Performed Mods:
*** Watercooled
*** 8 Waterblocks: CPU (Swiftech), 8800GT (Koolance), 8600GT (Swiftech), Northbridge (Swiftech), Southbridge (Swiftech), RAM (Innovatek), VoltReg (Aqua), HDD (random)
*** Radiators: Black Ice GTX480 + GTX240
*** 2x DDC pumps
*** Innovatek tank
*** Tubing: Primoflex UV Green + UV Blue 3/8ID 5/8OD
*** Coolant: MCT40
*** "Wired free" interior wire management
*** UV LED lighting only
*** VERY quiet setup, PSU is the only audible component
*** Cutom "Turbine Compressor" front intake
*** AlphaCool LCD
*** Thermaltake Hardcano13
*** Temps Idle: Room:25C, CPU:33C, 8800GT:37C, HDD:31C, RAM:31C, Water:27C
*** Temps Load: Room:25C, CPU:38C, 8800GT:41C, HDD:31C, RAM:33C, Water:28C
14 Comments on OverFlow
Is that mood lighting behind your LCD's?
oh and btw 10/10
Nice touch on paneling the inside of the case as well.
you get a 10 from me.
P.S. Panchoman... how come there were no 10s when I voted?
Very, very nice! Clean and well thought out. The desktop is awesome too.
The case, the water cooling, the lighting, the cable management....the whole set-up in your room (pc desk, tri-head display, surround sound and backlighting).