noctua fans (push pulls) on prolimatech megahalem cpu cooler,
asrock p67 PRO motherboard,
ASUS gtx560ti TOP battlefield 3 edition (900mhz stock oc),
8gb (2x4) PNY optima ddr3 1333mhz RAM,
corsair tx650 psu
Nzxt white phantom,
sony optirac DVD RW,
80gb seagate baracudda 7200rpm boot drive,
maxtor 250gb 7200rpm secondary drive,
maxtor 750gb external drive (music(full)),
philips ambx PRO gaming speakers/ambilights(multi colour led remote controlled strip around roof to match these),
samsung syncmaster p2450 LCD screen,
Performed Mods:
White carbon fibre vinyl on the drive bay door and both side panels (top/front may follow),baby blue cold cathode light also sound activated
p.s i know the psu is "upside down" i changed it to try and get more airflow through it as computers in a desk also sorry for blurry pics hard to get camera to focus on the fibre effect
2 Comments on carbon phantom (white)