Tuesday, April 21st 2009

ATI Months Ahead of NVIDIA with DirectX 11 GPU Schedule?

Never in recent times have we seen NVIDIA and ATI locked in such fierce market competition. The two are seen exchanging blows with product launches and price-cuts. ATI looks to be in the mood to take this competition to the next-level: DirectX 11 compliant GPUs. Microsoft has already released DirectX 11 with the pre-release versions of Windows 7 operating system. A recent report by Heise Online indicates that AMD will be ready with an ATI RV870, the company's first DirectX 11 GPU by the end of July, or early August.

Another source, The Inquirer, states NVIDIA's GT300 GPU launch for October. If you were to count these claims, AMD is put two to three months ahead of NVIDIA when it comes to time-to-market introduction of a new GPU generation. Now, whether you have DirectX 11 compliant software that makes use of the new technology available that soon is a different thing altogether. This will determine the practicality of a DirectX 11 GPU in July/August.
Sources: X-bit Labs, Heise Online, The Inquirer
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83 Comments on ATI Months Ahead of NVIDIA with DirectX 11 GPU Schedule?

btarunrDICE made a Frostbyte (engine that powers Battlefield Heroes) port to DX11.
depends on what the definition of port is.

but if i am not wrong they have a switch in it, for dx10 and dx11. so i think they developed dx11 from ground up
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The inquirer ? You mean the guy who never gets anything right about NVIDIA because they don't care about him ? Right that one :)
Posted on Reply
HellasVagabondThe inquirer ? You mean the guy who never gets anything right about NVIDIA because they don't care about him ? Right that one :)
he does get it right sometimes
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Well since he got cut from NVIDIA a long time ago due to his inconsistencies he always gets his information from third parties so yes eventually when getting 100 info you will hit some correct ones. That aside there is no way NVIDIA will be 2 months behind ATI in the launch of DX11 cards, he is just saying that in an effort to get back to NVIDIA like he always does, i mean it is not even a surprise any more, you know what he is going to say before he does.
Posted on Reply
Im looking forward for both. This is the next major leap since the first DirectX 10 card (8800GTX).

Sure, when the 8800GTX was released, no games supported DirectX10, and what did come out sorta sucked, but the card was the most powerfull card on earth by a longshot at that time. ATi responded and eventually supported DirectX 10, both prior to the release of a DirectX 10 game.

Maybe its the other way around this time ?

Long story short, goodbye DX10 and Hello DX11. Tessellation and multi-threading resources to handle stuff like ray-tracing (until it becomes a standard) or physics. Im expecting astonishing efficiency, and eventually great power with proper utilization of cores.

October sounds about right for the GT300 GPU. I remember them slating it for release date somewhere in October several months ago. So i think they are on schedule. AMD/ATi on the otherhand seem to be ahead of schedule.

Too close to call without some hardcore specs.
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
AFAIK, DX11 is mainly an API update. That means...

Operating System Supports|Video Card Supports|Game Supports|Will Run
DX9|DX9/DX10|DX10|Won't Run

DX11 is mostly backwards compatible with DX10 and DX10.1 but it is not backwards compatible with DX9. Just like Vista has two DX APIs, Windows 7 does too to maintain pre-DX10 support.

If your OS, video card, and game all support DX11, it will run as DX11. If one of the above does not support DX11, it will run as the highest version the system is capable of running.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Correct, the weakest link determines what your final outcome will be.

Current cards do not support DX11 though, so in the end they won't games in DX11.

The table should be:

Operating System Supports|Video Card Supports|Game Supports|Will Run
DX9|DX9/DX10|DX10|Won't Run
Posted on Reply
The Knife in your Back
Seemed like the ATI division was carrying AMD/ATI before and that they couldn't quiet keep up. But bam he PII's get here and are doing fantastic and all of a sudden ATI is jumping in the lead. Seems now that both sidees of the line are doing well this may get the ball rolling in more ways than 1.
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ATI Jumping in the lead how exactly ? Because a rumor says so ? Until it happens i have my doubts.
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it's like a secret agreement between m$ and other hardware producer otherwise who buy new cookies?
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The Knife in your Back
ATI had the top dog videocard for half a year and even now high resolution it beats the 295, do you think they spent that extra time on vacation? It's only rumors, but what I said wasn't stated as fact, just hopes.
Posted on Reply
I will not start again with ATI vs NVIDIA, it is getting boring. If you like to believe the 4870x2 is better than the GTX295 do so, the rest if the world does not.
Posted on Reply
1Kurgan1ATI had the top dog videocard for half a year and even now high resolution it beats the 295, do you think they spent that extra time on vacation? It's only rumors, but what I said wasn't stated as fact, just hopes.
You're going to need some proof on that bud....
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
HellasVagabondI will not start again with ATI vs NVIDIA, it is getting boring.
I won't allow you to get into one anyway.

Also, the information is plausible. I'm in the process of finding more sources to back that "GT300 in October" part.
Posted on Reply
The Knife in your Back
You are good at reading half sentences. I said at high resolutions it is, that is fact, show me any review that puts the 295 ahead at 2560x1600
erockerYou're going to need some proof on that bud....
At college atm, guess I'll toss up some reviews in the next hour.
Posted on Reply
1Kurgan1You are good at reading half sentences. I said at high resolutions it is, that is fact, show me any review that puts the 295 ahead at 2560x1600

At college atm, guess I'll toss up some reviews in the next hour.
I see we are talking crazy high resolution! You may have something... I don't know, this really has nothing to do with DX11 though..
Posted on Reply
I like that ATI will have an advantage this time around. Hopefully they can have some decent driver support by the time the 300's come out.

