MAIN USE- Videoediting and Gaming***
APP- Adobe Master Collection (Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Premiere)
3DMARK06, Call of Duty 4 and Unreal 3***
The First two pics, are before i did some cable management. This is the best cable management that i can do. If you got any ideas to make it look better, let me know.
17 Comments on CrAcKeRjAcK bLuE mOnStEr
sweet system man!
awesome, awesome to the max!
Got some cross ties today and put them on. And put some more pics up. So tell me what you think now.
Thanks for the ratings!!!
My temp drop 11c, I switch out the my Blue Thermaltake with the XIGMATEK Fan. XIGMATEK 1400rpm. My Thermaltake 2800rpm, so yeah to switch it around. I'll be replacing the XIGMATEK with another Thermaltake (Better air-flow)
Doushe Bag, What do you got?