Friday, May 15th 2009
ATI Catalyst 9.5 Released
Attention all ATI users: your Catalyst 9.5 drivers have just been released. I'm still awaiting AMD's Game website to be updated to show the info on the new Catalyst, but meanwhile direct download links with the valid new driver are working. I'll update the news as soon as some new info is available. Until then, download and enjoy the new driver release.
DOWNLOAD: Catalyst 9.5 for Windows XP 32-bit | Windows XP 64-bit | Windows Vista/7 32-bit | Windows Vista/7 64-bit
DOWNLOAD: Catalyst 9.5 for Windows XP 32-bit | Windows XP 64-bit | Windows Vista/7 32-bit | Windows Vista/7 64-bit
121 Comments on ATI Catalyst 9.5 Released
Anyway, lol, I'm more interested in the problems people are having, not the performace.
9.4's run very well on my rig.
Which we will be notified of in the news inbox. :)
"Sorry guys and gals the drivers are delayed until monday unfortunately. If you already download the drivers manually then you wont need to re-download them on monday as far as I am aware."
So I guess no release notes today... or tomorrow etc.
Myself I didn't install them yet, I don't feel like restoring some backups later. Just wait for official release :sad:
Anyone notice this problem? I don't have custom skins.
but on XP and Vista they are new
atleast the catalyst install manager says its installed when i tryd to install over 7 WHQL driver on 7 RC
Once complete cancel the installation
Go to X:\ATI\Support\9-4_xp32_dd_ccc_wdm_enu\Driver\CCC\Skins (or were they normally install).
Take note that X:\ATI\Support\9-5_xp32_dd_ccc_wdm_enu\Driver\CCC\ won't have a "Skins" sub-directory.
Click on ccc-skins.msi. This will install the skins pack.
Go to ...\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Skins
and click on ccc.reg and install it in your registry
Log off your OS
Log back on your OS
Skins should be working now. :toast:
Cat 9.5 released
there's the notes...:roll:
The above is Cat 9.5 beta. Take note that there is no "Catalyst Version" information.
This is Cat 9.5 which includes Catalyst Version information.
No bugs yet though :).
-Some newer stuff will work better
-Some older stuff will not work better
-Some stuff older or newer may work better or worse
-Individual results may vary.
lost some points in 3dmark06, mmm... the games ive tried seem the same(Mass Effect, Supremme Commander, Assasin Creed, L4D) for some reason i cant OC my card like i could before now i get artifacts at 715/1100 ha to leave at 700/1050...
This driver/system is making my wife wait in this.........