Well here we are with a few more buys from the last few months... I wished I'd done this sooner but there we go... So....
The thermal pads where for a RTX 3080 I was having issues with some temps, so had to test out if it was a dead cooler or if there was a problem with the copper shims I had installed on the card.
The NVME I might have already put up (apologies if I have!) was for the give away we have for the WCG, FAH, Rosetta team give away in our Kriejl giveaway
Which is by the way, still up for grabs....
I also found a very good price on some network cards I will toying with the idea of buying.... Which I ended up buying....
5 10Gb dual port cards.. Use the Intel T540 drivers I believe, which I got rather cheaply at just under £40 a card
It was a shame when they arrived as I had to pay an import tax which kinda made them not as cheap as I had hoped but after talking to the seller, they had given me a half refund on the import tax which wasn't great but better than nout.
After a few Prime deals and a few things for Christmas was on offer, I sadly couldn't resist
I saw a cheap deal for some CPUs I was after, always with the bad timing but I thought £170 for a 5800X and £240 for a 5900X CPU, I thought it was too good to be true, so I bought them
It was for our WCG teams we have for the 5900X (an upgrade from the 3900X that was in there before) and then the pair of 3900X's I had from there, would go into my girls rigs, so they both have 3900X's now and Rosie has a 3950X which I thought worked out well
I had also managed to find a few other things on my watch list that was knocked down and cheap and finally I had got around to testing a PSU I had bought months ago from our
@the54thvoid which I will leave feed back for as well
No issues when testing the CPUs, it worked perfectly well
The Funko Pops I'm not sure why I started on those, but that ended up me spending more than I ever thought possible but I'm not looking to buy anything else now!!
This next item I was rather frustrated with but I did have my doubts when I ordered it... I saw on Amazon that these WD Black PCIe NVME Cards where on offer for the 4TB versions, I think something about the £240 each ish mark.... Well when they turned up.......
They were a little bit smaller than I had expected.... Sadly they have been sent back now, won't be bothering with them again.... The reviews as well, didn't seem so great sadly....
Anyways, a few more Vinyl LPs I saw and I couldn't say no too....
I bought the Queen set for my Dad for Christmas, grabbed him also Tublular Bells 3 and a Roger Walters Pink Floyd album as well, which I think all where special editions
I noticed the Oasis one's I had been putting off to buy for a little while but sadly waiting too long was not a good idea and lost out on the other albums I was hoping to get but I'm sure I can track them down at some point
The two Linkin Park albums where Special Editions and big ones at that... The Meteora album after I had bought it, had gone up £50, so I'm glad I bought it when I did.... Now all I do need is a record desk to listen to them all on!!
I also found out that I will need to replace my AV Processor as my sub output has decided to pack up and stop working... I can't really complain to be honest, it is somewhere about the 22 years old......
I hope that was some interest to some one other than myself!!
Hope everyone is doing alright!!