Wednesday, October 8th 2008

New 9600GSO Revision Out This Month Features G94 Core

Shortly after hearing of the Ati 4600 series launch, Nvidia decided to rush out a direct competitor for the new HD4650 cards. A new revision of the popular 9600GSO will now be based on the G94 core with a reduced shader count of 48, thus it will lower performance than the current G92 based 9600GSO cards. The new revision will now use a 256bit memory interface which will mean the card will now have 256/512mb of memory. Upon its release later this month, Nvidia plans on keeping the price of the new revision competitive with the Ati HD4650 which is in the $70USD range.
Source: Expreview
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19 Comments on New 9600GSO Revision Out This Month Features G94 Core

why are they not coming out with a different number? Its confusing which one we get.
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Eleet Hardware Junkie
well... if it has 256mb or 512mb of mem its the new version.
Posted on Reply
Great well done nvidia another card to further confuse people. They change the name 8800GS to 9600GSO but nothing really changed with the card, Now they change the card and give it the same F***ing name.
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Served 5k and counting ...
So something like this would be the in-between product I am guessing? So we can assume that old 9600GSO's with 768MB wont play too well in SLI with new 512MB versions.

This just plain out makes me sick, all these rebadges and revisions. . . . :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
I suppose not too shabby still, it'll still be decent for gaming at mid-resolutions. I'm sure it will also be very oc-able, along the lines of the 9600GT. 48SP kind of sucks, but hey a couple of these in a cheap SLI setup will still be effective. For lower budget htpc's and gamers, this might be a good card to jump on.
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so its nothing but a 9600GT with 48sp's but still the same number of rops and texture units then
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
I find this hard to believe considering the news that the 9000 naming scheme is going away and being replaced very soon.
fitseries3well... if it has 256mb or 512mb of mem its the new version.
What about the 128-bit 512MB G92 9600GSO?
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Nvidia: "Lets saturate the market with an exponentially increasing amount of rebadged products and hope they'll sell!"

:shadedshu Its not working for them.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
tkpenaltyNvidia: "Lets saturate the market with an exponentially increasing amount of rebadged products and hope they'll sell!"

:shadedshu Its not working for them.
Yeah, the whole renaming/rebadging crap is really getting annoying. The sad part is they could have just stuck with the 8000 series from the beginning and everything would have been fine, and the 8000 series cards would still be competing very nicely.

The 8800GS would have competed nicely with the HD4670 without the need for a name change.

The G92 8800GTS would have come pretty close to competing with the HD4850, and the 9800GTX should have been called the 8900GTX IMO, and it would definitely compete with the HD4850.

If they wanted to do die shrinks they could have brought out the 8850GS, 8850GTS, and 8950GTX. Throw an 8850GT in there to fill the gap between the 8850GS and 8850GTS and they would have been set, or just add the + to the names of the die shrunk cards also.

They they could have released the GTX 260 and 280 as the 9800GTS and 9800GTX and made it less confusing. Then wait for the next generation of cards to completely start a new naming scheme.
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"customer : OMG, 9600gs just $70 better hurry to buy it"
"customer: oh crap, it's just 48 shader"
"nvidia: oh yes, another costumer get confused. who said we cannot sell that crap, hahahaha"

WTF, nvidia shame on you, do you want people confuse then buy your crap

i think that crap was 9600gt with deeffective core. and it's still useles for htcp because it's use pcie power connector
but for budget gaming rig this might be a good card.
newtekie1Yeah, the whole renaming/rebadging crap is really getting annoying. The sad part is they could have just stuck with the 8000 series from the beginning and everything would have been fine, and the 8000 series cards would still be competting very nicely.

The 8800GS would have competed nicely with the HD4670 without the need for a name change.

The G92 8800GTS would have come pretty close to competing with the HD4850, and the 9800GTX should have been called the 8900GTX IMO, and it would definitely compete with the HD4850.

If they wanted to do die shrinks they could have brought out the 8850GS, 8850GTS, and 8950GTX. Throw an 8850GT in there to fill the gap between the 8850GS and 8850GTS and they would have been set, or just add the + to the names of the die shrunk cards also.

They they could have released the GTX 260 and 280 as the 9800GTS and 9800GTX and made it less confusing. Then wait for the next generation of cards to completely start a new naming scheme.
Can't agree more with you!
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
costumer? customer? :P

and GAH. things like this are very, very bad as many retailers/e-tailers dont specify which core is in the card.
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I think NVidia ran out of brains like AMD did a while a ago. X2 2400BE, X2 4450E, all those E crap and same chip with 'B' crap. Same shit packed in different flavors?
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and after that we see drop prices form amd , and maybe see 4670 under 80$
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The article in Expreview says:
AMD announced Radeon HD4600 series, and one single 9500GT can not secure the entry market for itself. NVIDIA hurried to roll out it’s “New” 9600GSO to make sense.

New version of GeForce9600GSO is based on G94 core, and the amount of shader reduces to 48 (9600GT has 64SP), but memory interface keeps at 256bit, memory size will be 256MB or 512MB. So we can take it as a shrinked 9600GT. It is sure that the new 9600GSO will have lower performance than G92-9600GSO and 9600GT, but hopefully it can bring its price down.
Now AFAIK that is nothing confirmed. And a G94 based card meant to compete against HD4670? What about the previously "announced" 9550GT? It's simply the same card, but in Expreview they are calling it rebadged 9600GSO. Are they correct? They name no sources to begin with (not even the typical "our sources told us"), so I would take this news with a tank of salt. Naming is the one thing that can easily change, plus probably they will call it GSxxx following the new naming scheme.

IMO Expreview just got confused because this card, no matter the name of it, will replace the 9600GSO in the market segment.

My two cents.
Posted on Reply
You're all right, this is just getting out of control. :shadedshu Especially since they'll be renaming their entire lineup in the near future.

On the other hand, they now have a card for every price point: $70, $80, $90,... $150, $160, $170, etc. :p Once the renaming goes through they'll have 2 cards for every price point! Nvidia will dominate! :laugh:

Why did the marketing dept. pixelate that last slide? It's obviously a picture of the card right next to it.
Posted on Reply
they really should have named this the 9500GT instead, these are going to get returned alot in places like bestbuy.

this is so funny though

its more than likely cheaper to make then the other 9600GSO, which used the 8800GT and GTS PCB's most of the time
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
I was hoping Nvidia was gonna take the newest dies, the GT200 line, and pare them down to compete with ATIs newest parts. Would have been better in my opinion and could have named it like gt201, gt202, etc.
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