!! Shining RAVEN !! from JAPAN !!!

July 2nd 2011
12,428 times
Superb (7.9)
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU NVIDIA SLI Custom Paint Job
System Specs:
  • CPU Core i7 970
  • CLR Thermalright / HR-02
  • M/B ASUS / Rampage III Formula
  • Mem ADATA  / AX3U1866PB2G8-TP2
  • SSD Corsair / CSSD-F40GB2 x4 [RAID 0]
Performed Mods:
Shining RAVEN! And,Carbon line!
I cut the acrylic, and painted excluding the character of RAVEN. And, the back of the character of RAVEN is painted white, and the LED has improved. I did by another one. It made outside two lines a carbon.
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20 Comments on !! Shining RAVEN !! from JAPAN !!!

Solus Ipse
good rig man, i like that case :) and the window effect is really nice
Posted on Reply
Wow!! Creative and Awesome work! :)

I love shining white RAVEN logo. ;) It's really very nice..!!! :)
Beautiful Black paint of Acrylic is also very artistic work!!!

Thank you very much for posting good!! mod case. :)
Posted on Reply
Great work & idea,Hide.
It's Very COOL!
Dark atmosphere terribly drifts.
Of course, though it is a good meaning.
Posted on Reply
I am in Japan too, and getting my Raven RV03 in a few hours. w00t!

Nice setup. :)
Posted on Reply
A shade of HR-02's Green-hole suits GREAT!
I love this Logo"Raven", 'cause Many Crows could live in this Castle:)
Posted on Reply
can we see pics of the cable management on the back of the mobo tray? :)
Posted on Reply
Creative, clean, and mean. Great job with the cable management and the color themes. It's great. 10/10
Posted on Reply
Thank you for the comment on many not considered.
I'm sorry that the reply is delayed and.
Posted on Reply
Solus Ipsegood rig man, i like that case :) and the window effect is really nice
Thank you for your comment.

It is my favorite window.
Posted on Reply
rojiuranonekosannWow!! Creative and Awesome work! :)

I love shining white RAVEN logo. ;) It's really very nice..!!! :)
Beautiful Black paint of Acrylic is also very artistic work!!!

Thank you very much for posting good!! mod case. :)
Thank you for your comment.

The idea of this logo was hit on at once.

However, how it achieved it worried.
Posted on Reply
rikuntyudadyGreat work & idea,Hide.
It's Very COOL!
Dark atmosphere terribly drifts.
Of course, though it is a good meaning.
Thank you for your comment.

This image is...
"RAVEN" came from the devildom.

I am glad to make to good.

Posted on Reply
AnushaI am in Japan too, and getting my Raven RV03 in a few hours. w00t!

Nice setup. :)
I am surprised to hear that you are Japanese.
I am surprised to hear that your case is RAVEN3,too!!!

Thank you for your comment.
Posted on Reply
jh005A shade of HR-02's Green-hole suits GREAT!
I love this Logo"Raven", 'cause Many Crows could live in this Castle:)
The green hole is connected with the devildom.

Please take care.

No matter how you become me, the responsibility cannot be taken.


thank you for your comment
Posted on Reply
Anushacan we see pics of the cable management on the back of the mobo tray? :)


Do you want to see it really?

There is a jungle there.

There is a cable jungle .

Never look.

I do not want must to look.

It says for you.
Posted on Reply
cute_kidchuckyvery creative. good work man 7/10
"Creative" This word is very glad. Thank you.
Posted on Reply
AfterlifeCreative, clean, and mean. Great job with the cable management and the color themes. It's great. 10/10
"Creative" This word is very glad.

Thank you for your comment.
Posted on Reply
What fans do you use?

What fans do you use? i think they are very cool..
Posted on Reply
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