,,not to include over 300 game titles I kept as well.
This is a reason that the mojave experiment has pissed me off. MS has gotten plenty of cash from a lot of users/ oem's over the years and to have committed treasonous experiments on the unwitting consumer is unforgivable to me. How much do we as consumers need to take from MS. They have us over a barrel and they know it.

I would love to be the CEO of MS for one week. A Free OS upgrade for those willing to turn in the existing retail license of any OS...That would make more sense than the f**king mojave experiment has.
Posted on Reply
The Doctor is in the house
They exist to make money not provide us with free operating systems thats what linux is for. If they make a crap os don't buy it but don't say it does this and that when xp can do it better if it can't. What MS has proved here is what I suspected is that it many have been misinformed by microsoft haters. Also you can't release just ONE OS for everyone, They are tailored to a specific area e.g a server os doesn't need aero glass or a fancy gui or even sound but a consumer does. Also look at the hundreds of linux distributions, they are made for a specific purpose because you can't have just one mega OS
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The Exiled Airman
ive seen some buy Server 2003 for Regular systems for the fact of being a more finley tuned product, ya sure there are somethings disabled but you can re-enable them if you want.
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DrPepperThey exist to make money not provide us with free operating systems thats what linux is for.

Never said did.

"If they make a crap os don't buy it but don't say it does this and that when xp can do it better if it can't.}

again, never said that you did.

What MS has proved here is what I suspected is that it many have been misinformed by microsoft haters. Also you can't release just ONE OS for everyone, They are tailored to a specific area e.g a server os doesn't need aero glass or a fancy gui or even sound but a consumer does. Also look at the hundreds of linux distributions, they are made for a specific purpose because you can't have just one mega OS
Last but not least, I will respect your opinion but it has very little to support the claim. Back up what you are saying referencing ...

1.misinformed by microsoft haters? who are they?
2.You can't release one???....One can for the END USER....meaning us...that is who we are talking about here now, right! And why not?

You are missing the point. MS can do allot better than what they are doing and mojave for the final time was a insult to all consumers.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
on the MS and multiple vistas, i dont see the problem.

There is (for a home user)
Vista basic - cheap, no frills (and useless imo)
Vista home premium - 99% of people are satisfied with this
Vista ultimate - this is home premium with the business features tacked on (ridiculous retail price)

then there is the x64 flavours of these.

To be honest i dont see the problem, if that confuses you so much... well, you really should stick with a mac.
Posted on Reply
Musselson the MS and multiple vistas, i dont see the problem.

There is (for a home user)
Vista basic - cheap, no frills (and useless imo)
Vista home premium - 99% of people are satisfied with this
Vista ultimate - this is home premium with the business features tacked on (ridiculous retail price)

then there is the x64 flavours of these.

To be honest i dont see the problem, if that confuses you so much... well, you really should stick with a mac.
or an abacus
Posted on Reply
The Doctor is in the house
HAL7000Last but not least, I will respect your opinion but it has very little to support the claim. Back up what you are saying referencing ...

1.misinformed by microsoft haters? who are they?
2.You can't release one???....One can for the END USER....meaning us...that is who we are talking about here now, right! And why not?

You are missing the point. MS can do allot better than what they are doing and mojave for the final time was a insult to all consumers.
I can play that game too :) I never said you said both of them :p and I'm not going to name EVERY single person on the web who bashes vista but there are certainly people out there who don't like it :) just look through this forum and you will find a few and in fact i used to think vista was crap because of what I read on forums and now I'm here defending it and you can't make JUST ONE OS for the end user because there are different needs and different versions for everyone's budget.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
if they made an all in one that cost $150, people would cry for a $50 version with cut back features and the businesses would still want an optimised workstation one for $200 with extra backup features... MS have more than one version because thats what people wanted.
Posted on Reply
Well I own -4-x86 machines and no Mac. The reference to mac was to set a foundational argument that a singular OS will work with a system and that IMHO MS needs to follow in this path.

Release many versions of one OS and then have the mojave experiment ,,,this was a joke and insult. It showed how MS really looks at their end users.

what if all the MB and CPU mfg's locked out any possibility of over clocking. I am sure this would piss off lot of people. You see the evolution of oem's is to allow for end users to do what they want how they want.

You see I know that I have spent plenty of money in MS's direction and as a consumer am disappointed that they stooped this low to prove nothing outside of some people are easily stooped.

Education is a terrible thing to Microsoft educate your consumers
Posted on Reply
The Doctor is in the house
Well pepsi did it to hard core coke fans and no one seems to care and if I had participated in that test and I was a hardcore windows xp user then I would feel embarressed that I let a 'trend' on the internet dictate my opinion on something I'd never used. What microsoft really did in that video was show people who had never used vista because they had heard so much negativity about it that it was actualy a good operating system.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
you know... i wonder why you're so pissed about this.

