Thursday, June 11th 2009

TechPowerUp World Community Grid Team Contest Announcement

The TechPowerUp World Community Grid (WCG) team has been roaring up the rankings thanks to several dedicated participants. In celebration of our continued success, and in an effort to entice new members, we will be holding our first ever TechPowerUp WCG contest starting Monday, June 15th. This competition is geared toward ALL WCG members, not just those putting up huge numbers. Everyone has a chance to win a great prize! Here are the rules:
  • You must be a member of the TPU WCG by June 15th
  • You must accumulate at least 50,000 BOINC points over 90 days to be eligible
If you make it to 50,000 (and almost everyone can), your name will be put into a drawing for an awesome Xclio 1000 full tower case worth US $270! Free shipping to the winner of the drawing is included in the prize! The prize will be to any country/region.

We highly encourage anyone interested to sign up for the TPU WCG by June 16th!! Please contact the WCG forum moderator, paulieg with any questions.
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49 Comments on TechPowerUp World Community Grid Team Contest Announcement

Hellz Yea! Great way to get more people to crunch! Keep on crunch'n fella's... lets see those numbers keep getting bigger and better! Good luck to all :D
Posted on Reply
Big Member
Bta you got a typo buddy.
If you you make it to 50,000 (and most everyone can), your name will be put into a drawing for an awesome Xclio 1000 full tower case worth US $270!
Posted on Reply
this is for cpu right and not gpu
Posted on Reply
I gave up folding for some time, but I think I can jump on board for this
Posted on Reply
I would have switched teams for a while if this was a worldwide contest.
Posted on Reply
crud, i've only got 30,000 points right now, i keep forgeting to leave my other computer on to crunch. Hopefully i can make it in time.
Posted on Reply
fs, what is it with so many US only competitions, we need more international ones I tells ya!. :p

Anyway good luck to everyone that enters, its for a great cause.
Posted on Reply
alexp999fs, what is it with so many US only competitions, we need more international ones I tells ya!. :p

Anyway good luck to everyone that enters, its for a great cause.
Exactly :( Anyway, great contest, good luck to all. Maybe next time an international contest WITHOUT the US participating? :P
Posted on Reply
King Wookie
Really the only reason they can't make it international is the shipping costs. Maybe next time they may get sponsored something small and shippable.

But hey, we do this not for the prize, but because it's worth doing, and justifies spending money on gear. :D
Posted on Reply
MRCLExactly :( Anyway, great contest, good luck to all. Maybe next time an international contest WITHOUT the US participating? :P
LOL. Honestly, I would love to include everyone. However, the prize and the money for shipping are donated. It's really hard to ask people to come up with the $100+ to ship a case over seas.
Posted on Reply
PauliegLOL. Honestly, I would love to include everyone. However, the prize and the money for shipping are donated. It's really hard to ask people to come up with the $100+ to ship a case over seas.
Totally understandable:toast:
Posted on Reply
Errr... What BOINC points are?
How can I get them?
Posted on Reply
MRCLTotally understandable:toast:
It is but maybe it should have been prize thats smaller and can be shipped internationally. :ohwell:
Posted on Reply
Yea does kinda suck that can't ship internationally, although something that big will cost a fortune. If its really possible, all chuck in a $1 or something - pay for the shipping that way.

I will get back to crunching - i promise. Scouts honour.
Posted on Reply
WhiteLotusYea does kinda suck that can't ship internationally, although something that big will cost a fortune. If its really possible, all chuck in a $1 or something - pay for the shipping that way.

I will get back to crunching - i promise. Scouts honour.
A cruncher friendly CPU would be great.
Scouts honor? So that expression exists in English, too huh.
Posted on Reply
alexp999It is but maybe it should have been prize thats smaller and can be shipped internationally. :ohwell:
It's a trade off. Bigger prize, more participants or smaller prize/international shipping, more participants. It's always hard to make things work for everyone. Maybe the next contest we'll try a smaller prize and compare the two scenarios.

Just started a WCG contest discussion thread here:
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shoot, only in the US, It would have been a good time to put my 6 cores to the test. (Laptop has 2, desktop has 4) Maybe there will be a canadian contest some time, but then, it will probably not be open in my province...
Posted on Reply
WhiteLotusYea does kinda suck that can't ship internationally, although something that big will cost a fortune. If its really possible, all chuck in a $1 or something - pay for the shipping that way.

I will get back to crunching - i promise. Scouts honour.
Seriously, why can't everyone just donate $.50 to shipping costs via paypal or something -- hell, I'd do that just to make everyone happy. If 40 or 50 people do that, there's your shipping money right there.
Posted on Reply
Crunch anyway - good to see how you compare with that.
Posted on Reply
Been needing a new case, should give this a shot.
Posted on Reply
mdm-adphSeriously, why can't everyone just donate $.50 to shipping costs via paypal or something -- hell, I'd do that just to make everyone happy. If 40 or 50 people do that, there's your shipping money right there.
I think we may do that with the next contest. This is kind of a test run to see how it goes. I truly appreciate the suggestions guys!
Posted on Reply
Would I be elegible, If I was willing to pay for the shipping?
Posted on Reply
I cant make it in time...T.T

PaulieG, I'm Currently making A GIF image for WCG, Are you allowed to have animated Sigs?
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