The Ryzen 5 5600X and the Ryzen 5 7600 were two CPUs that sold well on
If you (now) compare the Ryzen 5 9600X with the Intel 12700KF, the Intel 12700KF is a good buy even though the CPU has been released almost three years ago.
The amount that the Ryzen 5 9600X is faster in single-core performance percentage-wise is similar to the difference in multi-core in favour of the Intel 12700KF
The Intel 12700KF is also significantly more economical at idle.
In my country, the Ryzen 5 9600X is 85 EUR more expensive than the Intel 12700KF, which does not make it an interesting purchase at the moment.
People have also gradually reached the limits of silicon, so in a few years you will probably no longer see big jumps between CPU generations.
It was known 50 years ago that light computers would ultimately be vastly superior to silicon.
But in all those years there has not been a single PhD student who had the capabilities to develop a fast light computer that was commercially interesting.
Light-powered computer chip can train AI much faster than components powered by electricity
New chip design uses photons rather than electrons to perform calculations, and scientists hope to integrate the technology into future graphics cards to train AI.
Whether light computers will be the successors is not yet certain, but silicon will probably be replaced in the next 30 years.