The experiment proved many, many people are vista haters without ANY knowledge or proof of it being so. MS proved that a large amount of people who hated vista, have never actually used it.

This offends you... why? is it because you too, hate vista without ever having used it? do you feel threatened somehow?

you really arent making any sense OR a point here. you're just ranting that MS is evil and vista sucks without ANY logic, reason, or backing.

your message is coming across as:
'there are too many versions of vista. this confuses me, and because of this i have decided microsoft is evil and deliberately doing this to make more money'
Posted on Reply
Musselsif they made an all in one that cost $150, people would cry for a $50 version with cut back features and the businesses would still want an optimised workstation one for $200 with extra backup features... MS have more than one version because thats what people wanted.
Well I am people and so are my colleagues and business associates. We don't want what you just stated. Many of us would like to see one OS and if that is the case of what you stated, show me the study.

Remember we are speaking about end users, not business. I understand the need for a version optimized for the business sector but for the end user I am sure they would want all the bells and whistles that come with V Ult. and not a scaled down version. But then again you need to educate them how to use it. Not make fools of them and show it publicly.

Again, in my unscientific opinion, I would state that I and my colleagues as well as many other people,,,,thought to themselves or spoke it outwardly "what a bunch of stupid people ...and what nerve it took MS to do this then show the video of people getting punked publicly". Well I hope they were all payed well. Maybe they got a free version of windows 95 because they didn't know any better.
We can have different opinions about MS but the mojave experiment was a public disrespect to allot of people in and out of the industry.
Posted on Reply
Mussels lets leave the XP nutters in there hole, its what we did to the Windows 98 and Windows 2000 users that never let go, lets just leave them in there solace and let them watch the tech world go by
Posted on Reply
HAL7000Well I am people and so are my colleagues and business associates. We don't want what you just stated. Many of us would like to see one OS and if that is the case of what you stated, show me the study.

Remember we are speaking about end users, not business. I understand the need for a version optimized for the business sector but for the end user I am sure they would want all the bells and whistles that come with V Ult. and not a scaled down version. But then again you need to educate them how to use it. Not make fools of them and show it publicly.

Again, in my unscientific opinion, I would state that I and my colleagues as well as many other people,,,,thought to themselves or spoke it outwardly "what a bunch of stupid people ...and what nerve it took MS to do this then show the video of people getting punked publicly". Well I hope they were all payed well. Maybe they got a free version of windows 95 because they didn't know any better.
We can have different opinions about MS but the mojave experiment was a public disrespect to allot of people in and out of the industry.
Normal users have no use for Ultimate, what are they going to do with half of those features, its the same arguement for getting XP pro over Home. No user needs those features, the truth is Vista Ultimate is targeted at hardware enthusiansts, and bussiness that require mutlimedia and bussiness support in there OS thats it. You users should be on Home Premium its called home for a reason
Posted on Reply
HAL7000Well I am people and so are my colleagues and business associates. We don't want what you just stated. Many of us would like to see one OS and if that is the case of what you stated, show me the study.

Remember we are speaking about end users, not business. I understand the need for a version optimized for the business sector but for the end user I am sure they would want all the bells and whistles that come with V Ult. and not a scaled down version. But then again you need to educate them how to use it. Not make fools of them and show it publicly.

Again, in my unscientific opinion, I would state that I and my colleagues as well as many other people,,,,thought to themselves or spoke it outwardly "what a bunch of stupid people ...and what nerve it took MS to do this then show the video of people getting punked publicly". Well I hope they were all payed well. Maybe they got a free version of windows 95 because they didn't know any better.
We can have different opinions about MS but the mojave experiment was a public disrespect to allot of people in and out of the industry.
They did not make this video to insult the public. They made the video to attempt to illustrate that a large portion of the dislike for vista is unfounded. I don't attempt to bash people who come in thinking vista sucks, and I doubt microsoft does either. It's understandable why that is, hype is hard to dispel. The video shows people being shown that they in fact may enjoy vista (again, if I haven't already made it clear, it matters not to me whether the study was legit, or whether the subjects were actors, I couldn't say for sure either way but for me it's a little beside the point). Nobody should be offended by this video, just take a second look.
Posted on Reply
Musselsyou know... i wonder why you're so pissed about this.

The experiment proved many, many people are vista haters without ANY knowledge or proof of it being so. MS proved that a large amount of people who hated vista, have never actually used it.

This proved the otherwise that people are easily duped

This offends you... why? is it because you too, hate vista without ever having used it? do you feel threatened somehow?

Your putting words in my mouth, I never said that. I never said that I hated Vista. I have used it, but never have I installed it on my own rig. If you trail my post, you would see this and that I was contemplating getting vista. So is your own insecurities coming out when someone brings to light the opinion of the failed mojave experiment... IMHO.

you really arent making any sense OR a point here. you're just ranting that MS is evil and vista sucks without ANY logic, reason, or backing.

