The AMD Athlon II X2 250u was a desktop processor with 2 cores, launched in October 2009. It is part of the Athlon II X2 lineup, using the Regor architecture with Socket AM3. Athlon II X2 250u has 1 MB of L2 cache and operates at 1600 MHz. AMD is making the Athlon II X2 250u on a 45 nm production node using 410 million transistors. The multiplier is locked on Athlon II X2 250u, which limits its overclocking potential. With a TDP of 25 W, the Athlon II X2 250u consumes only little energy. AMD's processor supports DDR3 memory with a dual-channel interface. For communication with other components in the system, Athlon II X2 250u uses a PCI-Express Gen 2 connection. Although the processor doesn't come with integrated graphics, certain motherboards with compatible chipsets can provide this capability.