Wednesday, October 15th 2008
SilverStone Launches SST Clear CMOS Button for Everyone
Coming out of nowhere I just found that SilverStone, a company that specializes in building high-end enclosures, has just launched a neat product that will certainly please all overclockers and computer enthusiasts. SilverStone SST-CLEARCMOS, as it is called, is an universal clear CMOS button on a backplate which works with every motherboard that has 3-pin clear CMOS pinouts. That allows you to quickly clear the CMOS for recovering from failed overclocking attempts, updating BIOS, or resetting BIOS without the need to open your PC. It's pretty cool, all you need to do is take away the CMOS jumper from your motherboard, connect the three SST-CLEARCMOS wires, and fix the backplate to a free PCI slot in your case.
Hardware Secrets
69 Comments on SilverStone Launches SST Clear CMOS Button for Everyone
Nice to see it as a product.
Wasnt aware of those. Might have to get some for my dad's computer.
I wonder when we can expect to see this out?
as for the false sense, on my trusty biostar, whenever i have a failed oc, it just sits with a blank screen for a few seconds, the bios realizes that there was a failure, resets only the frequencies and what not (not the whole bios) and when i boot, after post, it tells me that that there was a failure and all of that good stuff.
thats why i was saying, this thing makes it sound like people have to reset the cmos 10 times a day..
oh and btw, move the jumper, it does a better job then taking out the battery.
B.I. :
The DK is a bit more convenient, but if they are in the back why bother?
the only problem i would see would be if you have 2 long as pci xpress cards or an unfolded hr-03...
Case and point....find the
ehh i dont really like how dfi does their shit anymore though.. they are cutting corners when it comes to quality.. i mean seriously.. a soldered bios chip?