I won't be buying one until DX11 is actually used.
Posted on Reply
The Knife in your Back
Has nothing to do at all with it, I was just responding to Hellas real quick since my original post was on subject :) But even alot of reviews I seen 1900x1080 or 1900x1200 the 4870x2 is toe to toe with the 295, thats pretty darn impressive.

I was just originally saying it seems ATI was carrying AMD and finally AMD's PII's land and look ATI seems to be making good movements, finally hoping that the AMD/ATI pair will start paying off.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Apparently I don't need any more sources. Every credible source before The Inq has been pitting GT300 for Q4-2009, so the earliest of that should be October.
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Musselsunless you have an ATI card, which have supported tesselation for a few generations now :)
The tessellator in dx10/10.1 ati cards and xenos (x360) are not compatible the tessellator required by dx11.
Posted on Reply
wolf2009depends on what the definition of port is.

but if i am not wrong they have a switch in it, for dx10 and dx11. so i think they developed dx11 from ground up
They did a simple port, in a very short time. It's like todays dx10 titles, they are ported from dx9, they are not benefitting from dx10 at all (except stormrise and partly chrome (coj) and x-ray (stalker) engines.)
But frostbite is a full dx10.1 engine (not a dx9 port), i'd like to see it in action.
Posted on Reply
FordGT90ConceptAFAIK, DX11 is mainly an API update. That means...

Operating System Supports|Video Card Supports|Game Supports|Will Run
DX9|DX9/DX10|DX10|Won't Run

DX11 is mostly backwards compatible with DX10 and DX10.1 but it is not backwards compatible with DX9. Just like Vista has two DX APIs, Windows 7 does too to maintain pre-DX10 support.

If your OS, video card, and game all support DX11, it will run as DX11. If one of the above does not support DX11, it will run as the highest version the system is capable of running.
If you have a dx10.1 card you will notice some eye-candy loss when running a dx11 game, but when you a have a dx10 card you will notice eye-candy and performance loss.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1No DX10 card supports the features required for DX11. They may support some of the features, but they won't run DX11 unless they support all of the features.
Ah but as alwase it seems you are blind to the fact that 1. they can emulate the missing hardware via gpgpu/cuda/stream/opencl (as mussels said) and 2. its not full emulation, just emulation of a few features.

I wouldnt be suprised at all to find that nvidias new card isnt truely dx11 hardware just an extreamly over powered verion of what they got now running it all via cuda.

hell look at it this way, nvidia couldnt even be arsed to support 10 properly in the first place, MS cut the 10 specs back to mesh with the g80, then when 10.1 came out, nvidia still couldnt be arsed to support it with their new chips/cores(gtx200 cards)

Im no nvidia hater, but fact is, ATI has been ahead in TRUE support for directX and in some cases even OGL for quite some time.

the 2900 for example can support dx10.1, because it was DESIGNED FROM THE GROUND UP to be a "true dx10 card" (aka dx10.1)

having said that, I dont see dx11 taking off any faster then dx10/10.1 have due to people who insist on holding onto windows XP, and honestly i dont see full dx11 support coming to XP since ms has just cut free support for xp(April first)

you all might as well accpet it, people who wont try/use vista, are very unlikely to like/try/use windows7, as its just vista with a more macish gui.

so ppl like KetX wont like it, any more then they liked vista, and will insist that xp is still the best/only choice for true enthusists/gamers(rofl?)

blah, wait and see, you will see people who wont upgrade using the excuse that xp's better, when its really that they cant find a pre-cracked copy that wont get de-activated by ms on TPB or other such sites and they are to cheap to buy a copy OR to stupid to find a way around activation thats not gonna get blocked via an update :P
Posted on Reply
FryingWeeselAh but as alwase it seems you are blind to the fact that 1. they can emulate the missing hardware via gpgpu/cuda/stream/opencl (as mussels said) and 2. its not full emulation, just emulation of a few features.

I wouldnt be suprised at all to find that nvidias new card isnt truely dx11 hardware just an extreamly over powered verion of what they got now running it all via cuda.

hell look at it this way, nvidia couldnt even be arsed to support 10 properly in the first place, MS cut the 10 specs back to mesh with the g80, then when 10.1 came out, nvidia still couldnt be arsed to support it with their new chips/cores(gtx200 cards)

Im no nvidia hater, but fact is, ATI has been ahead in TRUE support for directX and in some cases even OGL for quite some time.

the 2900 for example can support dx10.1, because it was DESIGNED FROM THE GROUND UP to be a "true dx10 card" (aka dx10.1)

having said that, I dont see dx11 taking off any faster then dx10/10.1 have due to people who insist on holding onto windows XP, and honestly i dont see full dx11 support coming to XP since ms has just cut free support for xp(April first)

you all might as well accpet it, people who wont try/use vista, are very unlikely to like/try/use windows7, as its just vista with a more macish gui.

so ppl like KetX wont like it, any more then they liked vista, and will insist that xp is still the best/only choice for true enthusists/gamers(rofl?)

blah, wait and see, you will see people who wont upgrade using the excuse that xp's better, when its really that they cant find a pre-cracked copy that wont get de-activated by ms on TPB or other such sites and they are to cheap to buy a copy OR to stupid to find a way around activation thats not gonna get blocked via an update :P
+1 to the above mentioned but couldnt they just enhance dx 10.1 without forcing everyone into buying a new gpu?
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