I did not say they were evil, nor vista sucks,,,The MOJAVE what I am talking about. What I said about MS is written, read it again. I made my point clear

your message is coming across as:
'there are too many versions of vista. this confuses me, and because of this i have decided Microsoft is evil and deliberately doing this to make more money'
What I have stated is: there are to many versions of vista, isolating it to one OS would be beneficial. And as for MS making money, hell yeah, Bill is one of the riches men in the world for some reason....
You need to get off the evil thing,,,,I did not state this. Having a opinion different from yours is fine you need to respect this, trying to fault me for this and put words in my mouth is not what TPU is all about....:toast:
Posted on Reply
The Doctor is in the house
your pm hints it :p but more to the point I'm sure mussels accepts that you have a different opinion and I certainly respect that, what we were arguing is that the reason for there being so many different versions is because there is a demand for them, if there wasn't then there wouldn't be that many.
Posted on Reply
candle_86Mussels lets leave the XP nutters in there hole, its what we did to the Windows 98 and Windows 2000 users that never let go, lets just leave them in there solace and let them watch the tech world go by
Excuse me, are you saying I am a XP nutter? This just proved my point. You do not read what I posted.
I am tuning 50 in a week. I have seen technology grow from nothing to something. I remember when windows needed to be loaded from floppy's. To say I am stuck in the XP zone is shallow on your end. I understand that in order to gain everything I need to experience from gaming I need to jump into vista.

In this thread I was sharing my OPINION of the mojave experiment and MS's play in this.

farlex85...thanks for at the least giving me the respect of sharing my opinion.:toast: I am not offended to the point of walking away from using MS but just present the other side of thinking.
Posted on Reply
The Doctor is in the house
Congrats on the birthday next week :) and thanks for the thanks :p
Posted on Reply
Ok....for the record ....I will be buying V Ult for my latest gaming rig that I am presently building. I will get the retail version because I change my motherboards 3 or 4 times a year. So hopefully you will understand I am not shunning Vista...just the mojave exp.
Posted on Reply
HAL7000In this thread I was sharing my OPINION of the mojave experiment and MS's play in this.

farlex85...thanks for at the least giving me the respect of sharing my opinion.:toast: I am not offended to the point of walking away from using MS but just present the other side of thinking.
Yeah I know what your saying, I think MS's hand was kind of forced in this though. People have an automatic dislike often for the big cooperation, anarchy is in our blood. With the internet the way it is, and the recent re-rise of the mac, things have gotten to a point where it would be foolish for MS to sit idlely by and simply attempt to let their products speak for themselves while half the tech world badmouths them. I see this as a response to the massive negativity train that has come their way, and to the mac campaigns of late (which I do actually find a little offensive). I don't think they were going for making people feel stupid, I think they are trying to say, hey, don't buy into the hype, try it yourself, and when you do, keep an open mind.
Posted on Reply
HAL7000Excuse me, are you saying I am a XP nutter? This just proved my point. You do not read what I posted.
I am tuning 50 in a week. I have seen technology grow from nothing to something. I remember when windows needed to be loaded from floppy's. To say I am stuck in the XP zone is shallow on your end. I understand that in order to gain everything I need to experience from gaming I need to jump into vista.

In this thread I was sharing my OPINION of the mojave experiment and MS's play in this.

farlex85...thanks for at the least giving me the respect of sharing my opinion.:toast: I am not offended to the point of walking away from using MS but just present the other side of thinking.
Vista does offer the more rich gaming experince actully, DX10 is the future not DX9, everyone knows it. If you are a gamer you will get off XP and migrate to Vista, bussiess are moving for a very simple reason, alot of programs they use are still Windows 98/2000 based and programs from that generation have issues with the NT6 kernal.

Also MS had to rename it from Vista for this, the negitive bias would still be intact otherwise towards vista.
Posted on Reply

You are sounding like a MS conspiracy theorist. MS is popular because they give people what they want with all the features they want. OS's are feature driven. Gates learned this back when he bought the mouse concept from Xerox plus the gui idea, many years ago.

He learned it then...... you can learn it now. ;)
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
this thread got a lot of spam since my last post.

the BUSINESS features added to ultimate include data encryption, total OS/HDD backup features... and well not much

the useless additions added to it for 'home' users are animated desktops and texas hold em poker.

ultimate has nothing for a home user - if you and your 'associates' want those features... buy business or ultimate. i cant help it if you're such a whiner that you want the features of the top model at the price of the lowest, go into a car dealership with that attitude and see what you get.

HAL7000... you're just offering irrational things without ANY useful info. you dispute everything i'm saying because its a opinion, yet all you offer is opinion with just as little backing yourself.

seriously, and i mean this in a way that wont offend the mods or you: If you SERIOUSLY cannot wrap your mind around 3 kinds of OS for home users (basic, premium, ultimate) and two business editions (business and server)... i'm surprised you figured out how to post here. XP home, pro, and server 2003? dear god theres three already for XP, its not that much different.
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