Lava Computer

November 6th 2005
12,429 times
Really ugly (2.2)
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Key Features:
AMD CPU AMD Graphics Custom Paint Job
System Specs:
  • AMD 64 2800+
  • 1GB Corsair Value DDR400
  • ATI 9800pro /w ramsinks
  • GA-K8NS
  • 80GB SATA
  • DVD burner
  • 450W POS (PSU)
Performed Mods:
Painted case black and custom sleved wires.
Needs to be overclocked
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12 Comments on Lava Computer

UnregisteredI don't think your links working?
It works for me...
Posted on Reply
My mistake, I was using a computer at the University Library and for some reason Internet Explorer would not let me use any links, It even showed my post as being by and unregistered user. Whatever.
Posted on Reply

I like the looks of your case and so far what is visible. Looks nice and neat. The setup you have is not bad either, an AMD64 2800+ and the 9800pro is a nice setup till prices drop on these monster cards out there.
Posted on Reply
i like the paint i hate a silver ( stock) inside of a case and the same goes for a power supply but it ok you didnt i did and ruined mine and the mobo
Posted on Reply
My friend has a very similar system. Worked like a champ for him until about a week ago when is board fried. I personally think it was his PSU that caused it. It's sparked/smoked on him twice. TWICE, and he still uses it. I'm getting off track though, awesome system and case man. Again I say I love black interiors.
Posted on Reply
Spinal C
nice but i dont see how it asssociates with the name lava
Posted on Reply
Spinal Cnice but i dont see how it asssociates with the name lava
Maybe the background in picture 1? That's the only thing I can think of...
Posted on Reply
what paint did u use?
is the insaid steel or aluminium?
Posted on Reply
ooo I like! its black, and its shiny, and its clean...need I really say more? lol
Posted on Reply
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